EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
My terminology may be a bit clumsy; the suckers are the suckers and they sound convinced and intolerant because they are. The 'hard core' I was referring to gives less of a damn about ideology and more about how they can profit by the situation. They aren't suckers; they're the succubi.
The cow to slaughter switchback pen works well and is applied to voters by the media leading them to the Hillary slaughter at 60 count 'em 60% points:shock: hell she MUST be good amirite?:lol:..not quite the image I was looking for but close:

Image from http://www.grandin.com/gifs/vicky-flyzone.jpg.

Like it or not it's our duty to unleash them..
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Well-Known Member
I like Bernie but he won't win the nomination, the Dems want to run a woman up the flag pole this time. But she could use a solid level headed running mate.
Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot pandering to his republican base, but that will cost him dearly with the swing voters he needs to swing over if he wants to win the presidential election. Trump has already chased off too many votes from the fringe into the waiting arms of Hillary Clinton.
I think Bernie will be in the White House in 2016....but as VP
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Well-Known Member
I like Bernie but he won't win the nomination, the Dems want to run a woman up the flag pole this time. But she could use a solid level headed running mate.
Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot pandering to his republican base, but that will cost him dearly with the swing voters he needs to swing over if he wants to win the presidential election. Trump has already chased off too many votes from the fringe right into the waiting arms of Hillary Clinton.
I think Bernie will be in the White House in 2016....but as VP
So you would vote for him but...?

This is not about what you 'think' will happen..what would happen if you voted and he won? What would happen if you voted and he lost?

Job well done media:clap:


Well-Known Member
So you would vote for him but...?

This is not about what you 'think' will happen..what would happen if you voted and he won? What would happen if you voted and he lost?

Job well done media:clap:
If I vote for Bernie & he lost, I would get a Republican president = Not acceptable
Hillary is the countries best chance of keeping a republican out of the white house...


Well-Known Member
If I vote for Bernie & he lost, I would get a Republican president = Not acceptable
Hillary is the countries best chance of keeping a republican out of the white house...

It`s so sad that many care if a Republican or Democrat get the White House.

What happened to skilled and unskilled ? Talk about being trained.


Well-Known Member
If I vote for Bernie & he lost, I would get a Republican president = Not acceptable
Hillary is the countries best chance of keeping a republican out of the white house...
I firmly believe Mr Sanders would handily win a presidential contest against any republican contender.

This mandate would be the whip he could use to generate reform, but what people do not understand is that he will need help once he wins or nothing changes.


Well-Known Member
It`s so sad that many care if a Republican or Democrat get the White House.

What happened to skilled and unskilled ? Talk about being trained.
It's because of the stance most of the republican candidates have on key issues...SS, womens rights, EPA ect......I shudder at the thought of a republican president, it would set the country back 50 years....


Well-Known Member
It's because of the stance most of the republican candidates have on key issues...SS, womens rights, EPA ect......I shudder at the thought of a republican president, it would set the country back 50 years....
WTF do you mean WOULD? It already HAS! You're talking about finishing a lost century and I'm definitely not on board.

If we don't see real change in this country as a result of the next presidential election, I believe the stage will be set for a people vs US Federal Government confrontation. As we already know, they're far better prepared for that eventuality than the citizens they ostensibly serve.

The Nazi Party was helped into power by the corporate establishment, who profited handsomely from the deal. They too put down popular dissent, often brutally.

Dig deep enough and the similarities between modern day republican policy and fascism become impossible to leave unaddressed.

Yeah, I said it. Now try and refute it.


Well-Known Member
If I vote for Bernie & he lost, I would get a Republican president = Not acceptable
Hillary is the countries best chance of keeping a republican out of the white house...
Why? If Hillary has 60% what's one vote..she doesn't need your help..or does she?:lol:

Wait until just before the primaries, you'll see the real numbers 14-21 days out..all of a sudden Bernie will surge..it will be a miracle the media will say and because of trump/Clinton infighting..but it won't be..they will finally have to report the real numbers..they're will be no hiding it.
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Well-Known Member
WTF do you mean WOULD? It already HAS! You're talking about finishing a lost century and I'm definitely not on board.

