Whats up with all the racism going on?

They killed 3000 in 15 years. That's 3000 too many, but that's NOT WW3...

They are a lunatic fringe that will not ever be successful...

Like FDR said in a real war, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself"

Believe it!
Don't bet they will never be successful. In a way, they are "the mother of all" gorilla groups. They have their tentacles in just about every nation. And as long as the US and Europe continue to do just about everything in their power to help them further their infiltration, I can't see how they can fail.
Don't bet they will never be successful. In a way, they are "the mother of all" gorilla groups. They have their tentacles in just about every nation. And as long as the US and Europe continue to do just about everything in their power to help them further their infiltration, I can't see how they can fail.

Most of the recent mass murders are white males who couldn't relate to women.

Isis is a bunch of radicalized fanatics who will never achieve their goal.

I refuse to live in fear.
Most of the recent mass murders are white males who couldn't relate to women.

Isis is a bunch of radicalized fanatics who will never achieve their goal.

I refuse to live in fear.
yeah... those white boys sure do drop a lot of skyscrapers. Mofos always walking around with suicide vests, mowing down people at malls and blowing up nightclubs full of teens. Those fucking white males are vicious! You sure got that threat pegged right there slick.
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Then go buy a bunch of guns, canned food and water and hole up in a cave like they do.

Business as usual for the rest of us.
I don't go on the defensive. And as our naive lovers of all things Muslim continue to defend importing more and more with a personal religious goal of participating in the deaths of as many innocent American people as possible for their idiotic god, I hope people will recall who it was that enabled them. I know damned well I will.
I don't go on the defensive. And as our naive lovers of all things Muslim continue to defend importing more and more with a personal religious goal of participating in the deaths of as many innocent American people as possible for their idiotic god, I hope people will recall who it was that enabled them. I know damned well I will.

Sure, I know who enabled them. Post WW ll American government & oil companies that propped up brutal dictators and raped their resources so gas stayed at 30 cents a gallon for 25 years...
It seems to be worse than usual.
I rarely watch the news. I did see Obama give his speech the other day about all the shootings and to not forget that all Muslims are not terrorists and what not.
So the other day I'm standing in line at Wendy's, and I can't help but to listen in on a conversation taking place right in front of me. Apparently it was a group of AA people who just got out of a meeting. The one most involved in the conversation was an old man, I'm guessing in his 80's, totally decked out in veteran gear, and he was basically telling everyone how he was walking by, and came across " two of those damn Muslims". He basically said something along the lines of, they were staring at him in a weird way, and somehow thought they were going to pull a gun on him. He was also starting to direct the conversation towards me , since I was standing there listening. Idk if it's because I'm bald with a beard, Maybe he thought I would jump on board. But I did finally pipe in and said " maybe they were thinking the same thing as you. Maybe they thought you would pull a gun on them." He immediately realized I wasn't on board, kinda waved me off, and continued talking to his group.
So I thought that was pretty silly. Apparently there are lots of people who think all Muslims are terrorists..
Then, this morning, I get a text from my mom, who I swear isn't all there, and very racist and homophobic, of a huge new tattoo she got on her arm. It's an eagle(she's obsessed with bald eagles) with the words "The time has come to take back what is ours!"
I'm just kinda speechless about it.
Should I stay inside for awhile? Is there a big race/religious war about to begin? It's starting to make me really wonder.

In the 40's you were able to call someone a derogatory slur if they were trying to kill you. Did you expect an 80 year old man suddenly to be PC? Yes, stay inside forever... It is safer there!!
In the 40's you were able to call someone a derogatory slur if they were trying to kill you. Did you expect an 80 year old man suddenly to be PC? Yes, stay inside forever... It is safer there!!
Guess what? It's not the fucking 40's anymore. I would have told him to go pop a viagra and fuck himself. Something that I couldn't have gotten away with in the 40's. See how progress works?
Guess what? It's not the fucking 40's anymore. I would have told him to go pop a viagra and fuck himself. Something that I couldn't have gotten away with in the 40's. See how progress works?
He'd probably shoot you with his legal concealed carry gun and then Repubs would look into your past for terrorist connections and blame you
Sure, I know who enabled them. Post WW ll American government & oil companies that propped up brutal dictators and raped their resources so gas stayed at 30 cents a gallon for 25 years...
I'm surprised you didn't appeal to some 15th century crusade. But this is 2015 and in this era, it's naive western liberals that are enabling them.

