Ice, glass...I just call it speed outa preference, we always got ice, big shiny-clear chunks or if it was towards the end of dudes stuff like little shards. Got the white crap your talking about once from some old guy who dressed like a biker but drove a car, burned worse than hell and barely took the edge off. Wouldnt even think about smoking it. Yeah dude, when I was just starting out and railing it it lasted forever. Smoked it, loved it, never looked back. Now I can't even get it but for once in a blue moon when someone hits me up and usually most I can get is a gram, which is enough across a weekend to remind me not to do it for another year hehe. It just doesnt do it like it used to, but its good for when I have alot of projects to get done. Or when I want to play gears of war for three days straight.
peacemane, yeah man, or mane, kinda glad it just left our area. Only time I see it is when one of my friends goes out to visit his family in iowa and brings a bit back. My friend had that same expereince you did one night when she ate a bunch of brownies, she didn't smoke all that much and we made ours pretty heavy...she went to go home, an hours drive..and I'm so baked its almost a mild trip, laying in the floor with massive attack blaring through the house painting giant eyeballs playing with my cat and I hear this feeble smacking on my door..I'm like..the fuck? So I open the door and she kinda melts into the house, she'd been leaning on the door. She made it a few feet to the bathroom and started puking. She was fucking through, i'd never seen anything like it but she was panicing really bad, too. She calmed down after a while and just road it out but she swore off edibles. Sorry for the long rambling, hash makes me do that.