Good idea about the 0.1g. I always preffered having a little buzz, then being high or stoned. Could be because I've never tried a proper sativa strain, but all types of cannabis make me feel heavy after an hour of smoking. Plus I act like a complete dipshit when in a heavy state, so a light buzz helps me maintain the clearness of my thoughts. :D
Love this thread and you lovely people that contribute to it! I'm interested into how you all got into cannabis,
  • when did you first use it?
  • what made you want to use it?
  • how you use it?
  • do you still use it?
  • what is the purpose of your grows, personal, money or hobby?
@Gregor Eisenhorn
@Anon Emaus
@harris hawk
And anyone else who I haven't mentioned who has contributed to this thread, (sorry if I have missed your name)
Also any new comers feel free to get involved! :weed:
I first smoked in high school and I felt it was an easy way to fit in with the rest of the crowd. It stuck with me and it became sort of my thing
I stopped for a while and started growing after uni. I've taken a liking to it... quite obsessive actually... but I got no one to share my obsession with :D
I make butter and use medicinally. Don't think I'll ever smoke again
It's medicine for migraines and stress. I'm a day dreamer so I enjoy zoning out and introspecting a lot. Makes me active as well... to the point where I revolt against dullness
Love this thread and you lovely people that contribute to it! I'm interested into how you all got into cannabis,
  • when did you first use it?
  • what made you want to use it?
  • how you use it?
  • do you still use it?
  • what is the purpose of your grows, personal, money or hobby?
@Gregor Eisenhorn
@Anon Emaus
@harris hawk
And anyone else who I haven't mentioned who has contributed to this thread, (sorry if I have missed your name)
Also any new comers feel free to get involved! :weed:
I 1st used herb back in 85 when I was in high school. I used it to to relax and laugh at my mates.i wanted to use it simply because it was fun and easy to grow and get. It grows anywhere in Australia in the summer. I started smoking out of a bong at 1st but only smoke the occasional spliff now.
I now use it if I'm pissed of or stressed, so not that often really. The reason I grow it is because it's fun and I do sell it to get extra cash. Now with all the different strains that are about it makes it even more exciting to grow.
Hope this helps Stick
Wow, what a great response and some fascinating stories! Really enjoyed resding through them all!
Please forgive me though, as I set off for work at half 5 this morning and didn't get home while 20.00! So I'm going to have a couple of beers and a pizza and have an early night and do it all again tomorrow! But I will get back to you all personally when I have the time and tell you all my story!
Thank you all for your time, you're all brilliant! :-P
How does the coco work mate?
Coco is hydro basically and is the total opposite to soil. Every time you water with coco you put 30% oxygen into the roots which is way more effective that soil or perlite. You can also re-use it after you have finished a grow which is cool. It is ph'd to 5.5 and has no salts of fertiliser in it. So last nite I added a quart of nutes to 2 Ltr of water and the results were amazing all of the seedlings had grown and took a nice lime green colour which wasn't there the day before. It's amazing stuff
Hey Stick what are your thoughts on adding some H202 to your reservoir? Have you ever tried it? I'm going DWC in a few days (hopefully) and I was just reading up on some methods to avoid the dreaded root. H202 has come up a lot of times so I was wondering if you use it.
I just read through this entire thread and yup, DWC for me. Looking forward to this coming year now for sure. I can get some AK47 and Chernobyl seeds, crossing my fingers that theres a Red Cherry pheno in the AK seeds (:

