So they hired a defense and appealed cause they pled guilty?
Oh that's right they fought it in court. The government is wrong. At worst it should been a fine.
These fires were over decades. The dispute with blm longer than that.
They have to peacefully turn themselves in. They have already been prosecuted under the terrorist act. The max punishment is death.
Yea I would probably turn myself in to.
I've been to jail on trumped up stuff. I've seen police lie and make up charges.
Don't think for a minute it don't happen in the government.
If it weren't for the land dispute these people wouldn't be charged.
Stop reading the news, start reading the laws themselves. They were tried under a terrorism act, but they are not considered terrorists, nor were they charged as terrorists, nor were they convicted as terrorists. They were tried, charged, and convicted of arson of Federal property, that's it. In the United States Code that they were convicted under, it says a sentence of no less than five years and no more than twenty - not death.
Why did they have a defense? Because either they provide one for themselves, or the State provides it for them. The government is not wrong, they set fire to cover up illegal deer killing witnessed by several other hunters in the area which were forced to flee the area because of the ensuing blaze. The Hammonds then notified BLM two hours
after they started the fire that they were going to burn some invasive species like junipers. The fire then spread and burnt down 139 acres of
public land. The late notification shows criminal intent - sorry, but that's correct. They're not innocent, the Hammonds have been fueding with the BLM for thirty years because they think they're entitled to
all the land around them and that their cattle should be able to graze for free in a wildlife refuge which once more is incorrect. Then with the 2006 fire, they set it
at night without notification knowing full well that there was a BLM fire fighter camp site up on the slopes above them, and they directly put those fire fighters in danger.
Seriously, come off it, you're starting to look like an idiot who guzzles down whatever FoxNews and InfoWars tells them.