Texas, the new haven for terrorists

Is Texas a new haven for terrorists?

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do you care when someone is mugged and killed on a city street? do you care when a child is caught in the crossfire and killed by gang violence? do you care if a man comes home and slaughters his entire family? none of these are any of your business either, but still affect you. ok; so you've already been born and are no longer in danger of being aborted, but the death of an innocent should still give you pause. it should be more than a simple dislike.
You really need to hype up your argument to make it relevant. Fucking guns and abortion, it seems that is about all you care about.
you make a convincing case for reverting back to nazi germany, but germany is nowhere near the US in GDP.

not even GDP per capita either.

go fuck a horse, holocaust denier.
hahaha i must of hurt your feelings there bucky but its true Germany is in “pole position” in the global race for wealth because its products fit “precisely with demand” from large emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China,
Oh by the way what does USA produce ??? other then trouble cause i bet that 1980 pc your on was made in japan like 90 percent of your household goods so please indulge us what does usa produce that cannot be made else where for cheaper and most importantly better built then usa ???
waiting yup i knew it not fucking much right so get in them fields and grow monsanto soya and wheat clown
hahaha i must of hurt your feelings there bucky but its true Germany is in “pole position” in the global race for wealth because its products fit “precisely with demand” from large emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China,
Oh by the way what does USA produce ??? other then trouble cause i bet that 1980 pc your on was made in japan like 90 percent of your household goods so please indulge us what does usa produce that cannot be made else where for cheaper and most importantly better built then usa ???
waiting yup i knew it not fucking much right so get in them fields and grow monsanto soya and wheat clown
We produce lots and lots of guns and ammunition. And chemicals for agriculture. And tons of trash. We also produce a lot of slutty 'celebrities'.
Yo bucky poopy pants still waiting dont forget after world war 2 usa had 30 companies making TV sets in USA tell me is there any now ??? lol tell you what you should go to a antique mall look at some stuff USA used to make but no longer shit even in 1995 only remaining TV company was Zenith but hey when japan entered into the equation they made better Tv's better quality and so the american dream disappeared just thing Zenith was sold To Korea or LG electronics lol
but to think other countries are about to surpass usa in GDP is not far away

And when looking at Germany Certainly, Germany appears to have cruised through the euro-zone’s current existential crisis with surprisingly little damage. While its economy shrank by 0.2% in the final quarter of 2011, it grew 3% for the year as a whole. German unemployment is at a record low level and falling, while corporate earnings are near-record highs. lets compare this to USA as in employment rates , the better life of living i mean really germans work less hrs yet produce more then usa
We produce lots and lots of guns and ammunition. And chemicals for agriculture. And tons of trash. We also produce a lot of slutty 'celebrities'.
dude i like you your honest and funny and yes some nice slutty stars and for weapons and ammo shit with usa the world would be boring as fuck like War on ISIS but lets not forget to sell them ammo and weapons and then go to war with them making sure they always need more ammmo
or lets make a 140 million dollar F 35 boat anchor
Who's morality? Your morality? The majority's morality? What yardstick are we going to use?
that's one of those sticky questions, now isn't it. morality, though driven by societal ethics, is still a matter of individual choice. my morality states that the slaughter of innocents is wrong and the vast majority would tend to agree with this. to alleviate the angst of the slaughter of millions of innocents, we have redefined the meaning of "a living human being" and legalized the carnage. does this mean that the slaughter of innocents should now be considered moral? for the millions who gladly relinquish their responsibility for their own actions, the answer has become "yes". as that number reaches and then passes the point of majority it becomes obvious just how morally bankrupt our society has become, that their most closely held convictions can be so easily thrown away whenever it is convenient.
dude i like you your honest and funny and yes some nice slutty stars and for weapons and ammo shit with usa the world would be boring as fuck like War on ISIS but lets not forget to sell them ammo and weapons and then go to war with them making sure they always need more ammmo
or lets make a 140 million dollar F 35 boat anchor
Selling people weapons and then encouraging them to use them so they can buy more is what is keeping this country strong.
that's one of those sticky questions, now isn't it. morality, though driven by societal ethics, is still a matter of individual choice. my morality states that the slaughter of innocents is wrong and the vast majority would tend to agree with this. to alleviate the angst of the slaughter of millions of innocents, we have redefined the meaning of "a living human being" and legalized the carnage. does this mean that the slaughter of innocents should now be considered moral? for the millions who gladly relinquish their responsibility for their own actions, the answer has become "yes". as that number reaches and then passes the point of majority it becomes obvious just how morally bankrupt our society has become, that their most closely held convictions can be so easily thrown away whenever it is convenient.

Well i look at it as usa murdered 500,000 iraq's and i think USA thinks it was moral to do so i mean if US intelligence was so great one would know that the guy they were looking for was in the next country over but it so happens it was a american allies haha wtf gives Eh
Yo poopy pants bucky this is for you why is it most americans need 2 jobs to stay afloat and many Americans think of Germany, images of WWII soldiers and Hitler often come to mind. But what many people don’t realize is that Germany is the industrial powerhouse of Europe, and is a leading manufacturer of goods for export to developing Asian nations. We don’t hear about the superiority of German engineering in Volkswagen commercials for nothing!

