Well first off it sounds like you're trying to find a path of coexistence. For that I commend you.
But...I'm not sure you or anyone gets to be the judge as to what constitutes "natural" in regards to an expression of love....physical or otherwise. No one is asking you to participate and it isn't hurting anyone. You DON'T have to like it, but you don't get to dictate how other people positively express themselves. And in this case positively means its not hurting anyone...and NO, hurting your ideals doesn't count.
The fact that there is a need to make the distinction between "gay rights" and "rights" IS the whole problem. If they were treated equally they wouldn't be protesting in the first place. So to make it easy, anyone who thinks gays are entitles to the same freedom's as any American would fall under 1 of those terms.
No one is saying you can't have your opinion. If your OPINION is that you think being gay is unnatural... OK..that's true for you, got it.
If you're stating "they are" unnatural...well you don't get to set the bar for the rest of us. Slightly semantic argument I know, but it makes a huge difference.
1/1a,..I,........got nothing for that.
2,...We differ here. I don`t see anything family related to today`s definition of Gay. Gay is the totally opposite of procreation. I think it`s fair for a government to establish incentives meant to keep bloodline flowing and the gene pool in tact. That`s the Nature I refer to. When someone intentionally abuses the Nature of reproduction, they can`t turn around and say they are the same as those who do not abuse it. Two different animals on other ends. Gays give up the value of procreation and surrender Family. They should not be treated to the same incentives because they wish to save money or have say so in regards to parenting. If you`re not participating in nature the way Nature intended, you can`t have part of it. It`s not treated equally, it`s treated like them, and it can be proven they are not,...like them.
3,... got it, and if the larger majority says you can`t have it like me because you are not me, or the government states you cannot participate because you are disqualified, they should respect that for I don`t wish to be treated like them because I am not like them. They made them Gay, not me.
4,... The bar was set at the States Highest Courts each time marriage came to them. The SCOTUS set the bar Federally,...The SCOTUS set the bar out beyond their jurisdiction and job title,...You`re right, I don`t get to, but they got to. Illegally I might add.