The UK Growers Thread!

i use to be like that took pride in always being the last man standing lol i use to knock bizz bout them rc benzos but then i tried em! not bad at all, wonder if they as addictive as the real mcoy?
I just shop the detox isn't as bad haha fucking coming off vals is horrible but they are hands down my favourite drug. Did I tell u lads I was out of work for over 6 odd weeks after munching a whole box in the space of a drinking session n woke up unable to walk lol had physiotherapy for aaaages got scans n all...still dunno how it happened
They're nice man.not as cosy as the real deal but have a nice consistent stock,fast dispatch n "xmas" code gets u a bit off. I've already got 100 of the pink in my basket n 50 of the intes totaling like 65 pounds lol bang for ur buck n it's tasty with booze. You've also tried the diclazepam ain't you? Nice little things but I prefer the etozalam..I find em closer to the fuck it effect of vals...sooooo tempted to get more vals but we've all seen how great my self control is with em lol fucking bought like 70 boxes intending to sell 40e a strip (mad money to be made here on em) but only sold a few strips n munched the rest...good times but I know I'll be at it again lol can never stay away

yeah diclazepam ive had a few times now they deffo do the job, stay away from the vals lax they grip you badly mate when your on a binge.
I know man its a fucking cunt but sooo cosy n reassuring at the same time lol ill stick with the etozalam for now n come my bday I'll only get a box of vals n a gram of coke or so...n 10 or so clomazapam...once I don't buy it in bulk for sale I won't do full lax haha it's just really fucking hard.thing is I don't even get the same cravings for speed just something about vals that the dogs nuts
i get really spun on weed and coffee, I cldnt imagine havin other interests. my mind is already severely distracted.

that story is like drug lore. knew a guy who was friends w guy- boss man, had a great line on dentist grade laughing gas, always traveled w his personal tank. got so bad he nearknee lost the use of his legs. he's ok now
i get really spun on weed and coffee, I cldnt imagine havin other interests. my mind is already severely distracted.

that story is like drug lore. knew a guy who was friends w guy- boss man, had a great line on dentist grade laughing gas, always traveled w his personal tank. got so bad he nearknee lost the use of his legs. he's ok now
I was the biggest coffee drinker was a member on a site n would get samples but doctors orders I'd to stop as my anxiety brings on my tremors more so (I've essential tremors) ...I still drink a nice cup here n there but it doesn't do me any favours
I've had weed tremors, but i think it's thc, temperature and blood sugar related ha. hasn't happened in years. may have been the excess butane residuals in some bho i was crackn out on. I've got the coffee bad
Fuck me someone else killed were I am it seems like it's every month now :wall:

lol every month lol try living in london then when its everyday! so glad i got out that shithole yrs ago, sounds like you could do with a move makka especially considering all the heat at ya grows n jealous peoples you got about ya.
Ye she a big bitch I just left her do her thing stay away from grow ad much as poss these days with all snitches around I'm just waiting to for the right spot to turn up I wanna get out the city and and somewhere quiet on the edges of the sticks but it's pricey in them Lil villages man lol but I will be moving soon this year it's my only option left that makes sense m8
Ye she a big bitch I just left her do her thing stay away from grow ad much as poss these days with all snitches around I'm just waiting to for the right spot to turn up I wanna get out the city and and somewhere quiet on the edges of the sticks but it's pricey in them Lil villages man lol but I will be moving soon this year it's my only option left that makes sense m8

deffo mate sounds like a move would be for the best, and when you no its the only option left thats making any sense get it done before all this ag around your grows etc gets you in the shit.

did you have a good crimbo then geezer?