Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?


Well-Known Member
I looked at the worldpopulation, and it was increasing horrible.
100 Years before we had not even 2 billion humans, now we have 7.3 billions.

I was shocked, when i red, that the world population is increasing about 80.000.000,
80 millions a year.

The prisons are overcrowded, the ghettos and slums, the hospitals and the whole world is totally overcrowded. We don´t have enough food, drugs, clothes and flats for so many people.

A lot know neighbourhoods or ghettos, that are full of people, like hillbrow in joburg or new york city. This often are the most dangerous and unpleasant ghettos.

How would a world look like, that is full of those areas.
A bit like new york city, but much more dangerous, uncomfortable and poor, i guess.

Experts expect that the world would have 11 billion residents at 2050, when this will not be stopped.

Also i heard, that to create a new human, you got to kill an eternal resident of heaven, and reincarnate his whole eternal spirit. Is the creator of humans ( God ? ) really the devil and still commits massmurder in heaven or has anyone else an explanation for that ?

A good, but horrible example for overcrowding our planet and the consequences of that is
Alexandra, the oldest and may be most dangerous township of Johannesburg.

The murderrate is 50 times higher than in london, and the population density 3 times higher than in New york city. Seems like all of the up to 400.000 residents are kind of homeless.

A guy at the the video, said, when he was young, he couldn´t go to scool anymore, because the families in the barracks were often attacked or worse by the residents of a big hostel for homeless. So they carried guns all the time and tried to defend their families.

1916 alexandra had only 30.000 residents, today there live about 300.000 poor people.
Up to 50 % of them have hiv or worse.

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Were are er going to put the dead . On TED Talk- they talked about running out of room to bury the dead. graveyard's will be the thning of the past
lmao... did the google

found something even more entertaining than i was hoping
anita bryant
"The campaign began an organized opposition to gay rights that spread across the nation. Jerry Falwell went to Miami to help her. Bryant made the following statements during the campaign: "As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children" and "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters."[14]

Bryant's campaign led to a repeal of the anti-discrimination ordinance by a margin of 69 to 31 percent. However, the success of Bryant's campaign galvanized her opponents, and the gay community retaliated against her by organizing a boycott of orange juice.[14]Gay bars all over North America took screwdriversoff their drink menus and replaced them with the "Anita Bryant," which was made with vodka and apple juice.

In 1977, Florida legislators approved a measure prohibiting gay adoption.

Bryant became one of the first persons to be publicly "pied" as a political act (in her case, on television), in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1977.[17] Bryant quipped "At least it's a fruit pie,"[18] making a pun on the derogatory term of "fruit" for a gay man. While covered in pie, she began to pray to God to forgive the activist "for his deviant lifestyle" before bursting into tears as the cameras kept rolling. Bryant's husband, after promising not to retaliate, later took another pie and threw it at the protesters who had pied his wife.
lmao... did the google

found something even more entertaining than i was hoping
anita bryant
"The campaign began an organized opposition to gay rights that spread across the nation. Jerry Falwell went to Miami to help her. Bryant made the following statements during the campaign: "As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children" and "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters."[14]

Bryant's campaign led to a repeal of the anti-discrimination ordinance by a margin of 69 to 31 percent. However, the success of Bryant's campaign galvanized her opponents, and the gay community retaliated against her by organizing a boycott of orange juice.[14]Gay bars all over North America took screwdriversoff their drink menus and replaced them with the "Anita Bryant," which was made with vodka and apple juice.

In 1977, Florida legislators approved a measure prohibiting gay adoption.

Bryant became one of the first persons to be publicly "pied" as a political act (in her case, on television), in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1977.[17] Bryant quipped "At least it's a fruit pie,"[18] making a pun on the derogatory term of "fruit" for a gay man. While covered in pie, she began to pray to God to forgive the activist "for his deviant lifestyle" before bursting into tears as the cameras kept rolling. Bryant's husband, after promising not to retaliate, later took another pie and threw it at the protesters who had pied his wife.
No I was talking about bisphenol a. aka BPA it's a coating big companies use on just about everything. It turns testosterone into estrogen.

