In House Genetics Thread

Hey Yodaweed. R & D is currently underway on 4 of the strains coming out and can be viewed on instagram. R & D for 3 more is scheduled to begin by spring of this year and production is scheduled to be completed on 4 of them by summer of this year. Release dates to follow shortly after production is completed.

Just a heads up. I've been doing some lurking around the forums and other social media sites and it appears that breeders have been asked not to comment or answer question pertaining to their strains on RIU unless they pay for the advertising. Apparently the admins view it as unfair to paying advertisers that breeders who have not paid for advertisement be allowed to comment on their strains without also paying money. So this is just a forewarning, there is a high likelihood of a possibility I will be asked to cease from answering questions pertaining to my work because I am not going to pay for advertising on RIU to do so.
Nice, i'm gonna add you to my Instagram, thank you very much and good luck with your breeding project.
Apparently the admins view it as unfair to paying advertisers that breeders who have not paid for advertisement be allowed to comment on their strains without also paying money. So this is just a forewarning, there is a high likelihood of a possibility I will be asked to cease from answering questions pertaining to my work because I am not going to pay for advertising on RIU to do so.

All I see is seed bank ads - none from breeders. My understanding was it was cool to answer questions so long as the questions are not 'where can I buy your seeds?". I could be wrong, and it snowed once in GA in June. :eyesmoke:
All I see is seed bank ads - none from breeders. My understanding was it was cool to answer questions so long as the questions are not 'where can I buy your seeds?". I could be wrong, and it snowed once in GA in June. :eyesmoke:
Don't seed banks employee breeders? I suppose I could be wrong, too. Stranger things have happened.
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Hey Yodaweed. R & D is currently underway on 4 of the strains coming out and can be viewed on instagram. R & D for 3 more is scheduled to begin by spring of this year and production is scheduled to be completed on 4 of them by summer of this year. Release dates to follow shortly after production is completed.

Just a heads up. I've been doing some lurking around the forums and other social media sites and it appears that breeders have been asked not to comment or answer question pertaining to their strains on RIU unless they pay for the advertising. Apparently the admins view it as unfair to paying advertisers that breeders who have not paid for advertisement be allowed to comment on their strains without also paying money. So this is just a forewarning, there is a high likelihood of a possibility I will be asked to cease from answering questions pertaining to my work because I am not going to pay for advertising on RIU to do so.
Yea if thats the case its not RIU users driving breeders away as some would suggest but rather RIU advertising policies. Thats ridiculous that breeders cannot answer specific questions about gear people have already purchased.

Get a grip RIU. As long as they dont link to their sites it should be fair game and a benefit to RIU posters.

Huh! I was led to believe that it was my hard hitting questions that were driving breeders away. :roll:
I would let to set the record straight about what breeders (who are not advertisers) can and cannot do here.
There is some confusion stemming from a company who was asked to stop advertising their products on here.

They Breeders can answer questions about their products and they can talk about their products
they can "defend" and i say that lightly, their products.

They cannot sell their products on rollitup
They cannot use our forum to do :
Order payment processing
Money transactions
Order problems IE: where is my package
Order returns, etc.

Basically they just cant use our forum for their own personal business problems like customer service inquiries about products already in place.
First and foremost because order numbers, personal addresses and money issues shouldnt be posted openly to protect user security as our website is public.
But they can certainly answer questions about their products

This whole issue has stemmed from a breeder who was pushing their products on our website , it was free advertisement, and it was nicely asked to be stopped as it is unfair on our paid advertisers.
They were told they could certainly be apart of rollitup as a member/breeder.
Unfortunately some information was confused as we use a general statement greeting to people who are free advertising. and now several people are confused about what is okay with breeders and what isnt.

I will correct the information in the general statement so that we do not have this problem again

Several people have come forward with confusion on if they can defend their company position, I say lightly because the last time someone defending themselves on here they were not defending but breaking rules. So if you want to defend yourself, please do so in a manner that doesnt have name calling involved.

