New Member
McCain=social destruction and WAR.
Hook, line, and sinker.......It's tough, I realize, to read comments and comprehend metaphors, analogies, and things like that, esp when one has such a difficult time with the written word in the first place.(YOU ?)
The "Bush Third Term" does not mean that your political opponents are so benighted as to believe that Mr. Bush will once again be our president, silly.(YOU?)
I'd explain it to you, but it would be pointless. You have proven yourself incapable of original thought and critical thinking skills.(YOU?) And that, I would guess, is the reason for the snippet out of a right-wing opinion that you have posted.
(Next, I know, here it comes: the personal insults. I'm just terrified of what Diane might say to me or about me. Such a tongue, that one, eh?) (YOU, eh?)
Oh, did that editorial say that the last two Democratic candidates were blowhards? LMAO I know of a blowhard right here.(YOU?)
as compared to unorganized crime............Obama=Organized crime
How so? I kinda get what Medicine Man is implying, but I'm totally in the dark as to why an Obama administration would mean organized crime. I'm not being sarcastic, I would like to hear you out.Obama=Organized crime
you got any democratic convention watch parties to go to???chug a chug a chug a chug a chooo choooo!![]()
Well thanks for the apology, much appreciated. My parents actually did not pay for any of my college. I have been working since I was 13. My Dad died when I was 20, and my mom is a raging alchy. So I pretty much did do everything for myself since I was capable, minus the house note. I paid all utility bills and for all of the groceries while living with my mother and that included taking care of my sister who was 8 years younger.JamieMichelle wrote:
. I was telling my story and how I dont think anyone should be on public assistance. Period.
2. I do not think its fair for Wal-mart to have any tax breaks, period. I feel bad for the Wal-Mart employees and I am saddened that most live under poverty because they work there.
3. I went to private schools and public schools. My parents are/were (my fathers now deceased) taxpayers... thats who paid my way through school. All of the colleges, minus a semesters at a jc have been private institutions.
4. I am entitled to my own belief just like you are... whats your point?
My mistake, at least in part, Jamie. I inferred from your post (I believe it is #799) that you believed you were a self-made, educated person who did it all with no help, in particularly no public assistance. You did say that: no public assistance--so while I'll gladly admit misreading your post, it was only to a certain extent: there was certainly room to infer that you meant YOU were completely responsible for educating yourself and providing your child. See my point?
So, I guess my question for you is this: What of the person who makes the same "mistake" you did (and me, for that matter--though to say our children are mistakes is rubbish), yet does not have parents to pay their tuition? My parents did not pay my tuition. I was responsible for my life decisions, ie, having a child, attending a university. So what happens to people who do not have parents to pay tuition and/or are not capable of doing what I did? I was pretty clever about finding work and making it fit my schedule, but I'm also very much aware and grateful that I lived in an affluent area where I was able to make good use of the service/hospitality industries. What happens to people who can't make it happen? What happens to people who come from the "underclass"? If that's where they began, should we just are just let them drown--metaphorically? You had your parents to help you. I had a good neighborhood, middle class background and contacts.
Also, regarding private universities and colleges, consider that almost all of their students are eligible for federal student aid. That does qualify, when all the dust settles, as taxpayer assistance for the schools themselves.
I also made a mistake in assuming that you were saying you were against taxes. Again, I have myself to blame for misreading your post. I got your posts mixed in with others, griping about taxes, and so on. My apologies.
Of course you are entitled to your own beliefs. I made a few mistakes in reading your posts, and I apologize for that. I do, however, want to add that I vehemently disagree with you that no one, for any reason, should ever be on public assistance. Those people who can be educated and are willing to put in the effort will only enhance our entire society if they are given that opportunity. For that reason, I wholeheartedly support federal student aid, grants, and even the dreaded "welfare" programs.
Again, I want to make it very clear that I misread parts of your post and I am apologizing.
Well I did it. I didnt have money by any means. We lived in a tiny ass apartment that was not in a good neighborhood by any means. We didnt have a washer or dryer, or a laundry mat any where close so I hand washed all of my cloths. My mom left me for two weeks with 4 pieces of bread and a can of corn and I did what I had to do to get money. She had a major alcohol and drug habit, not to mention she was slutting around with all kinds of men and if my Dad found out he would make me move with him and I didnt want to."What happens to people who can't make it happen? What happens to people who come from the "underclass"? If that's where they began, should we just are just let them drown--metaphorically?"
We live in a society today where academia has convinced the populace that "everyone" should, or needs to get a college education. Not true. We still need people to pound the nails, carry the hods, lay the brick and mortar, tighten the nuts, adjust the valves, cut the meat, harvest the tomatoes and mow the lawns.
I was a hoddy! Hence my ox like physique."What happens to people who can't make it happen? What happens to people who come from the "underclass"? If that's where they began, should we just are just let them drown--metaphorically?"
We live in a society today where academia has convinced the populace that "everyone" should, or needs to get a college education. Not true. We still need people to pound the nails, carry the hods, lay the brick and mortar, tighten the nuts, adjust the valves, cut the meat, harvest the tomatoes and mow the lawns.
You carried hod? I doubt it, How many bricks in a lay up? How many blocks in a square? How much mud to lay a thousand blocks/ bricks? The only thing blocklike is your head.I was a hoddy! Hence my ox like physique.