If we don't see real change in this country as a result of the next presidential election, I believe the stage will be set for a people vs US Federal Government confrontation. As we already know, they're far better prepared for that eventuality than the citizens they ostensibly serve.

The Nazi Party was helped into power by the corporate establishment, who profited handsomely from the deal. They too put down popular dissent, often brutally.

Dig deep enough and the similarities between modern day republican policy and fascism become impossible to leave unaddressed.

Yeah, I said it. Now try and refute it.


Well-Known Member
Can't take a chance on a republican president, it would ruin the country. Sorry, not at this juncture, too much at stake to take the risk. Bernie would make a nice president some day, but right now we need to make sure the republicans don't win the white house at all costs, so Bernie is to big of a risk at this time. Maybe after a few years as Clintons VP.....


Well-Known Member
Can't take a chance on a republican president, it would ruin the country. Sorry, not at this juncture, too much at stake to take the risk. Bernie would make a nice president some day, but right now we need to make sure the republicans don't win the white house at all costs, so Bernie is to big of a risk at this time. Maybe after a few years as Clintons VP.....
The flaw in this line of thinking is your belief that Mrs Clinton represents any real difference from a republican candidate. In all essential respects THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME group of PACs and Fortune 50 corporate sponsors. What gives you the idea that a different party flag would somehow change their allegiance? The list of donors is slightly different but the party responds to THEIR MONEY, and NOT your needs or desires.

Until you have at least nine figures to the left of the decimal in your bank account, you are at best a pawn, never a player.

Mr Sanders has publicly discussed the dire need for campaign finance reform; the rest of the field on both sides has nothing AT ALL to say on the matter, yet it is the defining characteristic of our political system! Think about that, follow the implications through for yourself.


Well-Known Member
The flaw in this line of thinking is your belief that Mrs Clinton represents any real difference from a republican candidate. In all essential respects THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME group of PACs and Fortune 50 corporate sponsors. What gives you the idea that a different party flag would somehow change their allegiance? The list of donors is slightly different but the party responds to THEIR MONEY, and NOT your needs or desires.

Until you have at least nine figures to the left of the decimal in your bank account, you are at best a pawn, never a player.

Mr Sanders has publicly discussed the dire need for campaign finance reform; the rest of the field on both sides has nothing AT ALL to say on the matter, yet it is the defining characteristic of our political system! Think about that, follow the implications through for yourself.
Our Nation has always been a nation for the rich. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were all the wealthiest men in American. The Gov was designed to promote business & exploit business opportunities. It wasn't until the Bill of Rights was added that the average citizen was even included.
It's just a matter of which side of the rich people will give you the best deal....


Well-Known Member
Our Nation has always been a nation for the rich. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were all the wealthiest men in American. The Gov was designed to promote business & exploit business opportunities. It wasn't until the Bill of Rights was added that the average citizen was even included.
It's just a matter of which side of the rich people will give you the best deal....
I'm not willing to hand my future over to a bunch of people who think of me as expendable. It was not always this way and it must not continue. Business interests did not run this country when it was founded, people did.


Well-Known Member
I'm not willing to hand my future over to a bunch of people who think of me as expendable. It was not always this way and it must not continue. Business interests did not run this country when it was founded, people did.
Who told you that?....lol


Well-Known Member
Nevertheless, it's a stretch to use this as justification to vote for Mrs Clinton, out of FEAR that the failure to nominate her would throw the election to the conservatives.
As a Boomer who is about to start receiving SS, I have a vested interest in who gets their hands on my SS benefits. I must vote for the candidate/party that will return the best chance of keeping my benefits.....Hillary is our best chance