Advertising is particularly new to rollitup so we are working out the kinks and issues as they come , and we certainly are doing our best to make sure we have a forum that both best represents user freedom and advertisers rights. So that advertisers and users/members can all use the forum together in harmony and enjoy their forum experience.

I certainly hope this clears up any confusion and thank you to everyone with their patience involved in this.
Hey Yodaweed. R & D is currently underway on 4 of the strains coming out and can be viewed on instagram. R & D for 3 more is scheduled to begin by spring of this year and production is scheduled to be completed on 4 of them by summer of this year. Release dates to follow shortly after production is completed.

Just a heads up. I've been doing some lurking around the forums and other social media sites and it appears that breeders have been asked not to comment or answer question pertaining to their strains on RIU unless they pay for the advertising. Apparently the admins view it as unfair to paying advertisers that breeders who have not paid for advertisement be allowed to comment on their strains without also paying money. So this is just a forewarning, there is a high likelihood of a possibility I will be asked to cease from answering questions pertaining to my work because I am not going to pay for advertising on RIU to do so.
Glad to see you back JD, good to have any breeders in here, actually.
Sunni has outlined what you can and can't say/do on here so please post away! I'm hell keen to see these reworks/new strains mate, blueberry is my all time favourite strain, I'd love to see more of it's potential :-D
Yea if thats the case its not RIU users driving breeders away as some would suggest but rather RIU advertising policies. Thats ridiculous that breeders cannot answer specific questions about gear people have already purchased.

Get a grip RIU. As long as they dont link to their sites it should be fair game and a benefit to RIU posters.

While I think the exchange of information is always a good thing. It shouldn't be up to any of us to tell Rollitup what their policies are or aren't. The website belongs to them and each of us should be free to start our own website if Rollitup's policies don't jive with what we would like it to be.

Not trying to harsh on you, just reminding you they have a right to set their own rules for their site. Peace.
I largely agree with you, it is their site. However, this is also a community of which I have been apart of for a few years and certainly seeking clarification about a policy that affects my experience is not out of order is it? Ive seen the language of what was sent to a breeder and it states in plain language that breeders cannot answer questions or talk about their products. I thank Sunni for the clarification that way I can be fully informed about what I can expect out of my experience.
I largely agree with you, it is their site. However, this is also a community of which I have been apart of for a few years and certainly seeking clarification about a policy that affects my experience is not out of order is it? Ive seen the language of what was sent to a breeder and it states in plain language that breeders cannot answer questions or talk about their products. I thank Sunni for the clarification that way I can be fully informed about what I can expect out of my experience.

what i wrote to the breeder is a general standard message/greeting

if i didnt create a general standard greeting about free advertising i would be writing to each individual who chose to free advertise here about 15-20 times per day.
I have to cut my time down , i have 600,000 active user accounts on here, i have problems and drama related incidents to manage, i have advertising questions and concerns,
So i have to create generic or general standard greetings, terms of speaking in order to resolve issues
Im sure you can completely understand where im coming from here.

With standard greetings comes that not everything is going to be specific to said person receiving it. Because i had to make a greeting that covers all possible basis for all companies , types of companies etc. it can become that some of the greeting is not specific to said person receiving it.

if you receive a warning point on here for bad behaviour or whatever the reason it says " your account may be limited or restricted" this is so general, because we have to cover all possible basis as to why someone is receiving the warning point. accounts arent restricted until the 3rd warning, but it says that line in all warning point messages.

The company in question was free advertising it was never about their answering questions it was about pushing their product here to sell.

My standard greeting I have been using has never cause a single problem until this company got upset, because of this incident i will be making a new greeting that is safer.
great now lets get this thread back on topic of what it should be
in house genetics, their products and people growing them :)
5 week veg; just shy of 3 zips.
Damn for real!?! 5weeks from germination? That's a great pull.! Did you only top it once?

I'm doing sea of green and basically it seems all I'm getting is like a Q from each plant.! So 8 will give 2z But it's also every Twp weeks I'm harvesting