Stay Grounded - When You Break Down

I got the choice of either out deep in the sand pits, or up in the mountains in foresty area. I just usually get a really heavy body load and need to lay down, who knows may be different when I'm alone in nature. I've only ever tripped in nature with friends. I often get that pure confusion too mike, where it just seems everything loses meaning sometimes I end up staring in the mirror feeling like a complete loon lol
Haha did this myself the other day!
Alot of great stuff in this thread. @mikek420
I totally lost myself the first time with Ayu. Neighbors still thinm that I'm mentally disabled.
Hahaha that's hilarious!
I am spiritual if anything. but to answer Your question I would fall into agnostic over atheist or religious; even though I am not agnostic. Jesus and Buddha are My home boys. I worship Mother Gaia. The Goddess of All. I pray to the unknown and have the strongest relationship with the universal energy that binds Us all together.
which This energy THE CREATOR OF ALL IS JESUS CHRIST! THE WORD AND TRUTH which is in Every society since the beginning of time, THE LOVE THE LIGHT, All of This Was Is Manifest Flesh in JESUS CHRIST when HE Came and walked this earth and Died and Conquered death and Rose and Ascended into Heaven so HE May bless us with THE HOLY GHOST WHO Is always with us if we just ask HIM! HE IS THE FREE GIFT!
I didn't give you the option of spiritual because I knew that's what you would fall back on. So, you do believe in a deity? You cannot claim agnostic.
hahaha! Ask me ask me! Do you know what I Am!?!
p.s. words suck
NO WORD Is Life and Meaning! It is the Misunderstanding and Miscommunication which causes the problem.
Haha did this myself the other day!

Hahaha that's hilarious!

which This energy THE CREATOR OF ALL IS JESUS CHRIST! THE WORD AND TRUTH which is in Every society since the beginning of time, THE LOVE THE LIGHT, All of This Was Is Manifest Flesh in JESUS CHRIST when HE Came and walked this earth and Died and Conquered death and Rose and Ascended into Heaven so HE May bless us with THE HOLY GHOST WHO Is always with us if we just ask HIM! HE IS THE FREE GIFT!

hahaha! Ask me ask me! Do you know what I Am!?!

NO WORD Is Life and Meaning! It is the Misunderstanding and Miscommunication which causes the problem.

Get back to me when you are off your acid trip. In the mean time, may I suggest a nice movie to trip to?

Haha you are the man HeatlessBBQ! What does your name mean by the way?
YOU are the man because God is the man!!!!

What do You think HeatlessBBQ means???
When I was a child I came up with it for some odd reason, having no knowledge of polarities and yin/yang but I believe in synchronizations so I take it as something important to Me as My growth as an individual.

What HeatlessBBQ means to Me is I am here to set Your soul on fire but not burn You. <3

Overwhelming communication with the Holy Spirit is right !!!! :) If ONE wants to use those words but that really does get the message across.
I love YOU too. ( ( ( <3 ) ) )
YOU are the man because God is the man!!!!

What do You think HeatlessBBQ means???
When I was a child I came up with it for some odd reason, having no knowledge of polarities and yin/yang but I believe in synchronizations so I take it as something important to Me as My growth as an individual.

What HeatlessBBQ means to Me is I am here to set Your soul on fire but not burn You. <3

Overwhelming communication with the Holy Spirit is right !!!! :) If ONE wants to use those words but that really does get the message across.
I love YOU too. ( ( ( <3 ) ) )
Haha I LOVE THAT! Set you a Flame but Not burn you!
YOU are the man because God is the man!!!!

What do You think HeatlessBBQ means???
When I was a child I came up with it for some odd reason, having no knowledge of polarities and yin/yang but I believe in synchronizations so I take it as something important to Me as My growth as an individual.

