Wifes up n awake
@ValleyDragon said she will be home for xmas which kind of made me think oh shit that's more work for me!!!
Did yer put some new pix of that grek you were trying to grow? I can't remember, maybe i will have a glance back tonight, but for now its under 10 hours yeah lmfao
@THCBrain I tried that ripen and to be fair its not done it for me, but loads say it does? I might as well have mangooed on mine!!! Ethylene is the only real ripening catalyst I have ever read about but that was in a book by Dr Immy Rectum who also quotes dr shit fingers findings on the use of the cretaceous-tertiary big dicked indian elephants bellend smeg to aid faster ripening! So maybe we should trust VD's findings before he jumps head first into another teacup storm

Oh and god love our Zedd, he's like a bad judge rinder