Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
As CinC, I hope to god that Donald Trump doesn`t let shit like this happen.

It`s fucking unbelievable.’t-earn-a-court-calls-it-free-speech/ar-CCvR7i?li=BBnb7Kz

I don`t got a dog in this fight but I`d still slap the shit outta someone doing it. And this mutherfucker served! I don`t care if he was a truck mechanic or cook, he still served, but ya don`t fucking do this.
Who are you blaming for this fuckery ?


Well-Known Member
Who are you blaming for this fuckery ?

The Federal Judge that can`t first and foremost, and the CinC that can regardless of Party. If I wear a police badge I get arrested if I claim to be a cop. The fakes need to be different color or something maybe a yellow dot on it, something that declares it`s not authentic.


Well-Known Member
The yellow heart is awarded to U.S. combat troops who show courageous restraint before firing on the enemy

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Well-Known Member
We need to always give credit where credit is due,....and that was fucking funny..............
So are you saying that Sargent Bowe Bergdahl does not deserve the yellow heart for showing courageous restraint while working with the Taliban? Who's better than him?
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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I think you are confused he is a" community organizer " not a negotiator. He ended up organizing america like it was Chicago. I am surprised he didn't rename the country to the" greater chicago republic".

Law professor ? I wouldn't hire that idiot for jack shit. TRUMP!
Tsk, Tsk, him what you will; it's undeniable he was a law professor at harvard law school and yes, organizer so which one of those tidbits leave you to believe he's not the negotiating type?

I'd rather have a negotiator than a narcissist speaking for me Thank you very much, go ask those 10 sailors who were held by Iran.

Reagan was known as the negotiator, whats wrong with negotiating?


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Tsk, Tsk, him what you will; it's undeniable he was a law professor at harvard law school and yes, organizer so which one of those tidbits leave you to believe he's not the negotiating type?

I'd rather have a negotiator than a narcissist speaking for me Thank you very much, go ask those 10 sailors who were held by Iran.

Reagan was known as the negotiator, whats wrong with negotiating?

If you were to think about the 150 billion Iran is getting in a few days you would understand why they let the sailors go. Other than that what has he negotiated that was worth a shit? TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
If you were to think about the 150 billion Iran is getting in a few days you would understand why they let the sailors go. Other than that what has he negotiated that was worth a shit? I'M A CHUMP!
Yeah except it got 10 US sailors out in a jiffy, and will bring Iran more moderation, which in the long run will mean a less radicalized Iran. You may want to check sources.

WASHINGTON -- Iran will receive approximately $55 billion in sanctions relief once the nuclear deal is implemented, said Treasury Secretary Jack Lew -- a fraction of the $150 billion that critics of the agreement have claimed will go to the country.

“There is a lot of discussion out there that Iran is going to somehow get $150 billion as soon as sanctions are lifted. That is incorrect,” said Lew, speaking at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday. He explained that Iran will not be able to access much of its money that has been locked up overseas due to sanctions because the money has already been committed elsewhere.

Last week, Lew told a group of senators that over $20 billion of Iran’s frozen assets has already been committed to infrastructure projects with China, and that Iran owes an additional "tens of billions" of dollars on nonperforming loans to its energy and banking sectors.
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