But what do the Iranian Ayatollahs and national leaders say is their goal? Or are they a fringe Muslim group? lol


The only people that don't believe what the Islamic clerics say are the head-up-ass western Left.

Read Ibn Warrack's Russel-like, "Why I'm not a Muslim". Philosopher-mathematician Bertrand Russel wrote a detailed, rational analysis of Christianity and handled many of the propositions of its leading apologists. Warrick did the same. The west really needs to get a clue as to what this religion is about.
I'm surprised you didn't appeal to some 15th century crusade. But this is 2015 and in this era, it's naive western liberals that are enabling them.

But what do the Iranian Ayatollahs and national leaders say is their goal? Or are they a fringe Muslim group? lol


The only people that don't believe what the Islamic clerics say are the head-up-ass western Left.

Read Ibn Warrack's Russel-like, "Why I'm not a Muslim". Philosopher-mathematician Bertrand Russel wrote a detailed, rational analysis of Christianity and handled many of the propositions of its leading apologists. Warrick did the same. The west really needs to get a clue as to what this religion is about.

Shove your racist bull shit up your ass.

All religions are a fairy tale to begin with.
Shove your racist bull shit up your ass.

All religions are a fairy tale to begin with.
At last some truth! All religions are bullshit. But this one has targeted western culture in general, and random innocents in particular. And they aren't into knocking on your door and politely asking if they can share Mohammed with you.

But I'm also not unsympathetic to your references to the affairs after WW2... etc. I'm well aware of the Balfour declaration and all the American-British zionist bullshit that was perpetrated to bring Israel into existence at the expense of the people that lived there.

But that doesn't mitigate the unpleasant fact that in 2015 there are a huge number of people - even a tenth of a percent of a 1.5 billion people is enough to cause some bad shit - that sympathize with the effort to come to western societies for the purpose of bringing death and mayhem.

Btw, your knee-jerk charge of racism is... - racism??? - we're talking religious extremists here, not some race lol. The incessant charge of "you're a racist" for everything under the sun that doesn't set well with your mindset reminds me of what frustrated 10-year-olds do when they don't have anything substantive to say.
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At last some truth! All religions are bullshit. But this one has targeted western culture in general, and random innocents in particular. And they aren't into knocking on your door and politely asking if they can share Mohammed with you.

But I'm also not unsympathetic to your references to the affairs after WW2... etc. I'm well aware of the Balfour declaration and all the American-British zionist bullshit that was perpetrated to bring Israel into existence at the expense of the people that lived there.

But that doesn't mitigate the unpleasant fact that in 2015 there are a huge number of people - even a tenth of a percent of a 1.5 billion people is enough to cause some bad shit - that sympathize with the effort to come to western societies for the purpose of bringing death and mayhem.

Btw, your knee-jerk charge of racism is... - racism??? - we're talking religious extremists here, not some race lol. The incessant charge of "you're a racist" for everything under the sun that doesn't set well with your mindset reminds me of what frustrated 10-year-olds do when they don't have anything substantive to say.

It sounds to me that if you see a group of a 1000 people, and one is bad, you hate them all equally

How would YOU define that?

You think all Muslims are bad? Then you are very unenlightend...and talk about 10 year olds to someone else, I am a couple yrs. younger than you...and your BS makes us all look bad...

There's bad people in every race, religion and creed...are you one of them or just ridiculously intollerant of those who don't agree with your own biased ideas?
It sounds to me that if you see a group of a 1000 people, and one is bad, you hate them all equally

How would YOU define that?

You think all Muslims are bad? Then you are very unenlightend...and talk about 10 year olds to someone else, I am a couple yrs. younger than you...and your BS makes us all look bad...

