Well statistically speaking, over time, gun violence has proportionally increased. So yea, more guns = more gun violence.
The year is 1487, and little Timothy is out for a walk near his local Fox News station and decides to step in a get the facts. Sir Walter Billium Oreilly says to little Timothy, "FUCK IT, I'LL DO IT MYSELF!", then says, "Little Timothy, or whatever the fuck your name is, there's only been 12 shootings this year."
Now the year is 2015, and little Timothy's great great great great great great great great great great great grandson, walks to the nearest CNN news station and poses the same question. Coyote Blitzer says, "A lot kid, thousands, many thousands per year"
Now of course, I can't support any of this information right now with references, but I did want to take a jab at Fox News and CNN. So there's that.