Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
I would much prefer to smoke a spliff myself but I am always worrying about smell, so prefer to vapourise or smoke a little bit in a pipe, that is on the rare occasion that I do smoke.
I'm sorry to hear about "your rough life", in what way did it turn rough and how? Tell us to fuck off if you think I'm being nosey! :wink: Either way, I hope you get past it!
I myself was a big user of bud at one point and was dependant on it, and I decided to quit. I absolutely love the stuff but it isn't for me anymore.
I myself have trouble with anxiety, something that cannabis used to help me with, but now has the opposite effects! I get the feeling you are from Northern England?!! If so, where abouts? Obviously don't be too specific!! :p
No worries mate, you're not being nosey. Nice of you to ask! Around two years ago I started to feel very anxious about everything and with the amount I was smoking it just got worse and worse until I couldn't cope with it anymore. Just like with you, smoking really seemed to aggravate the anxiety (which is why I want to try my hand at CBD strains, got a seed popping just as we speak) and only after some time did I fully understand that I have an anxiety disorder. Growing somewhat helps me fight it, so I'm not giving up on this hobby no matter the odds. :D
Haha funny you should mention that, because I used to live in England for 11 years but then after my parents got a divorce I moved to Poland, looks like some things don't change. What about you Stick, what part are you from?


Well-Known Member
No worries mate, you're not being nosey. Nice of you to ask! Around two years ago I started to feel very anxious about everything and with the amount I was smoking it just got worse and worse until I couldn't cope with it anymore. Just like with you, smoking really seemed to aggravate the anxiety (which is why I want to try my hand at CBD strains, got a seed popping just as we speak) and only after some time did I fully understand that I have an anxiety disorder. Growing somewhat helps me fight it, so I'm not giving up on this hobby no matter the odds. :D
Haha funny you should mention that, because I used to live in England for 11 years but then after my parents got a divorce I moved to Poland, looks like some things don't change. What about you Stick, what part are you from?
I've just got my hands on a tiny bit of good quality hash from Amsterdam, it smells amazing, tastes great, so smooth and no anxiety or paranoia side effects, just a really great stone! I grew up smoking hash but only the shite that was always on the market in England, just the usual moroccan and soapbar, always preferred the stone to bud.
And I'm a Yorkshire lad me pal! :razz: Where in England was you from?
And good luck with the DWC, you'll love it!

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
North London, Islignton to be precise. Quite far off from you. :D Miss it with all my heart, I would love to go back there one day. England is fucking amazing.
Ooo hash, smoked it once and it was the most intense 30mins I ever had in my life.
Oh I cannot wait to see if the delivery is going to come tomorrow. If it doesn't then I'm proper fucked, because I've been germinating a seed for the past two days. Oops. :D


Well-Known Member
Ah Yorkshire, home of the (to me) ever mysterious Yorkshire pudding haha - have meant to spend a summer thereabouts for years! BUT, since it looks I'll never make it back up to Britain, maybe I should just try and make some myself :grin:

@Gregor Eisenhorn -- oo a friend of mine is also about to start a CBD-high strain, I really look forward to seeing how it differs in effect. What strain are you popping there?

@TheChemist77 well idk I have been smoking daily again for the past few weeks - and while it was nice for a bit, it doesn't do it for me because I am mostly smoking anonymous weed, which does relieve tension but on the other hand makes me listless and stupid in the head (so less relaxing than "ah, why even bother", which then makes me feel depressed).
So instead of taking a healthy, regenerating offtime over the cold & dark winter (as planned) I am more hanging around waiting for it to finally be over (again) :shock:
My point being, that it IS relevant WHAT we're smoking, more so than how often/how much? then again, my issue is not specifically anxiety ;)

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
A strain from Royal Queen Seeds called Dance World. It seems intersting, especially after I started reading on the differences between high THC and high CBD strains. This one actually has around 11% THC and 10% CBD so I presume there will be some sort of high. :D We'll find out hopefully in 2-3 months.


Well-Known Member
A strain from Royal Queen Seeds called Dance World. It seems intersting, especially after I started reading on the differences between high THC and high CBD strains. This one actually has around 11% THC and 10% CBD so I presume there will be some sort of high. :D We'll find out hopefully in 2-3 months.
Now that sounds really interesting indeed!
Too bad I wouldn't be able to grow it lmao, "Dance World" brings Abba into my involuntary internal jukebox on "repeat eternally" and I hate Abba!!!