Thanks Obama
where do you "hear" these things?

does the dialogue in your head have different speech patterns or is it your own voice?
I didn´t hear it, i red or saw it at the net.

I don´t believe everything i read at the net or see on you tube, but when dozens of people and even wickipedia says the same, i believe it.

Just click at the graphic at the end of the thread.
All graphics say the same.
are you being serious?

grammar had me questioning.
if so you take dozens of peoples word and wiccanpedia as fact?

wasnt the world supposed to end in 2012.
or how do you propose we would gain such knowledge?
so what, is the time on earth punishment for an angel? as 7billion people, not constant but deaths and births. one has to question you keep coming back for every sinfull deed until yiu reach a state of enlightenment as talked about in "other" religions. and the earth was created to prevent another fall as with satan due to lack of parenting?

no i think your really on to something

please continue
I didn´t hear it, i red or saw it at the net.

I don´t believe everything i read at the net or see on you tube, but when dozens of people and even wickipedia says the same, i believe it.

Just click at the graphic at the end of the thread.
All graphics say the same.

I'm staying out of this one, you're too easy a target. When someone can't even form complete sentences or spell basic words I know it's just not fair. Good luck.
I looked at the worldpopulation, and it was increasing horrible.
100 Years before we had not even 2 billion humans, now we have 7.3 billions.

I was shocked, when i red, that the world population is increasing about 80.000.000,
80 millions a year.

The prisons are overcrowded, the ghettos and slums, the hospitals and the whole world is totally overcrowded. We don´t have enough food, drugs, clothes and flats for so many people.

A lot know neighbourhoods or ghettos, that are full of people, like hillbrow in joburg or new york city. This often are the most dangerous and unpleasant ghettos.

How would a world look like, that is full of those areas.
A bit like new york city, but much more dangerous, uncomfortable and poor, i guess.

Experts expect that the world would have 11 billion residents at 2050, when this will not be stopped.

Also i heard, that to create a new human, you got to kill an eternal resident of heaven, and reincarnate his whole eternal spirit. Is the creator of humans ( God ? ) really the devil and still commits massmurder in heaven or has anyone else an explanation for that ?

A good, but horrible example for overcrowding our planet and the consequences of that is
Alexandra, the oldest and may be most dangerous township of Johannesburg.

The murderrate is 50 times higher than in london, and the population density 3 times higher than in New york city. Seems like all of the up to 400.000 residents are kind of homeless.

A guy at the the video, said, when he was young, he couldn´t go to scool anymore, because the families in the barracks were often attacked or worse by the residents of a big hostel for homeless. So they carried guns all the time and tried to defend their families.

1916 alexandra had only 30.000 residents, today there live about 300.000 poor people.
Up to 50 % of them have hiv or worse.

I agree with pretty much everybody else except I am curious as to your age. how old are you?
Were are er going to put the dead . On TED Talk- they talked about running out of room to bury the dead. graveyard's will be the thning of the past
Graves are littering in my opinion. Taking up valuable land space for a dead person who will be forgotten. It's fuckin stupid. I elect to be cremated when I'm gone. But I would prefer to be thrown in the ground and let my body rot and feed the soil nutrients. Dead people are just dead. They live on in memories IF they lived a life worthwhile of being loved. But most are just dead and when the ones holding the memories die well they are all just dead people. Gone and forgotten like yesterday's junk you bought at the five and dime in the landfills.

OP. Stop worrying about stupid shit and get out and live. Life is good and the good lord knows I've lived more gracefully and adventurous than most people. Don't let your existence be all about worrying about death. You're gonna die bro. And if your all worried about it that tells me you ain't living enough. You're already dead. I personally am ok with my death when it comes.

Embrace the peace and love for all people.
It was all good till you went all religious and shit.

This is why we invented "gay juice" google it brah..

This is also why I joined the illuminati.

Also the reason guns are cool.. If you commit a murder you should be rewarded not imprisoned.
I was gonna like that til I read the last sentence. Then I was all like WTF? Guns. <smh> Everybody thinks they can be a hero cause they gotta gun. It's silly bro. Not trolling youngun. Think about it.