And I've got to say I am incredibly impressed with that setup!
Thank you for taking the time out to read through it, hope you have learnt a thing or two! I haven't heard of the Chernobyl strain, I'll have a look for it! Good luck in finding that pheno! :razz:
Coco is hydro basically and is the total opposite to soil. Every time you water with coco you put 30% oxygen into the roots which is way more effective that soil or perlite. You can also re-use it after you have finished a grow which is cool. It is ph'd to 5.5 and has no salts of fertiliser in it. So last nite I added a quart of nutes to 2 Ltr of water and the results were amazing all of the seedlings had grown and took a nice lime green colour which wasn't there the day before. It's amazing stuff
Sounds great pal, something I've never looked into, do you use it in the hempy buckets?
Hey Stick what are your thoughts on adding some H202 to your reservoir? Have you ever tried it? I'm going DWC in a few days (hopefully) and I was just reading up on some methods to avoid the dreaded root. H202 has come up a lot of times so I was wondering if you use it.
Sorry mate, I don't know much about it. I have always feared root rot myself but haven't given it much thought! I suppose prevention is the best cause! And if you are going to use it I would look for a product specifically designed for use with plants.
I shall let you in on a little secret aswell. I've never seen anyone else using this, but to be fair I've never looked. I don't use a pump and airstone, I found the pump too noisy and it pissed me off lol Instead I use a submersible pump, which is very quiet, and it creates lots of tiny little bubbles, whereas an air stone would create bigger bubbles and less of them. The plants I have done have always loved it anyways! Good luck and let me know what you decide on doing! :grin:
my dad was a police officer and used, so did most of my family,, i tried it first at a young age,, probably like ten i was in 7th grade and i really liked how it felt..by the time i was in high school my family all new i used and they were not happy but excepted it.. i only smoked weed till just a few years ago, now i make butter w/ it also and make bubble hash..i started growing in my dads back yard wile still in high school then moved it into my bed room closet,,he was really cool about it, but to this day ive never smoked with him..i grew for a long time once i bought my own house, built a grow room in my garage and sold the weed for profit and because it was much cheaper than buying it for myself and better quality..i married and moved to MI IN 2011 and just to keep my family safe i became a legal care giver,, i didnt really like growing illegally after i was married, i mean i dont care what happens to me, but i want my wife n son safe, so legal was a better fit..pluss i like improving the quality of life for others if i can..but i also found being a care giver is much more stressfull than growing to sell, u build relationships and lose people its very hard as they become way more than friends,,like family so loss becomes a big part of a care givers life and its very sad,,never thought growing legally would be harder than illegally growing and selling,, and legally there is very little to no profit so if u dont love growing and helping others,,your best off growing illegally and putting money away for a lawyer if anything should happen..wen i was growing illegally i had a lawyer w/ a deposit if needed as i was pulling in around $4000.00 every 8 weeks off just a 4x4 ebb n flow table..so i would put a bit aside just in case..,grow well n be well to all
Great story, thank you for your reply! Have you ever considered having a spliff with your Dad? I gave mine his first try of bud when I was around 14 (he said he tried hash in the 80's) and he was smashed, my mum came home from work and all he could do was laugh! lol
This is proper interesting reading this because in the UK it is still very much illegal, and it still isn't seen as medicinal. It is in the most part (from my experience) recreational. Maybe one day it will be legalised but I can't see it happening anytime soon. I lost a family member to cancer. And I knew cannabis could have helped him but no one else would have seen it that way.
I find what you are doing is very commendable, well done Sir and I wish you all the best for the future!
ive smoked with aunts,uncles,cousins,brothers n sisters, but will not smoke with dad.. i guess its just out of respect, i wouldnt feel wright about it..he always sais he only smoked it a few times but i know the truth.. he smoked for years and even has pictures of me as a baby on his shoulders with huge plants behind us,, he sais they wer for the police department so they knew what marijuana looked like..im the youngest of 4 and my brothers and sister all say he was a pot head... its cool, i let him think i believe his story, just like i give him weed and he sais its for uncle howie...i know he is smokin it... as long as we are happy, we have a good relationship, thats all that matters to me..family,,the only ones you can truly trust, you want whats best for them ,just as they want whats best for you..u always dont see things the same but, u know know matter what family is always there for you.. all the best
LOL yeah I have an otherwise very educated British friend who keeps telling me to stop smoking as he thinks it would resolve all of my problems, as if it were the devil's work or something haha
I know a guy who is fresh off med school who believes cannabis severely lowers sperm count.
But he is also a homophobe and has other weird ideas as well so... there's always gonna be people like that regardless of their education
Hey Stick, great questions.

