
Well-Known Member
If budget wasn't the issue, and you were starting all new, in just terms of lighting what would you put in there?

We're talking about for MAXIMUM effectiveness. Appropriated overkill if you will.. lol. Im talking about safely stuffing as many of the most effective spectrum lumens we can get in that space.

5 x 5 x 7 tent ... and of course if you had the budget why so small right?? well dont worry too much about the details just go with it for now ... lmao

Would you go HPS? 2x 400w? one 600w? one 1000w? LED's?? if so what brand and how many? how about ceramic lighting? ive been hearing wonderful things ....

im just curious to hear what people would like to do if they had to start all over. Im remodeling alot next month and one of my hardest decisions to make is on lighting. IM VERY INTERESTED IN LED'S. ive been doing alot of researching in them as far as being the superior lighting choice. but its just so hard to decide on a brand and unit model. or if i should even go LED at all ..

OPINIONS ?? bongsmilie
Take a look at the many threads on LED and HPS/MH.... You could even read up on cfl...
Around here asking what's the best to use is like lighting a keg of dynamite... Growers are very passionate with their style of growing....

LED and HSP/MH both work fantastic if done right.... Which ever way you learn to go... Pick carefully and hit a home run.
Take a look at the many threads on LED and HPS/MH.... You could even read up on cfl...
Around here asking what's the best to use is like lighting a keg of dynamite... Growers are very passionate with their style of growing....

LED and HSP/MH both work fantastic if done right.... Which ever way you learn to go... Pick carefully and hit a home run.

thanks for the response, and yeah i sure have been looking around quite a bit. all over the net. for a little over a week now its been haha. like constantly bc im really trying to get my decision narrowed down. i just thought id get a real time discussion with some growers going if i could .. i dont have anyone else to talk about it with to be honest. haha

CAN I GET SOME LED RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ANYONES PERSONAL EXPERIENCE? it seems like all he manufactures make the same claims. id really rather base my decision from first hand results ...
That's a reasonable request. Someone here will help you out shortly. I'm HPS/MH, so I'm of no help here. Good luck.
There are many threads with LED experiences. Read through them and you'll have an understanding of approximately what you need to achieve your goals.

Asking for LED recommendations without any specification of your goal is the same as asking to build a computer.

What are you using the computer for, how are you going to use it, how many people will use it, is it all for the same purpose?
There are many threads with LED experiences. Read through them and you'll have an understanding of approximately what you need to achieve your goals.

Asking for LED recommendations without any specification of your goal is the same as asking to build a computer.

What are you using the computer for, how are you going to use it, how many people will use it, is it all for the same purpose?

hey thanks for your input. and sure, i think maybe could have been a little too vague in what im really looking an answer for. and dont get me wrong i really have been doing an excruciating amount of looking around myself already at some of the LED threads out there. thats why my original question was just a very open ended one .. what would you put in your 5x5 space??
That's a reasonable request. Someone here will help you out shortly. I'm HPS/MH, so I'm of no help here. Good luck.

In that case can i ask your opinion on recommendations for bud density under HPS? ive been flowering in a 4x4 space under 2x 400w Hortilux HPS and surprisingly brother alot more times then not, my buds can be very airy and soft. rather then nice condensed nugs. some strains do alot better then most of course. but what in your opinion are some of the most essential elements to creating good bud density? is the light? or more environment? i can admit my temps do reach into 90 degrees. but i also maintain 1400 PPM co2 saturation which i believe helps in those temps..
hey thanks for your input. and sure, i think maybe could have been a little too vague in what im really looking an answer for. and dont get me wrong i really have been doing an excruciating amount of looking around myself already at some of the LED threads out there. thats why my original question was just a very open ended one .. what would you put in your 5x5 space??

I would do 2x1000w mh/hps, currently I have 1 in a 4x8 but it's getting upgraded after this break in grow I have going on. Mind you have no issues with temps where I live.
I would do 2x1000w mh/hps, currently I have 1 in a 4x8 but it's getting upgraded after this break in grow I have going on. Mind you have no issues with temps where I live.

damn man 2x 1000w HPS in a 5x5? reagrdless of outside temps im not sure you can even do it? lol man im having trouble cooling the 2x 400w HPS I have in a 4x4 currently and im running a/c through the cool tubes WITH the inline fans mounted directly behind each bulb. lmao. im cooling them quite effectively and it will still reach 90 degrees in there on a bad day. usually 85.
damn man 2x 1000w HPS in a 5x5? reagrdless of outside temps im not sure you can even do it? lol man im having trouble cooling the 2x 400w HPS I have in a 4x4 currently and im running a/c through the cool tubes WITH the inline fans mounted directly behind each bulb. lmao. im cooling them quite effectively and it will still reach 90 degrees in there on a bad day. usually 85.
Haha ya it's an overkill idea but why not if budget is no issue. Seriously I have have no doubt I could get away with it in my basement but I have no idea what his ambient surroundings are like. The 1000w in my tent even with the fan on a low setting 75ish all day.
In that case can i ask your opinion on recommendations for bud density under HPS? ive been flowering in a 4x4 space under 2x 400w Hortilux HPS and surprisingly brother alot more times then not, my buds can be very airy and soft. rather then nice condensed nugs. some strains do alot better then most of course. but what in your opinion are some of the most essential elements to creating good bud density? is the light? or more environment? i can admit my temps do reach into 90 degrees. but i also maintain 1400 PPM co2 saturation which i believe helps in those temps..
Even with someone else footing the bill, just to avoid having to have a ton of fans and heat exhaust, COB LED. The CXB3590s look to be tits.
I know little to nothing about LED but I do know they are THE future. For a multitude of reasons. I am a retired nurse. In OR we were asked to evaluate different overhead lights. One OR was equipped for a month with LED lights that I immediately hated the thought of because of being unable to replace a bulb during a surgery. Maintenance had to do it. No worries it turned out. The suckers were not going to need that like old halogens etc. EXTREMELY illuminating without a ton of glare. All the surgeons loved them.So of course we did not get them. No explanations as to why but I'm guessing costs going in. I am watching the threads where the guys here are building them.

And they were far cooler under them which is one thing we really liked compared to older type lights.
I did 5x5 with 1000w HID.

Because fitting more than one a/c hood or tube was problematic and also it was hard to deal with heat past 1000w.

The only LED i would consider at this point is the Spyder, unless a RUI DIYer would be willing to build custom for