What HeatlessBBQ means to Me is I am here to set Your soul on fire but not burn You. <3

Overwhelming communication with the Holy Spirit is right !!!! :) If ONE wants to use those words but that really does get the message across.
I love YOU too. ( ( ( <3 ) ) )
Isn't it crazy how even as a Child we are still Brilliant! Even if we are "ignorant" to the workd
I gave shrooms to a coworker a few weeks ago. three of us were tripping and my coworker went right off the godamn deep end. started crying and asking if we liked him. then he went and hid in a empty trailer behind the shop.
I have my two coworkers 2 grams... I took my usual eighth. Really ruined my trip.
I can't find anyone to trip with around here. I always trip alone... my good friend doesn't like to trip but we will chill together while I'm rolling. ...
Anyways, I have a lot of experience tripping alone. I highly recommend going to see live theatre. I saw Dracula at the local college, I was tripping on shrooms.
I am a psychonauticl explorer , I do not like to box myself into MUST BE RIGHT SETTING... around good people. I think it is 99% about where your head is at when you trip. when I trip on Mescaline my wife likes to fuck with me and take me shopping or has me go buy groceries. she knows I will agree to do whatever.... I love to go people watching on hallucinagins. I highly recommend public settings and uncomfortable places- that is if you are experienced. I love the outdoors too, but don't restrict yourself
@cannakis , the last time I smoked DMT with a good friend of mine, I saw the devil. This was about 4 months ago... Before the trip , I go up to My room and get the DMT, the DMT just so happened to be placed next to this photo of Jesus Christ. I thought about why I was smoking the dmt and why I wanted to share that experience with My friend.... then We smoked it....

It started out pretty awesome with the typical closed eye lid scenario, approaching a colorful wall made of moving gadgets, gears, and cogs... but then I sensed a presence in the room with Us; so I opened My eyes. I instantly saw this presence that I felt. I look over at the couch and it was made of two giant eye balls, staring at Me and this evil thing snarled at Me. It was beyond angry and upset with Me but I felt protected and felt this evil energy could not get to Me...All of a sudden it jumped into My buddy who smoked the dmt with Me... He stated laughing uncontrollably and the laugh gave off an extremely uncomfortable vibe. I just breathed and let the trip roll out knowing it was almost over since n,n-dmt only last 10 minutes ... After the trip I ask My buddy if He is a believer in Jesus Christ and He said "no"

maybe this is all in My head? but Maybe this is actually synchronized with what is real???

Have any of You experienced anything like this on ANY psychedelic????

@cannakis , the last time I smoked DMT with a good friend of mine, I saw the devil. This was about 4 months ago... Before the trip , I go up to My room and get the DMT, the DMT just so happened to be placed next to this photo of Jesus Christ. I thought about why I was smoking the dmt and why I wanted to share that experience with My friend.... then We smoked it....

It started out pretty awesome with the typical closed eye lid scenario, approaching a colorful wall made of moving gadgets, gears, and cogs... but then I sensed a presence in the room with Us; so I opened My eyes. I instantly saw this presence that I felt. I look over at the couch and it was made of two giant eye balls, staring at Me and this evil thing snarled at Me. It was beyond angry and upset with Me but I felt protected and felt this evil energy could not get to Me...All of a sudden it jumped into My buddy who smoked the dmt with Me... He stated laughing uncontrollably and the laugh gave off an extremely uncomfortable vibe. I just breathed and let the trip roll out knowing it was almost over since n,n-dmt only last 10 minutes ... After the trip I ask My buddy if He is a believer in Jesus Christ and He said "no"

maybe this is all in My head? but Maybe this is actually synchronized with what is real???

Have any of You experienced anything like this on ANY psychedelic????

Yes my friend. I have had similar experiences.
I get that a lot... I see swirling Demon faces spiraling ... quickly transforms into something else... sometimes Angels or patterns...
Those are hallucinagins though and easy to understand for me. my worst time I ever had was on 6 hits of good LSD. I went to Vegas when I was 18... too long to type the horrors I experienced. very little of it was visual hallucinations ... mostly inward mental hallucination and extreme paranoia.
basically, the devil controls everything about Vegas from traffic lights to having fake humans staging elaborate stunts to get you to sin..... that shit rattled me for several days.
I am an atheist now.... I was forced to church until I was a teen ... so I attribute my devil and God hallucinations to that .
@cannakis , the last time I smoked DMT with a good friend of mine, I saw the devil. This was about 4 months ago... Before the trip , I go up to My room and get the DMT, the DMT just so happened to be placed next to this photo of Jesus Christ. I thought about why I was smoking the dmt and why I wanted to share that experience with My friend.... then We smoked it....

