Exploding worldpopulation. Is the creator insane ?

i wanna know where you got them tacos, i forgot what the pic was but i remember thinking they looked good. from a stand here in town or what?

you didnt make em right

Huh? I didn't make em. They're from Alma's tacos. It's a little truck near me off Brodie.

Awesome. They're not a rip off like torchys, 1.75 for a breakfast and 2.75 for lunch. She makes all her tortillas. She's a little short Mexican lady from central Mexico I think
How do you arrive at tacos from world overpopulation?

Doncha know people are starving in the world. You be all like one of dem der spoilt n privelaged Muricans. Prolly be smoking them funny cigs too.
At the beginning i mentioned the township alexandra and it´s very dangerous mens or homeless hostel. Still looks very dangerous, but 20 years before it was much more horrible, i heard.

Here a video that shows this men´s hostel and parts of the township. I don´t know if the visitors know, how dangerous this place and the tour through the worlds crulest places is. I would never do that, like swimming with the sharks.

I live in the near of a homeless hostel, in hamburg. I know that there is much trouble, an old man told me there is a fight every evening, sometimes much more.
Sometimes you read about stabbings or even murders in it. It only houses 300 people,
but 70 years ago it was housing up to 1600 homeless.

The alexandra hostell seems like it still houses thousands of the poorest and may most dangerous people on the planet.

It's all good.

All souls will be present for the transition to the next level.

I'm pretty sure we are all in what christians call hell anyway.

We will collectively cross over.
It's all good.

All souls will be present for the transition to the next level.

I'm pretty sure we are all in what christians call hell anyway.

We will collectively cross over.
I hope that it all will end good, someday.

I heard we have 9 dimensions and we live in the fourth.
There is only hell and it´s astral world.

I´m sure our planet is hell and outer space is the astral world, where the demons or angels, that are born or raised on the earth live.

The fith dimension should be heaven. I heard the angels there often look at our mind, to see if someone here is right for heaven.
I hope that it all will end good, someday.

I heard we have 9 dimensions and we live in the fourth.
There is only hell and it´s astral world.

I´m sure our planet is hell and outer space is the astral world, where the demons or angels, that are born or raised on the earth live.

The fith dimension should be heaven. I heard the angels there often look at our mind, to see if someone here is right for heaven.

Interesting point about this being our fourth dimension. Truth is, that the atoms we are composed of (carbon) takes 4 cycles of star life to create. So we really are in the 4th state of existance comparitivly speaking.

I also personally believe that Noah and family were the sole survivors of Armageddon. And that our bond with our creator was broken at Babel. And that we are now actually living in the time of the Devil that is prophecied in the Christian scriptures.
The great lie the Beast has fed the masses.....

That God runs things.

That salvation through faith, instead of moral integrity, is possible.

That a savior is coming.

There is no salvation, there is only Judgement.

We have been fooled.

Religion is the great lie. The great divider of man. With religion we will never be a human race. Just factions.
Navaeh, is that you?

If you think about it @vapeflame, you probably should just kill yourself and stop wasting our resources right?

Killing people never decreased the worldpopulation or stopped wasting any resources.

It would not solve any of my problems, because i´m nearly sure, that most people who die, are sent to reincarnation.

At the 2. worldwar they killed millions of people, but the worldpopulation increased as fast as never before.

I start to believe, that they make war on earth to kill/reincarnate people from heaven.
They allure them into incarnation and than they get killed by soldiers or criminals, after that they can reincarnate anyone they don´t want in heaven.