Little mushroom grow log.


Well-Known Member
Well I stated growing mushrooms a little while ago, I have a few cakes in my fruiting chamber right now, haven't started pinning at all yet, but should start anytime, they've been in there for 9 days now. I have a bunch more jars as well, some consolidating, some colonizing still, and 9 more jars sterilized this morning and are awaiting inoculation. Most are 1/2 pint, but I'm experimenting with a couple 1/4 pints as well. And I have been trying a bit of agar this past week, seems to be going meh, satisfactory. Well here is a few pics, a shot of some jars in the TiT, the fruiting chamber, and the cakes in the fruiting chamber. IMG_20160105_042007.jpg IMG_20160109_220518.jpg IMG_20160109_220608.jpg
What are you growing?
Cubes, Cambodian and B+ in the chamber right now, PES Hawaiian and Golden Teacher consolidating along with more camb. and B+s. My PESH and GT syringes are dirty but I was lucky enough to get 1 clean jar of each. took a bunch of tossing out dirties to get them though haha. Spore Depot was kind enough to send me replacements which are on the way right now! Hopefully those go better once they get here!
Good tobsee you goin' full on with your grow. Looks like if even half those turn out. You'll have about a years of weekly trips worth.
Who said either of you get any? ;)

This grow is basically going to be for some start up costs to get a bulk set up going. Gotta spend money to make money, ya know?
Aaaaawwwww. Come on.

What's your problem?

Gimme sommmmmeeeee!!!

F' poi boi. We can keep it between us.

Those cakes look proper.

Got any pin heads yet , @TooBakedd ??? More pictures please? :)

Those cakes look proper.

Got any pin heads yet , @TooBakedd ??? More pictures please? :)
Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been updating that's because nothing has really happened, UNTIL NOW! finally got some pins coming, they are a tad too small for pics yet, but probably by tomorrow I'm thinking they should be picture worthy! And you best believe the mushy porn will be coming at full tilt.
Don't endanger your grow simply to appease us with pictures lol. Personally I'd rather see finished product than hear a week from now your cakes became contaminated by exposing them just to get pictures.
Don't endanger your grow simply to appease us with pictures lol. Personally I'd rather see finished product than hear a week from now your cakes became contaminated by exposing them just to get pictures.
Don't you worry, the fruiting process of growing mushies is far from a sterile process, hell I open my fruiting chamber to mist and fan with the chamber lid after misting. Not to mention the idk, 200 holes in the sides of the SGFC for sufficient FAE! hahaha don't worry a few pics wont hurt, my babies love posing in their pornos. LOL. The only real time you shouldn't be opening a fruiting chamber would be if you were running say trays, or mono tubs, then for the first 7 days after spawning your grains to bulk, you don't open the top at all, no peaking, nothing.

Thinking about possibly giving away a few syringes to members here, to see some more people around here getting into mushrooms, they are such an amazing thing. And such an amazing process of growing, I prefer it to growing weed any day!

Lol you guys gotta see this one cake I can't wait to get pics tonight, the pins formed on the bottom and its almost tipping over!!
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Don't you worry, the fruiting process of growing mushies is far from a sterile process, hell I open my fruiting chamber to mist and fan with the chamber lid after misting. Not to mention the idk, 200 holes in the sides of the SGFC for sufficient FAE! hahaha don't worry a few pics wont hurt, my babies love posing in their pornos. LOL. The only real time you shouldn't be opening a fruiting chamber would be if you were running say trays, or mono tubs, then for the first 7 days after spawning your grains to bulk, you don't open the top at all, no peaking, nothing.

Thinking about possibly giving away a few syringes to members here, to see some more people around here getting into mushrooms, they are such an amazing thing. And such an amazing process of growing, I prefer it to growing weed any day!

Lol you guys gotta see this one cake I can't wait to get pics tonight, the pins formed on the bottom and its almost tipping over!!
Fuck it flaunt'em then lol I just know the last time I grew them they got contaminated because my roommate at the time wouldn't quit fucking with the trays.