Well-Known Member
I looked at the worldpopulation, and it was increasing horrible.
100 Years before we had not even 2 billion humans, now we have 7.3 billions.
I was shocked, when i red, that the world population is increasing about 80.000.000,
80 millions a year.
The prisons are overcrowded, the ghettos and slums, the hospitals and the whole world is totally overcrowded. We don´t have enough food, drugs, clothes and flats for so many people.
A lot know neighbourhoods or ghettos, that are full of people, like hillbrow in joburg or new york city. This often are the most dangerous and unpleasant ghettos.
How would a world look like, that is full of those areas.
A bit like new york city, but much more dangerous, uncomfortable and poor, i guess.
Experts expect that the world would have 11 billion residents at 2050, when this will not be stopped.
Also i heard, that to create a new human, you got to kill an eternal resident of heaven, and reincarnate his whole eternal spirit. Is the creator of humans ( God ? ) really the devil and still commits massmurder in heaven or has anyone else an explanation for that ?
A good, but horrible example for overcrowding our planet and the consequences of that is
Alexandra, the oldest and may be most dangerous township of Johannesburg.
The murderrate is 50 times higher than in london, and the population density 3 times higher than in New york city. Seems like all of the up to 400.000 residents are kind of homeless.
A guy at the the video, said, when he was young, he couldn´t go to scool anymore, because the families in the barracks were often attacked or worse by the residents of a big hostel for homeless. So they carried guns all the time and tried to defend their families.
1916 alexandra had only 30.000 residents, today there live about 300.000 poor people.
Up to 50 % of them have hiv or worse.
100 Years before we had not even 2 billion humans, now we have 7.3 billions.
I was shocked, when i red, that the world population is increasing about 80.000.000,
80 millions a year.
The prisons are overcrowded, the ghettos and slums, the hospitals and the whole world is totally overcrowded. We don´t have enough food, drugs, clothes and flats for so many people.
A lot know neighbourhoods or ghettos, that are full of people, like hillbrow in joburg or new york city. This often are the most dangerous and unpleasant ghettos.
How would a world look like, that is full of those areas.
A bit like new york city, but much more dangerous, uncomfortable and poor, i guess.
Experts expect that the world would have 11 billion residents at 2050, when this will not be stopped.
Also i heard, that to create a new human, you got to kill an eternal resident of heaven, and reincarnate his whole eternal spirit. Is the creator of humans ( God ? ) really the devil and still commits massmurder in heaven or has anyone else an explanation for that ?
A good, but horrible example for overcrowding our planet and the consequences of that is
Alexandra, the oldest and may be most dangerous township of Johannesburg.
The murderrate is 50 times higher than in london, and the population density 3 times higher than in New york city. Seems like all of the up to 400.000 residents are kind of homeless.
A guy at the the video, said, when he was young, he couldn´t go to scool anymore, because the families in the barracks were often attacked or worse by the residents of a big hostel for homeless. So they carried guns all the time and tried to defend their families.
1916 alexandra had only 30.000 residents, today there live about 300.000 poor people.
Up to 50 % of them have hiv or worse.

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