Well-Known Member
North London, Islignton to be precise. Quite far off from you. :D Miss it with all my heart, I would love to go back there one day. England is fucking amazing.
Ooo hash, smoked it once and it was the most intense 30mins I ever had in my life.
Oh I cannot wait to see if the delivery is going to come tomorrow. If it doesn't then I'm proper fucked, because I've been germinating a seed for the past two days. Oops. :D
What made you choose to go to Poland? You bloody English people going over there and taking all of their jobs! lol
If it doesn't turn up mate just keep the seedling going in whatever medium it is you are using, i would keep it in that until you see the roots popping out and then transfer into the net pot with just a layer of pebbles underneith it, then just hand water until the roots hit the water then boom!


Well-Known Member
Ah Yorkshire, home of the (to me) ever mysterious Yorkshire pudding haha - have meant to spend a summer thereabouts for years! BUT, since it looks I'll never make it back up to Britain, maybe I should just try and make some myself :grin:

@Gregor Eisenhorn -- oo a friend of mine is also about to start a CBD-high strain, I really look forward to seeing how it differs in effect. What strain are you popping there?

@TheChemist77 well idk I have been smoking daily again for the past few weeks - and while it was nice for a bit, it doesn't do it for me because I am mostly smoking anonymous weed, which does relieve tension but on the other hand makes me listless and stupid in the head (so less relaxing than "ah, why even bother", which then makes me feel depressed).
So instead of taking a healthy, regenerating offtime over the cold & dark winter (as planned) I am more hanging around waiting for it to finally be over (again) :shock:
My point being, that it IS relevant WHAT we're smoking, more so than how often/how much? then again, my issue is not specifically anxiety ;)
Nah then, theres nowt wrong wi Yorkshire puddings a tell thi! Haha you should definitely come over, some really nice places, others... Not so nice lol
And I agree with you, I smoked some of my Trainwreck last week, and I didn't enjoy the feeling, I'm an over active thinker to begin with, and find that some strains just make my mind just go into overdrive and start worrying about stuff that really isn't worth worrying about. It's weird. When I have had some of my Hash Bomb I don't really get those feelings as much, but still a little bit. But from the hash I get no crap side effects, just nice and relaxed! :razz:


Well-Known Member
A strain from Royal Queen Seeds called Dance World. It seems intersting, especially after I started reading on the differences between high THC and high CBD strains. This one actually has around 11% THC and 10% CBD so I presume there will be some sort of high. :D We'll find out hopefully in 2-3 months.
Always been interested in the CBD strains and would love to grow one, but It would be hard for me to sell it. That sound like a really good ratio though, can't wait to see how it turns out! :-D


Well-Known Member
May I ask what kind/size of bucket you have there and what's in it? Fck'n magnificent:bigjoint:!
Thank you very much!
It's an Oxy Pot, not sure on the size of the bucket, probably 20litres. I empty it and fill it up with 15 litres every week and this is enough to bring the water level just beneath the net pot.
For the Hash Bomb I used :-
750 x 750 x 2000mm tent.
Shogun Samurai nutrients.
600w dimmable Ballast.
250w Metal Halide for veg.
250w High Pressure Sodium for flower.
Avenger Adjust-a-wing reflector


Well-Known Member
Nah then, theres nowt wrong wi Yorkshire puddings a tell thi! Haha you should definitely come over, some really nice places, others... Not so nice lol
LOL yes I do keep thinking that myself - not off the list, just not top of it either ;)

And I agree with you, I smoked some of my Trainwreck last week, and I didn't enjoy the feeling, I'm an over active thinker to begin with, and find that some strains just make my mind just go into overdrive and start worrying about stuff that really isn't worth worrying about. It's weird. When I have had some of my Hash Bomb I don't really get those feelings as much, but still a little bit. But from the hash I get no crap side effects, just nice and relaxed! :razz:
Which brings up the question of what strain that hash is made of --- or whether the processing involved with making hash changes something (which I wouldn't necessarily have thought)? Have you tried making hash and compared it with the same weed in budform? Ah the multitude of experiments!

Oregon Gardener

Well-Known Member
LOL yes I do keep thinking that myself - not off the list, just not top of it either ;)

Which brings up the question of what strain that hash is made of --- or whether the processing involved with making hash changes something (which I wouldn't necessarily have thought)? Have you tried making hash and compared it with the same weed in budform? Ah the multitude of experiments!
It absolutely does make a difference. I have been making hash for many years. However recently, I was turned on to the Frency Canoli Hash thread. We have been doing all kinds of wacky stuff. All the stuff in the videos. We have smoked the same strain at each stage of the process and the high changes. A couple of strains have come into my garden and never left. I have been hashing this particular strain for at least 8 years. There is a consensus among a few that there is a definite difference! It's been a fun last couple of days



Well-Known Member
ive noticed wile making bubble hash, with each different strain i get different colored hash..most afghans produce a dark brown or black hash, wile my skunk trimmings get me a light tan or blond colored hash..i prefer the blond hash effects over the black..the black is really sedative wile the blond seems more energetic wile allieviating body pains...

most hash plants are of afghan genetics..