Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

Two polar opposites. Attracted by their diversity in reasoning.
Both born from the one. Can be considered brothers. But are still completely opposed.
Are You a brainwashed sheep person???
Where in the world did You get satanic vibes from this gorgeous painting???
I just don't want the deception of Satan to slip in. Haha and I just say it because of the serpents and all seeing eye.

Which I guess is kind of more deception from Satan because it's all what you Attribute to that specific symbol. And the Jesus fish Used to represent some other "god" or something and the Early Church changed the meaning.

I don't know I have always been and Am and trying to stop but always Judgin first!

As some grower had on his ig "Love first, ask questions later."
I just don't want the deception of Satan to slip in.
Simple as this.... don't.

I just say it because of the serpents and all seeing eye.
Wow so much ignorance and misconception of beautiful symbols...
Snakes and serpents are one of the most balanced creatures in the animal kingdom and deserve much more respect. Yes, Satan was disguised as a serpent back in Eden but there is so much divine wisdom behind the snake and serpent. And don't get Me started on the all seeing eye... If You think that is a bad or evil symbol.... Please unfollow this thread. So much ignorance. *Sigh*



Which I guess is kind of more deception from Satan because it's all what you Attribute to that specific symbol. And the Jesus fish Used to represent some other "god" or something and the Early Church changed the meaning.
That symbol above is two circles put together to create an ichthus, a symbol of Jesus Christ. LOVE . It is a fish because Jesus came the age of Piscis.
That symbol is called a
Vesica Piscis . TWo things coming together in LOVE. That is what Jesus is. That is what He represents.

I don't know I have always been and Am and trying to stop but always Judgin first!
Only God can judge.

Simple as this.... don't.

Wow so much ignorance and misconception of beautiful symbols...
Snakes and serpents are one of the most balanced creatures in the animal kingdom and deserve much more respect. Yes, Satan was disguised as a serpent back in Eden but there is so much divine wisdom behind the snake and serpent. And don't get Me started on the all seeing eye... If You think that is a bad or evil symbol.... Please unfollow this thread. So much ignorance. *Sigh*



That symbol above is two circles put together to create an ichthus, a symbol of Jesus Christ. LOVE . It is a fish because Jesus came the age of Piscis.
That symbol is called a Vesica Piscis . TWo things coming together in LOVE. That is what Jesus is. That is what He represents.

Only God can judge.
AMEN thanks so much brother!!! I needed all that thanks brother!!! JESUS CHRIST does say Be as wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove
Dude Heatless you just tripped me out with the J fish coming out of the concentric circles, never made that connection

Same pattern that creates all these sacred geometry patterns kids are talking about these days
Everything is connected and relative in some way, shape. or form.
Very interesting thoughts.

i like this you are definitely right I Am giving them power and control over me by fearing them. I AM saved by THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and they have No power over me and I shouldn't be afraid of them you are right!

It's just that thought lucifer was the most beautiful angel BUT he wanted to be Greater than GOD. And to say that he "shows" us the "truth" is not true. For he said Nothing would happen if you ate of this fruit. But Something Did happen. That's all GOD asked. Don't eat of this fruit. You can have EVERYTHING else you want except this. The Knowledge of Good and Evil. I'd rather just Know Life. Haha after my trip HAHA I used to Always chase the spiritual world and now i kind of got my taste and don't want anymore until HE Tells me.

But seriously thanks for what you said

But whose book got published?

You never got both sides of the story, so why attribute what is bad to what you're led to believe is bad? Why couldn't the Light also create the Dark to make the Light look better? And if the Light did create Dark, and not the other way around, is it worthy of worship still?

I personally believe we've been tilting at windmills for millennia because we can't come to grips with the fact we're fallible, and everything we do or think is fallible.

Pessimistic I know, but I do think arrogance will be the downfall of mankind eventually. I should say I don't think you or your beliefs are arrogant at all, in fact quite normal and healthy. But as a species, I find us utterly and sometimes repellently arrogant.

Good vibes this way to all.
Hahaha umm yeah satan is Not JESUS CHRIST Nor the other way around. If that is what this is inferring.?

Why not? Why is Darkness and Lightness seperate if WE ALL have both in us? Aren't we just trying to quantify the bad and dwell on the good?

You ever read any mid to later Kerouac cannakis? He seems right up your alley with his constantly evolving ideas on the purpose and role of the human (Catholic) soul and spiritual (various Buddhisms) need of the body.
But whose book got published?

You never got both sides of the story, so why attribute what is bad to what you're led to believe is bad? Why couldn't the Light also create the Dark to make the Light look better? And if the Light did create Dark, and not the other way around, is it worthy of worship still?

I personally believe we've been tilting at windmills for millennia because we can't come to grips with the fact we're fallible, and everything we do or think is fallible.

Pessimistic I know, but I do think arrogance will be the downfall of mankind eventually. I should say I don't think you or your beliefs are arrogant at all, in fact quite normal and healthy. But as a species, I find us utterly and sometimes repellently arrogant.

Good vibes this way to all.
Not worship. Just be.