BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Got mine Saturday. I'll give the know it all a chunky line of proper. He boasts he can two gs for a fifty sheets ffs I can only imagine the shite he gets lol
I've seen the 1.6g of bud he gets for a score and I've thrown better away when ive done a bit of late lollipopping
Our Crimbo do might be cancelled. The venue owner has done a bunk with all the money lol I doubt we'll get somewhere else at this short notice.
Yup the gaffer embarrassed us all at Marco Pierre shites, clapping his hands above his head cos the waiter was a little slow on taking drink orders, degenerate alchy fuck.

He then went on to call his boss an arsehole and insult another colleagues wife before squaring up to me. 3 seconds later he couldn't remember. Culminating in his daughter slapping the bejesus out of him. I forcibly put him in a taxi and went home about 8.30 the rest took a henry of proper back to the MD's place so I doubt ill see any of them today. Proper spoiled the day and embarrassed us and him.
Yup the gaffer embarrassed us all at Marco Pierre shites, clapping his hands above his head cos the waiter was a little slow on taking drink orders, degenerate alchy fuck.

He then went on to call his boss an arsehole and insult another colleagues wife before squaring up to me. 3 seconds later he couldn't remember. Culminating in his daughter slapping the bejesus out of him. I forcibly put him in a taxi and went home about 8.30 the rest took a henry of proper back to the MD's place so I doubt ill see any of them today. Proper spoiled the day and embarrassed us and him.
Is that the lad R, that I met Don? He didn't seem like a raging douche nozzle, but then we were on a chilled Island smoking de Ganj, lol.
8:30!? That's very early for a drunken outburst. He must've been way out of line for his own daughter to slap him.
Our do may be back on. If it's back on it'll be at Hillsborough. One of the blokes is saying he won't go because he's a United fan lol
Is that the lad R, that I met Don? He didn't seem like a raging douche nozzle, but then we were on a chilled Island smoking de Ganj, lol.
Nah not the ginger fella it's his lasses father the other director. man you should read the tome of txt he sent late on last night, proclaiming he doesn't see what he did wrong ffs. bell end.
8:30!? That's very early for a drunken outburst. He must've been way out of line for his own daughter to slap him.
Our do may be back on. If it's back on it'll be at Hillsborough. One of the blokes is saying he won't go because he's a United fan lol
He was making jokes about niggers at full volume while our new indian employee luaghed it off it was cringetastic for everyone.

lol folks are funny about football eh. not that hillsborough was in any way funny but to say you aint going because your a utd fan is a bit much. as is the use of UTD when referring to man utd, there are other utd's ya know lmao!

yeah he was sauced by time we got sat for the meal hence the clapping to the waiter. who even told him that's not the best idea sir....glad I left them to it.
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How much of that Waiters spunk do you think he drank lol I'd think his dinner would've had a few "special" ingredients in it too.

He's a Sheffield Utd fan and now there's a Rotherham fan saying it too
aye we told him to stop it as we didn't want spit in our food aswell. had to apologise to the waiter.

I feel like i've been cheated out of a nice do. I might take my lass and enjoy the place properly some time.

hopefully your do will be less eventful man!
One of the lads is going to do a full Silver Bar after dinner. I've told him not to because there is no way he'll be able to be discreet on a full one but he knows best ffs I think I might accidentally forget to bring one for him.
my pal was had a half a one last saturday n said he was out of it, memory blank for about 2-3 hours. apparently he said to his lass ( as if he was sat in his front room) why doesn't every one just go home to bed. lmao

A full un off the bat will put the lad in his place, tell him to half it and do both at the same time. he'll know what's what haha

Why do folks try and be bobby big bollocks with drink n drugs i don't know. these days they're better than they ever were. Makes me luagh when folks get the rose tinted specks on and talk about speckled miztubishis back in the day blah blah blah. those pills were never anywhere near 200mg +
Would it have been nice if he'd not been a dick?
Is saying he can't remember any of it now? I would tell him every detail. How old is he? Is it out of character or are you always just waiting for the next episode?
I've got a mate that I won't go out with anymore for that reason. A change comes over him and you just know he gonna go.
He's 70 man. Should know better but then again that's alcoholics for you. Yeah it's always the same with this guy. I regularly refuse to get in his car after he's had several pints. He's not just my boss but a friend too, he's just an arsehole when he's full of drink, proper worky ticket.

nah he's not saying anything at the moment I imagine he's licking his wounds in his pit.
I don't know if they were stronger when I started in '89 but you never needed more than two for an allnighter. I will say the parties were better though. I think not drinking makes it better
What most don't take into account is that your first E will always be the best because after that your serotinin will never grow back in the same way as it was when you popped your cherry. increased usage over time seriously affects the glands that block uptake, meaning you have less euphoric rushes. these days I take 5HTP a few days either side of doing one.

That said I agree, parties were way better back when I started out. Y2K lol. these days warehouse raves are like hens teeth.