whats in a good ayahuasca mix??

Yup hopefully the root powder mixes up well and extracts well...... I would do the same with the rue ...Just chunk it up not quite to powder ..... Good luck with your tea !! Really want to see the amount of material it comes out to be ..... Before and after
Yup hopefully the root powder mixes up well and extracts well...... I would do the same with the rue ...Just chunk it up not quite to powder ..... Good luck with your tea !! Really want to see the amount of material it comes out to be ..... Before and after
Heeee heee. I can't wait.
Ok. Soooo. Around 1/20 th of the end solution. Assumed 10g ACRB 1.9 g Rue. Is about the same feeling as an 1/8 of shrooms. Similar visuals. Also a sexual enhancer.
Yeah made mine over the weekend.... I'm guessing I made enough for two but buddy stayed sober..... Drank a good cup and a half ... Really thought I could hold it down but 30 minutes later purged violently .... Soon after felt weight less ..... I was so relaxed but made it weird to walk... I think I can make it stronger cause the hard effects lasted about a hour ..... That was Saturday and still feel the afterglow .....I used oz of Syrian rue and 100 grams acacia....... just felt great by the bonfire with my eyes closed got lost in the music ..
Yeah no kidding..... I still feel weak in the knees and everything is vibrant still.... Feel like the movie last Dragon.. I've got the glow ..... But that purge was really hardcore.... Felt like I'd never stop .......well did take another dose the morning after lol .... So feeling great
Yeah no kidding..... I still feel weak in the knees and everything is vibrant still.... Feel like the movie last Dragon.. I've got the glow ..... But that purge was really hardcore.... Felt like I'd never stop .......well did take another dose the morning after lol .... So feeling great
My purge... Came out the... Other end.
Live and learn.
Lol my back door is fine ....was worried but I'm good.....Yeah was looking into iboga .....but heard its less psychedelic ... more of a push forward if I understood right
Lol my back door is fine ....was worried but I'm good.....Yeah was looking into iboga .....but heard its less psychedelic ... more of a push forward if I understood right
Lol. Why not experiment if you got tha goods? Makes weed just a little more interesting.
Lol. Why not experiment if you got tha goods? Makes weed just a little more interesting.

Agreed... With couple tweaks my next brew will be better.......but that taste was horrid ... It had layers of funk ....trying to chug didn't work ......
Agreed... With couple tweaks my next brew will be better.......but that taste was horrid ... It had layers of funk ....trying to chug didn't work ......
Yes. Horrid is a very good description. Chugging it was what got me in trouble last time. But. I will chugg some tonight. With an eighth of shrooms. :wink:
Ok. Here we go.
Ok "SWIM" made a brew for a friend on sunday morning. 30g ACRB powder. Around 3ozs lemon juice (oz per wash). And 6g of syrian rue. Reduced to 16oz liquid (2 cups). Friend called out sick. So I said. F' it. Drank 4oz (half cup), took a long shower. Cleaned my place a bit. Over 1/2 hour has passed. Drank another 4oz. Less than 1/2 hour later. Trippin' balls. No purge. Couldn't even force a puke or pooh. Was like doing more than 7gs of shrooms. But a more life/death scenario.
It's funny. The brew makes me think....
Strange things? It makes me think on becoming a better person. Also. I always. Well. For these two real trips. Feel like I've died. Or am dead. Like a ghost. Stuck in pergatory. Trying to fix a wrong that has. Or will happen. I don't necessarily know if I'm the direct cause. But. By trying to be a better person myself. Hopefully. I can avoid it from happening.
Another thing that I have realized. Whenever I trip. Super balls. I make my own personal realizations. Then I lock them away. In my own memory trip journal. And this journal can only be fully accessed when tripping balls again. Then all is remembered again.
@mikek420 @New Age United @HeatlessBBQ
I'm always deeply concerned for the safety of people who talk about making/consuming ayahuasca unsupervised. I'll take the cost of a trip to Argentina over the cost of a gargantuan bad trip. Just me though.

Be safe, be well.
I've had that same feeling of this is actually death that we're living in right now. On 200 mg of 4acodmt I remember being glued to my bed absolutely couldn't move. I wanted to cry out for help or something. Anything to remind myself that I'm alive and all is ok. And as soon as I got the thought thatb"I'm alive I can't be dead, this is MY house MY parents are sleeping upstairs... A huge voice? Thought? Completely obliterated everything else and just basically said no. And your parents have gone through the exact same thing. Like I saw them come down in the morning and see my paralyzed body, cold and dead and stiff, and in this image (felt like forever, was probably only 1-2 minutes... If that!!) They came over and were laughing at me. Like haha newb. We've been there done that. Now get up. cause we're all dead here. And there were rainbows coming out of their body's, like chakras. And I thought no.. Noooo this can't be it. I'm dead you guys are alive. And they said no, we've always been dead. You've always been dead. And then all the color got sucked out of the room like I was in black on dark gray. Not even white, almost black on different shades of black. And then a voice said, its time to come back now. And I heard a song
If I hadn't been paralyzed, I would have written it down. It was fascinating.
Something about I don't wanna be a hippopotamus I'd rather be a unicorn because the unicorn is at the top and the hippos are way below and then... The colors started cycling back and the song repeated itself at least a dozen times. Like I got the impression that the reason it repeated was because I/we were too stubborn to understand the meaning. Towards the end, the very last time. It raced through the whole cycle. Something about the races on our planet coming from other planets and other shapes within shapes and colors. But it sped up really fast cause I just got IT. I understood everything. Each line I looked left. Then another line I looked right then the again left and faster. And faster until I was looking leftrightleftrightlefrighlefriglerilrlrlrlrlrlrlrlr and as I changed direction with my eyes. One distinct hue would come back to my vision
I don't like to think upon it too much. It's as though we are all part of one being trying to go through every possible or imagined instance. Trying to become perfect. When that does happen. Everything can end and go on. But to us here and now. It can't. There are far too many probabilities to be conceived of. That is when I relax and draw back. Cease my thoughts of existence and decide to just exist.
In recent days I have absorbed and accepted that for our own current realization of reality. All things great and small reside in a state if duaLity. Good or bad. Quantified by our own commulative understanding of physics, perception, and spirit. Everything is or can either be good or bad. Zen.