The economic engine of the EU, Germany single-handedly saved the Eurozone from collapse in 2012. At the same time, German workers enjoy unparalleled worker protections and shorter working hours than most of their global counterparts. How can a country that works an average of 35 hours per week (with an average 24 paid vacation days to boot) maintain such a high level of productivity?

Maybe there is something USA can learn here you think lol
owe sure USA saved them selfs from the housing bubble by going further in to debt haha
[QUOTE="MuyLocoNC, post: 12197863, member: 102304"

My opinion is that to those liberals, that level of sacrifice is unfathomable. They be cowards and deserve to be so named.
your opinion has the stench of ranting, bigoted A hole.[/QUOTE]

If it walks like a coward, talks like a coward and tries to disarm those among us that are not cowards, I call it a coward. Such a view requires no bigotry, just functioning eyes and ears...I have both.
Some get very upset if you talk about taking away their abortions. It is not about compassion for a suffering woman.
The majority of abortions are oops pregnancies that would interfere with the woman's desired lifestyle. In a word, selfish.

Rape, incest, and medical emergencies should be the only reason for an abortion.

While the left says the right clings to their guns, the left clings to their abortions.

It's OK tho. Abortions don't cause death because fetuses aren't alive. *rolls eyes*

If each abortion was a murder in the eyes of liberals, they wouldn't be crying about the 11k gun homicides a year..
"Systems Biologist here. Did my Ph.D. discovering how cellular signals arange in space and it's implications on cancer. I currently run a research group on liver toxicity and signaling.

The first issue with your argument is that life does not 'begin' anywhere. It is a continuum at the cellular level. Cells make copies of new cells. In many organisms, sometimes they change the number of chromosomes they have - going to one genome set (haploid) to having two genome sets (diploid) in metazoans.

In animals this trick is used to increase genetic diversity in an organism by combining the genome sets of two distinct individuals. This is sexual reproduction. I assure you, everything in this process - from the parent egg and sperm cells , their combination and the development to an embryo consists of cells that are alive.

So the where does life begin question is a little meaningless. The start point is arbitrarily defined for convenience/convention. A bit like how time zones begin at Greenwich Mean time.

That out of the way, it is important to note that an individuals body will terminate its own cells by a variety of mechanisms. Cell death is an important aspect in maintaining a healthy human body. Cell death is what sculpts your fingers, prevents you from succumbing to infections, prevents your immune system from destroying your own body...the list is endless. In that light, after fertilization, the embryo is as much part of a woman's body as her own hair follicles or skin cells. Even as a fetus, it remains completely dependent on the mother and is actually rather like a parasite. If she has a right to cut her hair and scrub her skin, terminating an embryo is not conceptually different. It is not even literally that different since abortion involves mainly scrubbing of uterine epithelium (called the endometrium).

Finally, abortion is objectively speaking an act of causing cell death by a neural/mental impulse for protection (economic / psychological /physical) of the parent organism.

Many pregnancies are terminated automatically through hormonal and cellular signaling pathways if the mother's body is not ready or capable for it. Abortion is simply a neural route of achieving the same result in response. A brain response is as much part of an individual's biology as their hormonal response.

Thus from a scientific point of view the entire pro-life stance is meaningless.

My purposefully strictly objective answer should at least convince you that this is not a scientific debate. It is an ethical debate. As such, it is subjective and you are not going to convince anyone who doesn't want to be convinced."

that's one of those sticky questions, now isn't it. morality, though driven by societal ethics, is still a matter of individual choice. my morality states that the slaughter of innocents is wrong and the vast majority would tend to agree with this. to alleviate the angst of the slaughter of millions of innocents, we have redefined the meaning of "a living human being" and legalized the carnage. does this mean that the slaughter of innocents should now be considered moral? for the millions who gladly relinquish their responsibility for their own actions, the answer has become "yes". as that number reaches and then passes the point of majority it becomes obvious just how morally bankrupt our society has become, that their most closely held convictions can be so easily thrown away whenever it is convenient.
I'm curious, how could your opinion, shown here, be objectively proved wrong?
I'm curious, how could your opinion, shown here, be objectively proved wrong?
if you're looking for some verifiable ultimate truth, don't bother. the answer you are asking for is right there in the question. individual morality, being a personal interpretation of the greater societal ethos, is entirely subjective. even society's views on right and wrong are subjective. i suppose you could start by asking if i have made any factual errors in my statement. is a child in the womb innocent of any offence? are millions of them slaughtered? could the vast majority of those unwanted pregnancies have been avoided if those involved had simply been responsible enough to use some sort of contraception?

to demand undeniable objective proof for your every belief is to lead a small life.
I realize you're a profound idiot who completely misquoted me.

And I broke my rule of taking you off Ignore. Silly me

I can be profound, however I'm not an idiot, but like anyone I sometimes make a mistake. You seem rather quick to make personal insults, didn't Buddha teach you anything? Silly you.
The Owens family of Colorado. Mafia with cowboy hats. Book them and jail them As the filthy criminals they are

In jail, we can see if daddy Owen still "understands the black man"
is a child in the womb innocent of any offence? are millions of them slaughtered? could the vast majority of those unwanted pregnancies have been avoided if those involved had simply been responsible enough to use some sort of contraception?

Why are you beating us with your bible drivel so early in the AM