Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

What was Your set and setting??? hahahaha
I broke all the rules. I took it all for granted. Others would have called it a bad trip. Some would say it was a blessed event. Basically I broke through. Way to far. Everything changed. Reality. And myself. I couldn't touch anything psychedelic for three weeks afterward.
Oh but there is. They don't keep people "locked up" today? Because if you don't think so then you should walk into a local psych ward and ask to walk the high security ward. And just because you throw pills or chemicals at something doesn't mean it's fixed or cured. You're exactly right Loving Care is Exactly what these people need above All else! And that's what the True Religion of JESUS CHRIST Teaches. True Servants of THE TRUTH AND LOCE WHO IS JESUS CHRIST have been Murdered by other "Christians" since JESUS CHRIST Ascended! The Catholic Church slaughtered More TRUE Christians than Most Any other society in the world!

The devil and GOD are very real. The darkness and the Light. Lies and Truth. Death and Life. Which one do you want to be apart of!? And don't believe that lucifer is the true light because that is a Lie he comes to Only Steal Kill and Destroy! JESUS CHRIST Cane to bring LIFE LOVE AND TRUTH!
Yes Satan, Lucifer, the devil is a very real being that has an intelligence of its own, it lies at the heart of all people, it is also called the ego, the darkness, and many demons lie in the darkness.

God is also very real, "know thyself", you are the immortal spirit of life itself, the Eternal Flame, the Light.

You have no choice in the matter, you are following the will of the darkness or you are following the will of the light, depends on just how wise you are.
I didn't read the thread to drunk, but I will say I don't believe there are bad trips, just ones we don't expect or like doesn't make them bad, I haven't had one in a longtime but I think we learn the most from our "bad trips" however since we don't like them we try to just brush of what was trying to be shown by the gods of the earth, ignorance is bliss or maybe it's the other way around..
Hmm! Very true I like that. But I mean what about the people who think there oranges or whatever and don't really Ever come back to reality. And you Know that theirs is Not real. You know that's when I realize Why it is illegal.!
I've only had one or two negative trips, the first one was when I found myself talking to seven pillars of blue flame (nothing in this world existed at all. I was comfortable. My tripping buddy thought in was having a bad trip and kept shaking me, the shaking caused my trip to spiral down, because the blue flames were really important for some reason and the 3-4 separate times I was shaken and brought back here to this world, it made me sad more than anything I was not scared.

I tripped on lsd and took some crystal speed or something from a Mexican buddy of mine. When I snorted the crystals all my lsd visuals turned, I guess what other people might consider dark and scary. I saw what people would consider deamon and dragon faces and corpses and sharp hands/claws with knives, all sorts of things. It went on for at least 3 hours. I called a friend and told him I was tripping and needed some help come quick I'll give you weed. When he came I told him what was going on, and just said the visuals were dark (not scary) I never felt fear or was scared of them, I just saw that it was something my mind was manifesting on top of the lsd visuals, I even tried to interact with the hands and full on deamon bodies, which was very amusing to my friend.
If you look at something and label it (Satan, demon, devil, fear, anger, rage, horror) then of course it will be associated like that. I SAW the face of "Satan" but to ME there is no such person/being as Satan, its all a facet of your mind, which I refused to let it propel me down a dark path. I instead greeted the negative imagery with open arms and told it that it had no control over me whatsoever, but that it was INTERESTING to me, so please continue showing me yourself.
One final negative trip I had, I tripped on 4aco dmt, and right when it hit me, it just kept building. And building. And building. "I" was no longer in control, so "I" told it to come take me, take me over completely but first, let this body that used to be "mike" get into a comfortable position. The 4aco dmt did just that. It understood that what was going on was a little more (OK a shit ton more) than I expected, and it felt like it GAVE me permission to lay down. It literally calmed down for about 2-3 minutes, I lay down and heard a voice say
"We hope you are ready because we will not take it easy"
And I said
There's nothing I can do, so come at me and help me learn
That to me is demons.
@cannakis You do realize this thread is dedicated to guiding people on how to ward off evil spirits, correct?
didnt realize actually! Some Divine Providence!?!
How did this thread turn into a religious debate -.-. I think if I was religious I'd be just as crazy as my brother. I use to be straight atheist but salvia and mushrooms made me spiritual and think there could be something much more to death then just darkness, specifically reincarnation. I believe dying will be like waking up into a new life with no recollection of the previous one. Things don't happen because God has his own plans, they happen as a result of my desicions, and what is just supposed to naturally occur. I do believe in a higher being, I'm just not sure what it is, i don't think any of us is sure what it is.
The universe which moves all this energy is JESUS CHRIST.
How did this thread turn into a religious debate -.-. I think if I was religious I'd be just as crazy as my brother. I use to be straight atheist but salvia and mushrooms made me spiritual and think there could be something much more to death then just darkness, specifically reincarnation. I believe dying will be like waking up into a new life with no recollection of the previous one. Things don't happen because God has his own plans, they happen as a result of my desicions, and what is just supposed to naturally occur. I do believe in a higher being, I'm just not sure what it is, i don't think any of us is sure what it is.
I don't believe in reincarnation, or atleast you're version of it,, I think when we die we return to the collective, so being reincarnated on earth again seems pretty slim since the universe is to large, maybe you be reincarnated into a completely its different univrse as somthing you don't even realize exhist
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Oh yeah I totally agree, I often think anything is possible when I'm tripping. An unlimited amount of unimaginable galaxies, planets and beings just waiting for me to leave this life :lol:
I don't believe in reincarnation, or atleast you're version of it,, I think when we die we return to the collective, so being reincarnated on earth again seems pretty slim since the universe is to large, maybe you be reincarnated into a completely its different univrse as somthing you don't even realize exhist
ever read about the green children of woolpitt?
Green children were discovered in Europe I think. Link:

