This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Where did you get information that the burn ban was in effect on only one fire? How does that even work? It was county wide because of a lightning strike and there were fire fighters in the area who were put in danger because of this.
One more thing. The first fire caught 139 acres of blm land. There was no burn ban or firefighters.

The fire from the back burn only burnt one acre and didn't really endanger firefighters.
So admin deletes my responses which are no worse than the "fuckery" you have going. Nice to have BLM (Biased Lame-ass Mgmt) covering for you and Puke.
Actually I have had a few post removed before. Why are you so butthurt about this ?
Did tears come to your eyes when you saw your post removed. Did you complain to your parents about how RIU is treating you ? Are you thinking about taking out a police report ? How many people do you think gives a fuck.
*an Obama hater
Thanks again.
Have you thought about applying for RIU Official Grammar and Punctuation Checker. You would be awesome. It would give you a chance to use all of that public schooling that you now hate.
When will you be filing your taxes this year ? Will it bring you pride when you do so ?
Oh good. Thought it a bit weird with all the projecting of your own typical reactions on me. I didn't realize you were still living with your mum. She must be a saint.
My mother is a saint, but I moved out from my mother years and years ago...probably more years than you are old.
Now stop crying and bitching about what happens to you on the WWW
This is how shit like this gets started. Media is full of shit along with most of you.

And if you think this situation is bad, just wait. They are currently trying to take millions of acres in a neighboring county in Oregon and put a damn monument there. This particular county is one of the poorest counties in the nation and is host to the most dangerous city in Oregon. Yup, sounds like a great place to put a monument, should spark a lot of "tourism."

Buncha asshats on a land grab is all any of this is.
I think that in his speech, Walden nailed the perspective of neighbors of the Hammonds and the tension between ranchers and government, so thanks for putting that up.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, however.
One more thing. The first fire caught 139 acres of blm land. There was no burn ban or firefighters.

The fire from the back burn only burnt one acre and didn't really endanger firefighters.
Do you think the occupation of the federal buildings has much if anything to do with the Hammonds? The Hammonds were wrongly charged under the Anti-terrorist law and I hope their case will eventually end with the remainder to their sentences set aside. And that shit-hole of a law to be made into a bad memory. Burning federal land, not once but twice, is against the law. Just saying that the Hammonds are not squeaky clean but justice was not served.

The locals in the area don't seem to think the militia's occupation at the Wildlife Refuge provides anything helpful for Hammonds. They seem to want them out. Why aren't Bundy's Bandits gone already?

I hope this whole thing ends without anybody getting hurt.
I say if an emergency allows firefighters to set fires then the ranchers had the right to do the same.

so these ranchers were trained for years in wildland firefighting techniques? and they had thousands of gallons of water in tanker trucks ready to go to put out the fire if it got out of hand? and they also would be able to call in air support for air drops of fire retardant if needed?
Do you think the occupation of the federal buildings has much if anything to do with the Hammonds? The Hammonds were wrongly charged under the Anti-terrorist law and I hope their case will eventually end with the remainder to their sentences set aside. And that shit-hole of a law to be made into a bad memory. Burning federal land, not once but twice, is against the law. Just saying that the Hammonds are not squeaky clean but justice was not served.

The locals in the area don't seem to think the militia's occupation at the Wildlife Refuge provides anything helpful for Hammonds. They seem to want them out. Why aren't Bundy's Bandits gone already?

I hope this whole thing ends without anybody getting hurt.
I don't support the occupation per say. I don't support white supremecy.

If the community is not behind them then I'm not.

I don't necessarily believe in is wrong for armed occupation.

I hope we can reign corruption in government we may very well see more of this.
so these ranchers were trained for years in wildland firefighting techniques? and they had thousands of gallons of water in tanker trucks ready to go to put out the fire if it got out of hand? and they also would be able to call in air support for air drops of fire retardant if needed?
Rarely is there lots of water on hand for remote fires. That is the reason for back burns.

They were unfairly charged under the terrosit act.

At the end of the day they have the right to protect themselves and property regardless of training.

I'd say they had it under control. In that instance the back burn only burned an acre and the Hammond's put it out.

They are no terrorist and don't deserve five year minimum.
Thanks again.
Have you thought about applying for RIU Official Grammar and Punctuation Checker. You would be awesome. It would give you a chance to use all of that public schooling that you now hate.
When will you be filing your taxes this year ? Will it bring you pride when you do so ?

