Whats up with all the racism going on?

We were behind the curve on 9/11 but we are on top of it now because we just let a terrorist into the country under a K1 Visa??? And Obama's solution is to increase gun background checks?

If they cant find a terrorist with a background check how are they going to catch the criminals with a much briefer one?

I am not sure if we havent fallen off the curve.

Then go hide in a hole... Obama has better intelligence on the situation...

ln more ways than one...
The facts and reality seem to disagree with your view on the situation. In more ways that one.
Obama won't do shit about going after isis or as he calls it isil which is not the same thing. He constantly lies. He so inept he announces what the military is doing on TV so. Like when he announced when the soldiers were being shipped out. So the enemy just sat and waited for the soldiers to leave the base then they swooped on and stole everything that was left.

Yes he is a pussy. He still refuses to say the terrorist attack are isis related. He keeps saying there not proof when there's tons of proof.

There's been more terrorist attacks, more shootings, more pot busts more everything on Obama's watch that any other president.

Not to mention all the fraudulent shit he has pulled. The illegal executive orders he pushes through. The trade agreement that was illegal for 150 years. That Obama pushed through. Now the illegal background check he is trying to push through without going through congress and the senate. And much more. He even has lied about the unemployment rate which is higher now than in 2009. He doesn't go by the U6 rating which covers all types of employnent.

Trump just plays the media. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's a business man. An evil diabolical genius too. As a politician no chance

All the choices for candidates are a joke.

It's a lesser of all evils. Bernie is an idiot and doesn't know the first thing about economics. His plan will cost 18 billion tax dollars. The same people will be paying those taxes not the 1%. It has to go through congress and the Senate . He doesn't have the.power to legalize anything if elected. Hillary will end up having health problems then Joe Biden will step in. The final candidates will be Joe biden, ted Cruz and Trump will go independent. And split the republican vote and biden will be president. That will be like another Jimmy Carter

Btw I am a Republican and I will turn you all into one right now.

Democrats believe in small business and big government. Republicans believe in small government / state rights and big business. You can't have small business without big business once you realize that you will be republican
Racists are Always talking about States rights
It seems to be worse than usual.
I rarely watch the news. I did see Obama give his speech the other day about all the shootings and to not forget that all Muslims are not terrorists and what not.
So the other day I'm standing in line at Wendy's, and I can't help but to listen in on a conversation taking place right in front of me. Apparently it was a group of AA people who just got out of a meeting. The one most involved in the conversation was an old man, I'm guessing in his 80's, totally decked out in veteran gear, and he was basically telling everyone how he was walking by, and came across " two of those damn Muslims". He basically said something along the lines of, they were staring at him in a weird way, and somehow thought they were going to pull a gun on him. He was also starting to direct the conversation towards me , since I was standing there listening. Idk if it's because I'm bald with a beard, Maybe he thought I would jump on board. But I did finally pipe in and said " maybe they were thinking the same thing as you. Maybe they thought you would pull a gun on them." He immediately realized I wasn't on board, kinda waved me off, and continued talking to his group.
So I thought that was pretty silly. Apparently there are lots of people who think all Muslims are terrorists..
Then, this morning, I get a text from my mom, who I swear isn't all there, and very racist and homophobic, of a huge new tattoo she got on her arm. It's an eagle(she's obsessed with bald eagles) with the words "The time has come to take back what is ours!"
I'm just kinda speechless about it.
Should I stay inside for awhile? Is there a big race/religious war about to begin? It's starting to make me really wonder.

I think people are realizing that not all Muslims are terrorist but those are too weak to stop the Radicals murdering in the name of a God. Radicals don`t have a gigantic Military anything, but are kicking ass and taking names over there. Anyone that steps in is racist and punished.

The guy you speak of, maybe he can`t tell the difference and the safe play is to profile all until he can. I can`t tell the difference either.I can`t read or writ their languages and know not what they say when they come hear from there.

Any Muslim that complains about it is a good Muslim scared. Any Muslim crying racist,...is more likely to be violent first because crying people get angry most of the time.
I really don`t see caution as racist but many do.

You don't want the government making excuses to invade your privacy and take away liberties . You sound like @uncleben ..

I've got some information for you that you may not like but the truth hurts sometimes.

If someone is truly committed to dying and taking out a couple dozen people with a chopper or an Ar15 ..there is really not much to stop them . Its not hard to sneak into this Country.. Its a very large land mass.

Our intelligence is what can stop these dickbags before it starts..but we don't have enough Arabic translators or covert agents.

We should have 3-4 undercover Muslims in every mosque in the country.
You don't want the government making excuses to invade your privacy and take away liberties . You sound like @uncleben ..

I've got some information for you that you may not like but the truth hurts sometimes.

If someone is truly committed to dying and taking out a couple dozen people with a chopper or an Ar15 ..there is really not much to stop them . Its not hard to sneak into this Country.. Its a very large land mass.

Our intelligence is what can stop these dickbags before it starts..but we don't have enough Arabic translators or covert agents.

We should have 3-4 undercover Muslims in every mosque in the country.

It`s been like ten years now and they`re shooting back with our shit. Give me a try now. Putin has more Class and Pull than I and took it upon himself, but those doing it now, need to be over there with back-up and last I hear, Boots on the ground was a no-no.

That bad of a shortage would indicate many more of them in which case the brake is the one on the left. At that point you do the talking with howitzers, you`ll be surprised how quick things change when those good guys realize all we want is a translator or two. I think I can hold my ground better than travel into there`s and try to hide at daylight and shit. Not letting any more in is at least a step.

Our intelligence takes longer than the Howitzer because we are into a decade now.

Jus sayin...
Maybe we can hermie the Gov. and get a fourth branch, Maybe it`ll allow the constitution to change it`self since we can`t do it.
Twin Towers were on numbnuts watch.

And the next largest terrorist attack on US soil happened within the last 2 weeks. Your point? BTW, it aint America that is the problem. If you look around you might notice the entire western world under siege at the moment. Russia is losing jetliners, Paris, California, etc...
I really don`t see caution as racist but many do.

I don't think its racist, its cowardly.. You going to let a small group of fanatics change your whole way of life? I don't believe a God Damn thing the media is pushing.. They tried to hype up this imaginary war on cops for years now.. Or Isis is coming to get ya ..blah blah blah..
And the next largest terrorist attack on US soil happened within the last 2 weeks. Your point? BTW, it aint America that is the problem. If you look around you might notice the entire western world under siege at the moment. Russia is losing jetliners, Paris, California, etc...

OK city bombing was bigger than paris , the Russian jet and San Bernardino combined.