Oh man, so you are saying that industry would never make these kinds of discharges if the EPA were not around? Wasn't there a huge spill of waste from a coal mine a year ago or so? It took out a city's water supply and as far as I know, they are still trucking water in. There have been some enormous mine-spills in Idaho too. Colorado is dotted with old abandoned mines that are now filled with toxic water. So, yeah, free market solves everything (snicker).
The Animas River spill was from one of those abandoned mines -- the Gold King mine, which shut down in 1923. The abandoned mine was leaking toxic water from an earth and timber dam at the time and water was building up behind the earthwork. The EPA was trying to avert the disaster and, it went wrong, no excuses for that. At the time of the Colorado gold rush, mines were dug, money was banked and the owners moved on to other things. Toxic waste water became somebody else's problem, like you, me and the EPA. This is how your unregulated free market works.