RNC wants Trump out of race over Muslim remarks


Well-Known Member
FBI reports show Jews are far more likely to be targeted because of their religion than Muslims.

That's not politically correct. You must be a racist. lol

Now if we had been talking about being targeted by our own federal government, I'd say Christians and/or Republicans probably top their list since every time some Muslim kills a slew of innocent people somewhere, our shit-for-brains political leaders fall all over themselves to defend the religion of peace while chastising Christians and anyone that would dare to think that radical Muslims could possibly represent a security threat. Talk about living in a dangerous fantasy.

But Trump is a douche, IMO. He may say things that resonate with a lot of people but damned if I want 4 or maybe even 8 years of yet another fucking idiot. Bush and Obama are more than enough to last a hundred years or so. Let's get some realists in there instead of another fucking narcissistic bonehead.


Well-Known Member
please explain the relationship b/t deficit and accumulated debt.

Are you serious? You don't understand what the national debt is? You don't understand how the deficit comes about and how it contributes to the national debt? How about revenue, how does that play into the picture?

Me thinks, you be pulling my leg.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? You don't understand what the national debt is? You don't understand how the deficit comes about and how it contributes to the national debt? How about revenue, how does that play into the picture?

Me thinks, you be pulling my leg.
How much of the national debt is Obama directly responsible for?


Well-Known Member
You forgot to include America. I've been to an American interment camp, or rather what's left of it. Do you want to play the genocide card next? I have the Native American card in my hand as well.

Our govt has fucked up so many times. I should have including America. But it goes to show you that the winner writes history.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? You don't understand what the national debt is? You don't understand how the deficit comes about and how it contributes to the national debt? How about revenue, how does that play into the picture?

Me thinks, you be pulling my leg.
I do. but Obama currently has a budget surplus, not deficit.

since you understand, could you explain why the GOP controlled Congress has not passed a balanced budget let alone a budget that spends less than our revenue? Congress passes the budget, the Pres only makes suggestions.
And do you think it's fair that W got a budget surplus from Clinton while Obama was "gifted" a roughly 3 to 4 Trillion dollar burden from the failed Iraq war from W?


Well-Known Member
I do. but Obama currently has a budget surplus, not deficit.

since you understand, could you explain why the GOP controlled Congress has not passed a balanced budget let alone a budget that spends less than our revenue? Congress passes the budget, the Pres only makes suggestions.
And do you think it's fair that W got a budget surplus from Clinton while Obama was "gifted" a roughly 3 to 4 Trillion dollar burden from the failed Iraq war from W?

You can compute what Obama's surplus has to be in his last year in order to make his total contribution to the debt sum up to neutral. His debt is a summation of his budget performance over his full term.

If you're asking me if I believe our government dysfunctional, that would be a yes.

I'm saying the numbers are the numbers. Right now he's adding to the debt and more than likely it'll end that way. The question, what will the final magnitude be?


Well-Known Member
You can compute what Obama's surplus has to be in his last year in order to make his total contribution to the debt sum up to neutral. His debt is a summation of his budget performance over his full term.

If you're asking me if I believe our government dysfunctional, that would be a yes.

I'm saying the numbers are the numbers. Right now he's adding to the debt and more than likely it'll end that way. The question, what will the final magnitude be?
we agree on one thing. our gov't is a steaming pile of shit.

you didn't answer one ?: do you think that Obama should be held accountable for the estimated 3 to 4T carryover from W's Iraq war?
W doubled our national debt from 5T to 10T. if you add the 4T to him, he almost tripled it. if you take away 4T from Obama, he only raised it 4T total, not the 8T that Fox claims.


Well-Known Member
It's called being an egomaniacal mad man, that was bankrupted 4 times, that the banks HAD TO SUPPORT or they would have lost billions, that masses of idiots relate to, somewhat like Nero, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Stalin and Mao, being called the greatest thing since sliced bread, and a savior. The list goes on, and fucking on. Holy shit, it's fucking amazing that this guy is the #1 candidate by a major political party in the US to be president. (And Americans wonder why the world thinks we are dangerous fucking fools)
I actually think this twat might be elected. After all, Nixon, Reagan and Bush were all elected TWICE, not once, and all were close to him as far as being lying, fucking idiots. (They just never owned casinos)

It shows how out of touch career politicians and anal`ists are. People want a hardass, fowl mouth, aggressive leader that means what he says. Worth hundreds of millions and people care about bankrupt strategies. He is no failure by any means, anyway you look at it. I don`t want Mrs. lie, Mr.Relative, or Dr. feel good,...I want someone that bucks the system, rebels against the norm, not owned and in favors debt. That`s how you get rid of what`s been done already.

The world thinks they way they do about us not because of Donald Trump, but those before him cuz he aint done nothing yet.

The only losing or failing he will encounter is if he does not get elected. What a horrible thing on your resume,...lost a public Election.........


Well-Known Member
Democrats like him? Wha the fuc? What Democrat could possibly stand him, not even mention like?
You are seriously confused there, my friend, but your name actually explains that. (too many 8 balls?)

I know plenty of people that voted Democrat last time and will vote Trump this time. Yes, it`s possible to vote for someone new.

The days of two selected for you candidates are coming to a close. Hopefully we start that with Trump,...


Well-Known Member
Millions and millions into their homes? This whole country is built with millions and millions of people that came here with NOTHING, that built the homes, that will accept millions and millions more, hopefully. What are you, a fucking American Indian, because if your not, don't go near dissing immigration. Man, I wish I could actually call you a dick, but that would make you happy, right? That's the vibe I'm getting, so I won't, I'll just expect your significant other to do that for me.

Unlike you, I believe the last attempt to take over the World was the defining moment we can call America,... America. Welcome, don`t like it,...leave. The Imperial Japanese and Third, tried, failed and would have had a field day with what we had if we waited,...so America is America we earned it now.
The Democrats like him too, I have not found many Dems at all liking Hillary or Sanders. The only one that will change this country for the better, is Trump, everyone else is bought and paid for.
It's obvious that Trump is capable of funding himself, but Sanders is not a candidate I would say is "bought and paid for" by any means.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious that Trump is capable of funding himself, but Sanders is not a candidate I would say is "bought and paid for" by any means.

He`s a pushover politician,...We don`t need another politician with promises that will step aside to Black Lives Matter. Will he step aside from Putin ?, ISIS, If you`re gonna lead,.....Lead.
Our having two dominant parties is a product of the political "rules of the game" so-to-speak. In a system where a 51%+ vote wins it all, as opposed to simply the candidate with the highest %, it ends up boiling down to two parties over time. Obviously there's a little more to the complete picture here, but I wanted to respond briefly. It seems like a few people in this thread don't understand why.
He`s a pushover politician,...We don`t need another politician with promises that will step aside to Black Lives Matter. Will he step aside from Putin ?, ISIS, If you`re gonna lead,.....Lead.
Id personally prefer a leadership attempt at solving problems within our border first, and exterior conflicts second. Especially since the outside problems tend to stem from oil or religion, neither of which will matter nearly as much in 50-100 years.