1. I first smoked cannabis when I was aboooout 16 years old. I remember that the first time it didn't actually hit me, but I definitely wasn't sober. Only after the next joint was a high and a fucking kite.

2. I don't really know, I'm pretty sure it was one of those "oh my friends are smoking so I want to as well" type of decisions.

3. Joints all the way man. :D I absolutely HATE smoking in a rush. For me it's a time to unwind and do what the hell I want, so I always like to sit in a place I consider safe with a joint in my hand. I never liked using pipes, they make me feel as I'm smoking crack or something like that, although pipes and bongs allow me to actually appreciate the taste of pure cannabis. Without the tobacco and such. Bongs are somewhat exciting as well, maybe because I always use them when it's some type of special occasion, be it Christmas or a birthday. But I'm a lazy bastard by nature, so I hate cleaning up after using them.

4. About a year ago was the beggining of my really rough life (that still continues today) and I started to unfortunately abuse the stuff. Used to smoke it every day during the holidays and during school every other weekend. Since I'm very sensitive to all types of substances known to me like caffeine, cigarettes and cannabis, it was starting to affect me in the wrong sense. After I realised that I've starting to cross that dangerous line I quit. Knowadays I smoke once a month and I'm really content with that. :D Can't say I despise the stuff.

5. At first I wanted to grow because of the fact that it was something completely bizzare to me. I always liked working with my mum in the garden, so I thought to myself, why the hell not? Cannabis seemed very mysterious to me, being illegal and what not. So I started like a true n00b, buying that one 25W 6500k cfl, growing without any reflecting materials with just that bulb hovering up above the seedling. That all resulted in complete fuck ups, so I got furious and just tried my luck outdoors. After three months it was a result as I got about 15g of Lemon Haze, wow was I proud. :D Of course there was no type of LST and general knowledge in my doings, and I had to fight with bud rot. Lost about 50% of my plant. After that I came across sites like Grasscity, 420 magazine and eventually settled down in Roll It Up. :D After I saw the sheer amount of people dedicated to growing, the different techniques, methods and opinions I just got completely lost in fascination.

Now I grow for myself, because it really gives me something to do and I feel like it's the best hobby I ever had/will ever have. :D Growing also helps me with my anxiety disorder, gives me a sense of pride and acomplishment, even if my indoor grows are still proper shite. :D I would love to one day move to a country were growing is legal and join some kind of Anonymous Growers club haha. :D
I only sold cannabis two times in my life, just to be able to recompansate the dosh spent of bulbs and equipment, but I hated it. Stress and adrenaline are one of the worst combinations for me, so I never went back. The flowers I don't smoke myself are given to my one friend, lucky bastard he is.

What about you Stick?
I would much prefer to smoke a spliff myself but I am always worrying about smell, so prefer to vapourise or smoke a little bit in a pipe, that is on the rare occasion that I do smoke.
I'm sorry to hear about "your rough life", in what way did it turn rough and how? Tell us to fuck off if you think I'm being nosey! :wink: Either way, I hope you get past it!
I myself was a big user of bud at one point and was dependant on it, and I decided to quit. I absolutely love the stuff but it isn't for me anymore.
I myself have trouble with anxiety, something that cannabis used to help me with, but now has the opposite effects! I get the feeling you are from Northern England?!! If so, where abouts? Obviously don't be too specific!! :p
LOL yeah I have an otherwise very educated British friend who keeps telling me to stop smoking as he thinks it would resolve all of my problems, as if it were the devil's work or something haha
Oh don't get me started Calli! Lol I've heard people say "it's dangerous nowadays because of this new form of cannabis called Skunk" ! hahaha
I'm gutted, broken stem was doing alright, but I've accidently broke it some more so I've just cut it off completely. I know for a fact workwise aswell, I'm going to be busy as fuck in January and working away so I'm thinking of putting her into flower soon, so that I can be around for the stretch. God, this has been a stressful grow.