Donald Trump

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How about autos Pell on my phone? Ironically it did it again. Auto spell.

Muslims don't do magic. That isn't a magical octogram on her chest. No more than a magic T or magic plus sign.

Go to Brittanica and read what Islam is.
Magic? Where did that come from? I thought the only thing magical around here was Herrekin, and his ability to sprinkle Irish fairy leprechaun dust to the extent that would make tinkerbell jelous
Reading up on this a bit more, I really admire that Muslim lady. She made her point very effectively. Because she did nothing and was booted for simply standing silently, her message resonates. I dig it
Reading up on this a bit more, I really admire that Muslim lady. She made her point very effectively. Because she did nothing and was booted for simply standing silently, her message resonates. I dig it
I read there was an American male protestor shouting and resisting removal before the Muslim woman was peacefully removed.
You were implying that her chanting verses would of been a bad thing. Like it was an incantation or something similar.

Every report indicates she was quiet and respectful. If there's some nitwit out there saying she was chanting, sorry Charlie

I have expanded my Ignore(ance) list so I assume some comment, completely unworth reading, must have been puked up
Neat that he may well split the party, run independent. All crushing the GOP base. Pretty funny

Now we need that to happen to the Dems and maybe we'll get a few more parties out of this election. That'd be great, I think most would admit
That statement proves you to be ignoramus entirely. Why in the hell would Trump run independent when he all but owns the Republican nomination? All polls show he is in the lead, and yet time and time again stupid people assert Trump will run third party. It's the most non sensical thing I've ever heard. Liberals don't hear it from the media (they know better) so where do retarded libs come up with this garbage?
It would be great if this all led to at least a strong independent candidate or two. Or a third party

Trump could still go independent despite having signed that document?
It would be great if this all led to at least a strong independent candidate or two. Or a third party

Trump could still go independent despite having signed that document?

Sometimes I wonder how crazy politics would be if we had a Parliament and first-past-the-post.
I will be forever grateful to Trump for pantsing Jeb! And sinking his campaign.. But if he plans to go after Hillary by using her husband as ammo its going to will make her sympathetic to many women who don't like her currently.. That could really fuck Bernie's chances up.
I'm thinking they'll just realize chump is worse than they even imagined.

Bernie offers greatest change
I will be forever grateful to Trump for pantsing Jeb! And sinking his campaign.. But if he plans to go after Hillary by using her husband as ammo its going to will make her sympathetic to many women who don't like her currently.. That could really fuck Bernie's chances up.
Bill Clinton is a pervert. Not only does he fly around in "sex jets" with convicted pedophiles, but has also been accused of rape and abusing women. He was barred from practicing law and was impeached.(perjury and obstruction of justice) When giving a speech on behalf of his wife for president, Bill was barely able to fill half the hall.
That pic is hilarious

Clinton never should have been impeached.. Who wouldn't lie about a blowjob if they were married?

The 50 million spent on that investigation is what angers me the most.

Most politicians are perverts and liars.
Looking forward to it.
Please describe for me who you think the "average trump supporter" is please...
And plz feel free to use as many racist, shallow, biased, and uninformed adjectives as you feel necessary!
Don't worry, I'll wait while you go & find another crayon.... I know, I know, you just can't help it because they're just soooo damn delicious!! :hump:
That pic is hilarious

Clinton never should have been impeached.. Who wouldn't lie about a blowjob if they were married?

The 50 million spent on that investigation is what angers me the most.

Most politicians are perverts and liars.

He was impeached for lying to congress, not for getting a blowjob.

It angers me that people still believe the spin.
He was impeached for lying to congress, not for getting a blowjob.

It angers me that people still believe the spin.

He was never impeached. They tried to do it, but didn't impeach him. Also his most vocal critics later came out admitting to affairs. Corso312 is correct when he says he never should have been impeached; it shouldn't have turned into the political fiasco that it did.
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