Official RUI grammarian? Nah, I only do it to fuck with you. I kind of like you, I have no idea why. You're right though, I probably would be awesome. I learned to read outside of government schools.

My taxes? I don't tax anyone, so how can they be MY taxes? I've paid property taxes in the past to avoid being shot and dragged from my home, it made me feel really bad. I'd happily pay for things I do use though, like roads.

You seem a little sad today...can't you go into your secret backroom at your laundromat and sniff your pilfered underwear collection you hide from your wife? That should cheer you up.
Do you think the occupation of the federal buildings has much if anything to do with the Hammonds? The Hammonds were wrongly charged under the Anti-terrorist law and I hope their case will eventually end with the remainder to their sentences set aside. And that shit-hole of a law to be made into a bad memory. Burning federal land, not once but twice, is against the law. Just saying that the Hammonds are not squeaky clean but justice was not served.

The locals in the area don't seem to think the militia's occupation at the Wildlife Refuge provides anything helpful for Hammonds. They seem to want them out. Why aren't Bundy's Bandits gone already?

I hope this whole thing ends without anybody getting hurt.

It's good you don't want anyone hurt.
You made some good points there, you feeling okay?
They were unfairly charged under the terrosit act

they basically admitted they f'ed up and are willing to go back to jail. they surrendered to authorities in CA. these dumases from NV just read about another dispute about blm land and loaded up the pickups and the AR's and headed to OR.
I do have kids, I'm also a grandfather.

Except, the government isn't my parent or my master. How much can an entity that has a basis in threats of force teach me about peace?

The same as parenting big guy. Your problem is you don`t like mom and dads rules.
The democratic Oregon judges are fucked up. Like the one that destroyed the young bakers over a fucking cake and then put a gag order on them so they couldn't talk about it. And then the liberals bragged about it to rub it in our faces like little fucking kids. If I was in Oregon I would drive by and support the movement these patriots are conducting. TRUMP!
'Rubbed OUR faces' in it'....?
they basically admitted they f'ed up and are willing to go back to jail. they surrendered to authorities in CA. these dumases from NV just read about another dispute about blm land and loaded up the pickups and the AR's and headed to OR.
So they hired a defense and appealed cause they pled guilty?

Oh that's right they fought it in court. The government is wrong. At worst it should been a fine.

These fires were over decades. The dispute with blm longer than that.

They have to peacefully turn themselves in. They have already been prosecuted under the terrorist act. The max punishment is death.

Yea I would probably turn myself in to.

I've been to jail on trumped up stuff. I've seen police lie and make up charges.

Don't think for a minute it don't happen in the government.

If it weren't for the land dispute these people wouldn't be charged.
So they hired a defense and appealed cause they pled guilty?

Oh that's right they fought it in court. The government is wrong. At worst it should been a fine.

These fires were over decades. The dispute with blm longer than that.

They have to peacefully turn themselves in. They have already been prosecuted under the terrorist act. The max punishment is death.

Yea I would probably turn myself in to.

I've been to jail on trumped up stuff. I've seen police lie and make up charges.

Don't think for a minute it don't happen in the government.

If it weren't for the land dispute these people wouldn't be charged.

Stop reading the news, start reading the laws themselves. They were tried under a terrorism act, but they are not considered terrorists, nor were they charged as terrorists, nor were they convicted as terrorists. They were tried, charged, and convicted of arson of Federal property, that's it. In the United States Code that they were convicted under, it says a sentence of no less than five years and no more than twenty - not death.

Why did they have a defense? Because either they provide one for themselves, or the State provides it for them. The government is not wrong, they set fire to cover up illegal deer killing witnessed by several other hunters in the area which were forced to flee the area because of the ensuing blaze. The Hammonds then notified BLM two hours after they started the fire that they were going to burn some invasive species like junipers. The fire then spread and burnt down 139 acres of public land. The late notification shows criminal intent - sorry, but that's correct. They're not innocent, the Hammonds have been fueding with the BLM for thirty years because they think they're entitled to all the land around them and that their cattle should be able to graze for free in a wildlife refuge which once more is incorrect. Then with the 2006 fire, they set it at night without notification knowing full well that there was a BLM fire fighter camp site up on the slopes above them, and they directly put those fire fighters in danger.

Seriously, come off it, you're starting to look like an idiot who guzzles down whatever FoxNews and InfoWars tells them.