When should I stop my workout ?

Water diet?
Oh well that's different, just lift until
your body eats what muscle you already have.
then drink more water I guess.
rots o ruck
Yes it does if you work for it.

Once again, they tend to happen in a way that might look like one isturning into the other, but it's not. It's a myth. You can not turn fat into muscle or vice-versa. And if you happen to have a friend who still thinks this is really possible, please send them here so this myth can die once and for all.

Muscle of THE SAME WEIGHT occupies less space than fat. Like THIS:

5-pounds-of-fat-vs-5-pounds-of-muscle-mass-comparison.jpg 06b8238.jpg
I think alot of dieting is overthinkn if you eat veggies fruit a little dairy and a lil red meat is fine but stick to chicken and fish smaller meals helps break food down and speeds up your metabolism dont overthink it remember the diamond
pre workout

20mg of adderall?
tablets... the pink generic, corepharma
wallgreens usually or ask
trust me its the best...

in general we only fill the generic we carry unless the prescription says its medically necessary or we get a patient request, as the pharmacy gets more money and the contract allots a specific amount to sell.....

if thats unavailable to you..

ya just jack off.. loosen up, warm up you know

IloveskywalkerogWell-Known Member

Fat doesn't turn into muscle
Yes it does if you work for it.


you can also exercise your brain during your "recovery"

*not necessarily a serious post, i would advise you consult me further if you wish to use rx stimulants...
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pre workout

20mg of adderall?
tablets... the pink generic, corepharma
wallgreens usually or ask
trust me its the best...

in general we only fill the generic we carry unless the prescription says its medically necessary or we get a patient request, as the pharmacy gets more money and the contract allots a specific amount to sell.....

if thats unavailable to you..

ya just jack off.. loosen up, warm up you know

IloveskywalkerogWell-Known Member

Fat doesn't turn into muscle
Yes it does if you work for it.


you can also exercise your brain during your "recovery"

My only pre workout is coffee and Weed.

Cigarettes too, but not for long.

I have WAY TOO much energy most of the time. I sleep like the dead. But I'm awake like a spazz ninja on Speed.

I think. Never tried speed. My friends thought it was NOT a good idea. Hyper enough sober.
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pre workout

20mg of adderall?
tablets... the pink generic, corepharma
wallgreens usually or ask
trust me its the best...

in general we only fill the generic we carry unless the prescription says its medically necessary or we get a patient request, as the pharmacy gets more money and the contract allots a specific amount to sell.....

if thats unavailable to you..

ya just jack off.. loosen up, warm up you know

IloveskywalkerogWell-Known Member

Fat doesn't turn into muscle
Yes it does if you work for it.


you can also exercise your brain during your "recovery"

I'm not in recovery, fuck na and aa, well na.'s alright, aa is full of a bunch of assholes who, at meetings prey on the quiet ones and manipulate them into moving into their halfway so that they can make money, almost happened to me but nobody is gonna tell me not to listen to music.
have you tried a celebrate recovery?.. they have one in your area.. let the living word of god speak to you
cannabis addiction is a disease, one you dont cure but are forever in recovery. relapse is especially common in your age group. you should take this seriously and get the help you need. its a struggle out there on your own, facing your demons without a sober support group usually leads to failure.

if you have any questions feel free to pm me

jk...you have insufficient privileges to contact....this nigga :D