Like I knew, no evidence just enemy and press numbers. We need to rely on the enemy and press to get civi numbers. They claim the number 165,000 died after bombings destroyed food sources, health care services, drinking water destruction, and even count attacks by the enemy on civilians because the US provoked them.
Holy shit guy, I can`t believe you buy into this shit, .. There is no mention of if the battles were strikes worth doing or had to be done, or just defending themselves.
Nothing, nothing at all is accurate coming out of there.
Dude when ISIS took a city, then got chased out by Iraqi or US forces, that total number of civis is added to the US kill list, how do you think ISIS took the town without killing anybody on the way in and while being forced out? This is done because the US is the aggressor,...Wouldn`t of happened if we didn`t,? Get real, you said directly as in pulled the trigger dead.
You`ve proven nothing but there is a war, civis are dying and non of it would happen if the US didn`t begin the war. That`s the murder of civi`s yooze guys talk about,....
Some of these sites have a day by day count, but don`t say how they died. Count that too because the US is the aggressor and it wouldn`t haver happened if we didn`t.
Total BS designed to degrade the US and prop up the Middle East as Innocent civis being murdered to sell stories.
Most of this counting happened in 2003, and is no longer able to prove.
Just like I thought, give me,...They said so. or The UN says they told them,......
All you can prove is that half a million are dead in a war the US started. That`s it.