You say demons. I say an interesting visual image, are you afraid of demons? If so why? Your fear would give them power, your thoughts of maybe recognising them as a messenger or perhaps even an intelligence that is different from what you are used to makes them powerless to cause fear. What makes an ugly thing something to be afraid of? A porcupine would have the same general shape of what I saw ( sharp spikey needles) but it is not something to run away from in terror. Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be a beautiful being? And isn't he like the worst demon? My main point is that when tripping if you see something and you think "fear" you should try to rearrange your thoughts.
ever read about the green children of woolpitt?
Green children were discovered in Europe I think. Link:

You say demons. I say an interesting visual image, are you afraid of demons? If so why? Your fear would give them power, your thoughts of maybe recognising them as a messenger or perhaps even an intelligence that is different from what you are used to makes them powerless to cause fear. What makes an ugly thing something to be afraid of? A porcupine would have the same general shape of what I saw ( sharp spikey needles) but it is not something to run away from in terror. Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be a beautiful being? And isn't he like the worst demon? My main point is that when tripping if you see something and you think "fear" you should try to rearrange your thoughts.
Oh yeah. I heard about that.
I don't believe in reincarnation, or atleast you're version of it,, I think when we die we return to the collective, so being reincarnated on earth again seems pretty slim since the universe is to large, maybe you be reincarnated into a completely its different univrse as somthing you don't even realize exhist
Very interesting thoughts.
Green children were discovered in Europe I think. Link:

You say demons. I say an interesting visual image, are you afraid of demons? If so why? Your fear would give them power, your thoughts of maybe recognising them as a messenger or perhaps even an intelligence that is different from what you are used to makes them powerless to cause fear. What makes an ugly thing something to be afraid of? A porcupine would have the same general shape of what I saw ( sharp spikey needles) but it is not something to run away from in terror. Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be a beautiful being? And isn't he like the worst demon? My main point is that when tripping if you see something and you think "fear" you should try to rearrange your thoughts.
i like this you are definitely right I Am giving them power and control over me by fearing them. I AM saved by THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and they have No power over me and I shouldn't be afraid of them you are right!

It's just that thought lucifer was the most beautiful angel BUT he wanted to be Greater than GOD. And to say that he "shows" us the "truth" is not true. For he said Nothing would happen if you ate of this fruit. But Something Did happen. That's all GOD asked. Don't eat of this fruit. You can have EVERYTHING else you want except this. The Knowledge of Good and Evil. I'd rather just Know Life. Haha after my trip HAHA I used to Always chase the spiritual world and now i kind of got my taste and don't want anymore until HE Tells me.

But seriously thanks for what you said
The brothers Grimm (the fairytale dudes not the creators of c99) spent a few years in Europe along some forest that's in Germany and a few other countries, when they left they wrote Grimm's fairytales, based off "folklore" about the black forest, but the weird thing is that if suspend disbelief for a moment and analyze each story as a factual event, the "fairytales" tell a chronological history of the region and references several physical landmarks and historical figures...!
As above, so below. If there are angels, and they have messages, there will be demons with messages too. One time when deep in a lsdmt mushroom trip, I am not sure where it came from as I wasn't even listening to music, but I got the urge to dance. I was looking at some eastern philosophy stuff, and I saw that there were Buddhist or Tibetan monks that had a dance that represented the movements of the divine.
That was the exact dance I was doing! It was amazing like I was being compelled strongly but gently to move my body like that
As above, so below. If there are angels, and they have messages, there will be demons with messages too. One time when deep in a lsdmt mushroom trip, I am not sure where it came from as I wasn't even listening to music, but I got the urge to dance. I was looking at some eastern philosophy stuff, and I saw that there were Buddhist or Tibetan monks that had a dance that represented the movements of the divine.
That was the exact dance I was doing! It was amazing like I was being compelled strongly but gently to move my body like that
You were "Going with the flow."