injunction/court case updates

How much did you contribute hippy,
Hey Nadine what was the levels of contribution amongst mmar growers, dg's
Did big ones with big licenses contribute?
Or was it only the little med growers??
Did the larger contributors\major players have a bigger influence instructing
The case , i.e. grandfathering certain people and leaving out the others kinda
Accidently on purpose
BCbreeder-the names of the contributors were blanked out by Conroy. This is one of the disclosure demands, the identity of the contributor and the amount of their contribution. This is the problem with the lock box campaign, we are not able to track where the 82 lock boxes are now or how much money has and will be collected in the future or who put the money into the boxes or who opened them up and pocketed the cash. Wilcox launched the lock box campaign at the 2013 Vancouver Health Expo that Coalition treasurer Sandra Colasanti hosted June 28 - 30, 2013. I staffed the Coalition's booth for this event and I collected several hundred dollars the first day, but Wilcox took all of the boxes that were at the Expo home with him and, needless to say, we never received an accounting for one single cent that was raised through lock boxes that weekend at the Health Expo.
but Wilcox took all of the boxes that were at the Expo home with him and, needless to say, we never received an accounting for one single cent that was raised through lock boxes that weekend at the Health Expo.
There goes that cash then. That was a very sloppy setup. If I'd have seen a cash box for the coalition I wouldn't put a dime in. Nobody keeps track of cash boxes spread across Canada...that's insane.
I am sure the Hippy put his two cents worth in that's all any one needs to know.
Please be advised that even if Hippy only gave the joint-personal representative solicitor-client relationship with a non-lawyer operating as the "Coalition" his 'time' and 'interest' that is deemed to be support worthy of a demand from Hippy for the CWJPRSCRWNL to provide full financial disclosure as required by the government of Canada's annual filing requirements for all such enterprises whether for profit or not. This is called 'compliance reporting' and I am certain that Conroy is aware of this fact that the Coalition has a duty to provide 'annually' full financial disclosure and in the prescribed format which is 'audited' financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements and Auditor's Report, and NOT through intimidating Youtube videos and FB posts or by telephoning Wilcox or his little mate and Cannabliss Dispensary owner, Justin Loisoz, for verification that Wilcox's 'financial management style' is consistent with the generally accepted accounting principles and procedures (GAAPP) that govern business in Canada. But Conroy is simply the legal counsel for the Allard Action and not the Coalition's 'corporate' lawyer appointed under the Coalition's by-laws or Articles of Association, which is a completely different matter for a corporate lawyer and not a criminal lawyer. If Wilcox went to Conroy for advice and information or direction on the demand for disclosure it would be like going to a dentist for eye surgery.
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Please be advised that even if Hippy only gave the joint-personal representative solicitor-client relationship with a non-lawyer operating as the "Coalition" his 'time' and 'interest' that is deemed to be support worthy of a demand from Hippy for the CWJPRSCRWNL to provide full financial disclosure as required by the government of Canada's annual filing requirements for all such enterprises whether for profit or not. This is called 'compliance reporting' and I am certain that Conroy is aware of this fact that the Coalition has a duty to provide 'annually' full financial disclosure and in the prescribed format which is 'audited' financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements and Auditor's Report, and NOT through intimidating Youtube videos and FB posts or by telephoning Wilcox or his little mate and Cannabliss Dispensary owner, Justin Loisoz, for verification that Wilcox's 'financial management style' is consistent with the generally accepted accounting principles and procedures (GAAPP) that govern business in Canada. But Conroy is simply the legal counsel for the Allard Action and not the Coalition's 'corporate' lawyer appointed under the Coalition's by-laws or Articles of Association, which is a completely different matter for a corporate lawyer and not a criminal lawyer. If Wilcox went to Conroy for advice and information or direction on the demand for disclosure it would be like going to a dentist for eye surgery.

Again, if mediation is the rule of Albeta, your public posting is certainly gonna come back and bite you in the ass. You're on the Internet trying to drum up support for your cause, but by your own admission you should be trying to mediate a settlement with the respondent(s).

Something tells me that you have a little more vested in this than just the claims of fraud that you have laid out. And again with the kidnapping accusations. Why was law enforcement not invited to investigate such a serious claim? What is your real agenda here Nadine?
Again, if mediation is the rule of Albeta, your public posting is certainly gonna come back and bite you in the ass. You're on the Internet trying to drum up support for your cause, but by your own admission you should be trying to mediate a settlement with the respondent(s).

Something tells me that you have a little more vested in this than just the claims of fraud that you have laid out. And again with the kidnapping accusations. Why was law enforcement not invited to investigat such a serious claim? What is your real agenda here Nadine?
She did say herself she was hired and fired 3 times...considering its a volunteer position, why bother?
She did say herself she was hired and fired 3 times...considering its a volunteer position, why bother?
Sounds a lot to me like the Nadine is just a disgruntled, 3x fired "volunteer",'s hard to tell when we're only hearing one side of the story?

I'm not saying Wilcox didn't do these things, but the focus should be on the mediation Nadine says is the rule of Alberta. This should not be playing out in a public forum that's for sure...when it not before the courts.
Sounds a lot to me like the Nadine is just a disgruntled, 3x fired "volunteer",'s hard to tell when were only hearing one side of the story?
Maybe..maybe not, She did start sounding disgruntled when she started talking kidnapping and extortion. If that was true why would she be here talking about it?
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Sounds a lot to me like the Nadine is just a disgruntled, 3x fired "volunteer",'s hard to tell when we're only hearing one side of the story?

I'm not saying Wilcox didn't do these things, but the focus should be on the mediation Nadine says is the rule of Alberta. This should not be playing out in a public forum that's for sure...when it not before the courts.
If she has a case, and we are only hearing one side of the story, she has screwed herself by attempting to hold court on here. If there were incidents of kidnapping or extortion, it would be a police matter and there would be records of the investigation. When one gets kidnapped, their first course of action after escaping, is to report it to the police. She knows who her kidnappers were...charges should have been laid very quickly. It's very likely that somebody skimmed money, and that should be investigated, but claims of kidnap with no supporting evidence casts a lot of doubt.
Again, if mediation is the rule of Albeta, your public posting is certainly gonna come back and bite you in the ass. You're on the Internet trying to drum up support for your cause, but by your own admission you should be trying to mediate a settlement with the respondent(s).

Something tells me that you have a little more vested in this than just the claims of fraud that you have laid out. And again with the kidnapping accusations. Why was law enforcement not invited to investigate such a serious claim? What is your real agenda here Nadine?
Compliance reporting is my agenda and the Conroy-Wilcox joint personal representative solicitor relationship with a non-lawyer operating as the Coalition initially established the financial reporting format by posting their concept of financial disclosure through Facebook posts and Youtube videos instead of preparing and submitting audited financial statements for public review. I am merely following suit and posting public notice of my intentions to demand financial disclosure according to proper format and that is to provide audited financial statements which is a basic compliance requirement when the public is involved as an investor in a private joint venture.,.
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Compliance reporting is my agenda and the Conroy-Wilcox joint personal representative solicitor relationship with a non-lawyer operating as the Coalition initially established the financial reporting format by posting their method of financial disclosure through Facebook posts and Youtube videos and I am merely following suit and posting public notice of my intentions which is a requirements when the public is involved as an investor in a private joint venture.,.
But you're supposed to be mediating the issues NOW, that is done in private! That's all I'm sayin'...