A Stoners Dilema..

everyone seems to agree that stealing someones crop is a terrible idea; at least I had the great oppurtunity to see this beautiful patch. How much will this grower yeild/ possibilly make??? (assuming the grower sells)
I can't believe you, as a grower yourself even thinking about this. Stealing is stealing. How would you feel if they were your plants? It's your karma. :twisted:
i like that, just see what he's up to, maybe try to figure out the strain of something, pin a 20 in one of the tree's, lol.
i like that, just see what he's up to, maybe try to figure out the strain of something, pin a 20 in one of the tree's, lol.

yea man, leave a note. "i took a few buds, heres $20, thanks!"

haha that would probly freak out whoever is growing them, knowing that some1 else knows about their plot...
Note on plant: "Hello, we stumbled upon your lovely ladies while out 4 wheeling. We helped ourselves to 2 "hush nugs". We will NOT be back, nor will we ever speak of this. Good luck with your grow!! You definitely have some skills. Peace"
If it were mine I'd rather you harvested a whole branch per tree that I'd never notice than scare the crap out of me by leaving me a note. Any note would also force me to find a new spot, no note may mean you can share in a little of his love as long as he contiues and often people will re-use a grow area if it's works over and over.

Then again those DEA types might take it all anyway and neither you nor the farmer gets shit.

Don't make anything you take significant *or noticeable* and let the grower go on happy with his patch location and yield and don't give him a fucking heart attack with a note, that's my vote.
yo some kids called me up and asked if I wanted to use my parents' mini van to transport several plants from a guys house to my house. and I said sure. but then they told me that we were stealing them...at first I was down, but then thought about how angry I've seen some people get over shit like that. plus I'm 18 now and shouldn't be doing that stuff. all in all man...your a college student? be an adult then and keep to your own. if you want that much bud put that much effort into it. or offer that dude help next time he may hook you up with some cheap women or free bud.
I like the ideas. Its hard to judge whats right and wrong in this situation for me, on one hand i think if it were mine how would I feel, on the other, what if someone stumbled upon my patch, they'd for sure rip me off for sure. I really doubt he'll miss a few nugs here and there, or notice for that matter.
lol, i highly doubt they could catch me,

Lol I have yet to meet the man who can outrun bullet :P Leave the plants alone you said in the first post you grow yourself and I dout very much you would like to walk into your grow one day and find alll of it gone.
Yeah, i put a lot of love into those plants, I got poison ivy like 3 different times just to water em. lol
32 plants is not the grow of a medical or self-grower man...that's commercial..and you don't wanna fuck with that.
That is exactlly what my friends and I said. I wonder how much 32 plants is capable of yielding...?