It started out pretty awesome with the typical closed eye lid scenario, approaching a colorful wall made of moving gadgets, gears, and cogs... but then I sensed a presence in the room with Us; so I opened My eyes. I instantly saw this presence that I felt. I look over at the couch and it was made of two giant eye balls, staring at Me and this evil thing snarled at Me. It was beyond angry and upset with Me but I felt protected and felt this evil energy could not get to Me...All of a sudden it jumped into My buddy who smoked the dmt with Me... He stated laughing uncontrollably and the laugh gave off an extremely uncomfortable vibe. I just breathed and let the trip roll out knowing it was almost over since n,n-dmt only last 10 minutes ... After the trip I ask My buddy if He is a believer in Jesus Christ and He said "no"

maybe this is all in My head? but Maybe this is actually synchronized with what is real???

Have any of You experienced anything like this on ANY psychedelic????

I believe things like this Is real. And that's just it I don't EVER want to lead someone down the wrong path and make them think that lucifer is the true light because he is NOT!!!

Crazy shit though!

I get that a lot... I see swirling Demon faces spiraling ... quickly transforms into something else... sometimes Angels or patterns...
Those are hallucinagins though and easy to understand for me. my worst time I ever had was on 6 hits of good LSD. I went to Vegas when I was 18... too long to type the horrors I experienced. very little of it was visual hallucinations ... mostly inward mental hallucination and extreme paranoia.
basically, the devil controls everything about Vegas from traffic lights to having fake humans staging elaborate stunts to get you to sin..... that shit rattled me for several days.
I am an atheist now.... I was forced to church until I was a teen ... so I attribute my devil and God hallucinations to that .
This was mine the other night. Like I honestly can't blaze right now because it takes me to dark places. That shit is No joke.
@cannakis , the last time I smoked DMT with a good friend of mine, I saw the devil. This was about 4 months ago... Before the trip , I go up to My room and get the DMT, the DMT just so happened to be placed next to this photo of Jesus Christ. I thought about why I was smoking the dmt and why I wanted to share that experience with My friend.... then We smoked it....

It started out pretty awesome with the typical closed eye lid scenario, approaching a colorful wall made of moving gadgets, gears, and cogs... but then I sensed a presence in the room with Us; so I opened My eyes. I instantly saw this presence that I felt. I look over at the couch and it was made of two giant eye balls, staring at Me and this evil thing snarled at Me. It was beyond angry and upset with Me but I felt protected and felt this evil energy could not get to Me...All of a sudden it jumped into My buddy who smoked the dmt with Me... He stated laughing uncontrollably and the laugh gave off an extremely uncomfortable vibe. I just breathed and let the trip roll out knowing it was almost over since n,n-dmt only last 10 minutes ... After the trip I ask My buddy if He is a believer in Jesus Christ and He said "no"

maybe this is all in My head? but Maybe this is actually synchronized with what is real???

Have any of You experienced anything like this on ANY psychedelic????

Maybe you should share THE TRUTH OF JESUS CHRIST with your friend. Perhaps he Needs the True Light of GOD in his soul! Possession is very real. But it's not by catholic rites that any demons are Ever "exorcised" But ONLY through THE WORD OF GOD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!

I had a friend some years ago in college. "Textbook" psycho... But honestly I believe a lot of that is Possession. I would Always talk to him about THE LORD. Well one time I didn't see him for a couple weeks... He checked himself into the psych ward. Well I see him in the library ask what's up... He tells what happened and how he's lost yada yada. So I say Brother you Need JESUS CHRIST in your life--mind you I've Never tripped before this, only blazed haha and hasn't ever smoked concentrate either--and he Immediately gets furious and grabs me and as if flames of evil were in his eyes Yelled "I don't want your Fucking JESUS stop telling me about JESUS!" Yelled this in the library! I grabbed his arm and told him to CALM DOWN! GOD Loves you and I love you and if you need anything let me know. Haven't ever seen him since. I pray he's alright.

But the point of this is there Is a Spiritual Workd and War going on for people's souls for All eternity.! It is our job while on this Earth to Enter THE LIGHT and then BE THE LIGHT AND SALT to the rest of the earth! To bring those who reject JESUS CHRIST LOVE GOD can See THE TRUTH and Enter the Heavenly Fold.!