There's bad people in every race, religion and creed...are you one of them or just ridiculously intollerant of those who don't agree with your own biased ideas?
Dude - you are seeing thru a VERY one-dimensional lens here. And you apparently don't have a clue what I think regarding "all Muslims" and trying to confuse your guesswork with my thoughts is just plain counter-productive to further discussion.

This isn't about hating or race - duhhh! But apparently that's all you know - hate and race. This is about not being naive concerning what this religion is about and hoping to hell that political correctness really isn't negatively affecting the efficacy of our immigration screening process..

I don't hate these people as some kind of monolithic group, But I'm damned well not gonna give their supposed "small minority" of murderers the benefit of any doubt given their track record of wanton atrocities - not to mention THEIR OWN PUBLIC DECLARATIONS OF INTENT.that only idiots ignore Even if only a tenth of a percent of Muslims were enthusiastic about violent jihad, that's 1.5 million people that would love to cut YOUR fucking head off! or toss you off of a roof if you're gay So you go ahead and ignore them and view all this through the typical race-hate-blah-blah blah smoke screens. And really, all things considered, I hope in the end you're right and I'm wrong since otherwise just means more and more and more unnecessary jihadist attacks on innocent people. Time will definitely tell.

I think rather than having to bother reading lame-ass accusations of racism and hate and all that doofus shit anymore, I'll just let it go that we are going to fundamentally disagree so why bother? You can have the last word and call me a racist again so you can feel all smug and cozy in your I'm superior to you game and maybe I'll catch ya again in the future.
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Dude - you are seeing thru a VERY one-dimensional lens here. And putting words in my mouth as if you had a clue is just plain counter-productive to further discussion.

This isn't about hating or race - duhhh! But apparently that's all you know - hate and race. This is about not being naive concerning what this religion is about and hoping to hell that political correctness really isn't negatively affecting the efficacy of our immigration screening process..

I don't hate these people as some kind of monolithic group, But I'm damned well not gonna give their supposed "small minority" of murderers the benefit of any doubt given their track record of wanton atrocities - not to mention THEIR OWN PUBLIC DECLARATIONS OF INTENT.that only idiots ignore Even if only a tenth of a percent of Muslims were enthusiastic about violent jihad, that's 1.5 million people that would love to cut YOUR fucking head off! or toss you off of a roof if you're gay So you go ahead and ignore them and view all this through the typical race-hate-blah-blah blah smoke screens. And really, all things considered, I hope in the end you're right and I'm wrong since otherwise just means more and more and more unnecessary jihadist attacks on innocent people. Time will definitely tell.

I think rather than having to bother reading lame-ass accusations of racism and hate and all that doofus shit anymore, I'll just let it go that we are going to fundamentally disagree so why bother? You can have the last word and call me a racist again so you can feel all smug and cozy in your I'm superior to you game and maybe I'll catch ya again in the future.

I don't require the last word...but since you invited it, here's what I'll say.

I believe you have more hate in your heart than me...You guys have more 'knee jerk' reactions than we do...and terrorists are a tiny lunatic fringe, not the norm... and too many people worry about massive attacks that aren't going to happen.

We were behind the curve on 9/11...

We are on top of it now and Obama or any other president will do everything they can to eliminate the terrorist threat.

The cup is half full. Enjoy the rest of your life...we aren't going to be killed by terrorists.
I don't require the last word...but since you invited it, here's what I'll say.

I believe you have more hate in your heart than me...You guys have more 'knee jerk' reactions than we do...and terrorists are a tiny lunatic fringe, not the norm... and too many people worry about massive attacks that aren't going to happen.

We were behind the curve on 9/11...

We are on top of it now and Obama or any other president will do everything they can to eliminate the terrorist threat.

The cup is half full. Enjoy the rest of your life...we aren't going to be killed by terrorists.

We were behind the curve on 9/11 but we are on top of it now because we just let a terrorist into the country under a K1 Visa??? And Obama's solution is to increase gun background checks?

If they cant find a terrorist with a background check how are they going to catch the criminals with a much briefer one?

I am not sure if we havent fallen off the curve.