How do they look 2


Well-Known Member
WHen you have tree trunks like that then you can tell sombody else to clean their plants. Did you see those 8 footers, i think he is doing just fine!!! Whats expected yeild off of these bad GIRLS??


Well-Known Member
OMFG WTF!!! man you have a fucking MARIJUANA TREE! that is so kick ass! you gota post pics when you harvest that Badass Muthafucka. Speaking of harvest, what are you planning on using? a chain saw.....


Well-Known Member
well id clean it and shit better air flow and gets ride of un nessarcary stuff thats absorbs water cause it dead and drie and id get rid of the ineer noads thats dont see no light


Well-Known Member
Well tru that as far as the dead leaves, but those lower nodes probably stretch all the way up to the top of that tree, his lower nodes are as thick as my main stem on my 2 1/2 footer. Good job man keep doing what your doing!!


Well-Known Member
i do agree with u they probaly do strech by that i ment all the noads thats not seeing no light they turn out to be pop corn buds anyway ya know that kind of shit and yes a fucking amazing job id be more than happy with that crop id be fucking stoked but i cant let mine get that big in my state did u veg before puting em outside or go from seed early in the season


Well-Known Member
So i am guessing they have started flowering? How far along are they? You got days of HARVESTING there bro, lol Can't say i would be upset, lol. Man oh man i cant wait to see this finished!!


Well-Known Member
So i am guessing they have started flowering? How far along are they? You got days of HARVESTING there bro, lol Can't say i would be upset, lol. Man oh man i cant wait to see this finished!!
A few are into their third week the rest are just starting. Has far as the trimmin goes, its my stimulus plan for a select few :peace: