''' The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Voting Thread '''

1 FrozenChozen
2 JimmyIndica
3 Stangrows
4 hyroot
5 OneHitDone
6 Psuagro
7 GFS_Nic
8 Old-School
9 Sgt John
10 Snowboarder396
11 6ixclouds
12 bellcore
13 nvhak49
14 FranJan
15 The Dawg
16 JRayV
18 AlaskanMedMan
19 farmasensist
20 needsomebeans
21 TimeToBurn

Stangrows and hyroot finished tied so the tiebreaker was most first place votes. Others who tied finished out of the running so it doesn't factor in as much. I have to finish this in groups starting at the top. After that I'll contact the rest of you to take care of things. If I missed something let me know.
WooHoo! Thanks guys! The kind words are awesome, I have some big ideas for #8! The registration thread will go up soon. In the mean time, tell your friends, and think happy thoughts as I scour the interwebz for more potential sponsors... If any of you have ideas or industry connections that may be interested, feel free to pm me! For all of those that are curious, I will be doing my best to remain true and consistent with the rules laid out in these past 7 party cup grow comps., very few of the participants have had any kind of issue with the way I run it! I hope to see you all back again for a smooth number 8!
Congrats @FrozenChozen