Donald Trump

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He was impeached for lying to congress, not for getting a blowjob.

It angers me that people still believe the spin.

He was impeached by the House but not the Senate, it was a witch hunt and it was a fuckin joke and wasted fifty million of taxpayer $ .

Half the conservative party is fuckin their Paige's or little boys or has some strange sexual proclivity.
He was impeached for lying to congress, not for getting a blowjob.

It angers me that people still believe the spin.
The fact is he was impeached for lying in his deposition, when asked if he had sex, he asked for a definition of sex and was given the definition for coitus he said no. Legally he wasn't guilty of perjury, but it is spliting a hair as in being bound by his oath to tell the whole truth. If you could be impeached for lying to congress then oblomba should be and if hillery becomes pres. than she should be impeached retroactively. This is the FACT of it.
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The questioned some Imams in the area, none of them knew him. The mayor said this doesn't have anything to do with the Islamic faith.

Well take the news straight from the liberal CNN.

(CNN)At a crosswalk in Philadelphia, a man dressed in a long white mantle stormed Officer Jesse Hartnett's squad car and unloaded a gun at him.

Edward Archer, 30, would tell police later that he attacked for ISIS. And Hartnett's bravery in the face of mortal danger would ensure the suspect didn't get away.

The shooter was firing as he approached Hartnett's car on foot late Thursday. Surveillance camera footage shows him continuing to fire as he reached inside the lowered driver's side window.

"He was trying to assassinate this police officer," police Commissioner Richard Ross said.

"I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that's why I did what I did," Archer said, according to Clark.

"He believed that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran," Commissioner Ross said.

Archer, who is from Yeadon, a Philadelphia suburb, traveled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and Egypt in 2012, FBI Special Agent Eric Ruona said.

Travel to Saudi Arabia is normal for Muslims who are required once in their lifetimes to complete the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

Investigators do not know if Archer had any connections to ISIS or other terrorists.

Not sure why my post was deleted after all the bashing of Christians I read in here.
and p.s.

Mayor Jim Kenney said the shooting had nothing to do with Islam. "It is abhorrent," he said. "It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings."

SO the guy admits to it then the liberal mayor says it has nothing to do with religion.
Typical liberal bullshit. No better example.

Just like Bill Clinton.
His lawyers told him the defination of "sexual intercorse" and he told us all on TV "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".
He was correct. No entry was made.
at least in her vagina.
Bill Clintons sexual business was no business of ours to was between Bill & Hillary. they had no business asking those questions...Bill should have took the 5th

The only reason "they had no business asking those questions" was the Clintons were being investigated for other crimes.

In January 1998, after Lewinsky had submitted an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying any physical relationship with Clinton, she attempted to persuade Tripp to lie under oath in the Jones case. Instead, Tripp gave the tapes to Starr who was investigating the Whitewater controversy and other matters. Now armed with evidence of Lewinsky's admission of a physical relationship with Clinton, he broadened the investigation to include Lewinsky and her possible perjury in the Jones case.
Really? Then how the fuck did that retard George Bush get inside? He was a coke head and degenerate alcoholic that turned bible thumper.
I have never noted bush thumping a bible. As far as a coke head bill did more then a bit at a place called slick willys where his bro was dealing for a long long time and where the name came from, he got the name slick willy from from all the girl friends and other things that he did and nothing stuck. Things bill did were right up until his run for office and after. Bush did his when was when he was young.
The only reason "they had no business asking those questions" was the Clintons were being investigated for other crimes.

In January 1998, after Lewinsky had submitted an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying any physical relationship with Clinton, she attempted to persuade Tripp to lie under oath in the Jones case. Instead, Tripp gave the tapes to Starr who was investigating the Whitewater controversy and other matters. Now armed with evidence of Lewinsky's admission of a physical relationship with Clinton, he broadened the investigation to include Lewinsky and her possible perjury in the Jones case.
most of the country saw it then, just like none of our business
Why were they asking Bill Clinton about sex?.....isn't that his person information?

Oh yeah the Conservatards love to tout privacy and personal freedom but when it comes to a Democratic President, every single part of their personal life has to be under the most intense scrutiny. Let's forget about all the Republicans who were screwing boys @Nutes and Nugs
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