I'm voting for McCain....


New Member


New Member
If you liked reading "Mine Kampf", you'll love ViRedds philosophy.
Here's where you are not only deluded, but entirely ignorant of Nazi/fascist philosophy. I'm speaking, of course, in the event that you actually believe what you posted above.

The Nazis/fascists exercised their rule based upon the premise that individual liberty had to be sacrificed for the good of the state. Have you ever read any of my posts were I advocated such a thing, Med? No, you haven't ... but I have read PLENTY of your posts where you advocated it.

Do you still feel, as you've stated before, that there is "too much ownership?" ~lol~



New Member
Here' my "Mein Kamph." :mrgreen:

With the exception of the Holy Bible, this is the most important book ever written:


Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
So, Vi, you are into Objectivism? I'm fairly well acquainted with Ayn Rand's philosophy, and while there are aspects of it with which I fully agree, there are others that send shivers down my spine. Although I do find her writing (the non-fiction, though, not a big fiction person here) fascinating, along with her life story, I can't go there. Brilliant, yes. Right? In some respects. But that's the end of it for me.

Here's something funny: I was reading a bulletin board two years ago and there was this chick who thought she was, like, the board brain (and a real newbie on a board that had a close knit group of participants who'd been debating together for a few years). I think you'll get a kick out of this: She was into "Liberal objectivism." God, she went on and on, and it was patently obvious that she hadn't ever really studied Rand--it was like she was a name dropper. Hysterial. Liberal objectivism. Mmmm, okay.

Jamie, thanks for accepting my apology. I felt pretty bad about misreading and mixing up your posts. You and I have much in common as far as working one's way through school. I am confused again, though, but too lazy to go back and find your post. I thought you said your parents, your dad? ,had paid your tuition? I'm probably wrong. Anyway, thanks for being gracious and accepting my apology.

There's more here to comment on, but I've had an exhausting weekend, and I ought to call it an evening.

Diane? You sure about that comment about stucco?


New Member
Diane? You sure about that comment about stucco? I am confused again, though, but too lazy to go back and find your post. There's more here to comment on, but I've had an exhausting weekend, and I ought to call it an evening.


Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Diane, thank you so very much for finally responding to my request that you actually debate and/or discuss your own unique conclusions. This last post of is evidence that you do indeed have superb critical thinking skills--and that you are very, very good at that "copy/paste/let's keep it in context" sort of debating.


Well-Known Member
Oh, what, YOU burn? I actually found a single post on actual growing from you, cc. :D

I... I wish my ass had more stamina, then I could go back to where I dropped the ball on this thread more easily. It appears that a couple of people whose brain hemispheres seem to be connected have joined the thread, which always makes it more enjoyable.

Would you believe, Vi, that I have NOT read any Ayn Rand? Although I remember seeing her books on my parents' bookshelves. They've got the I Ching somewhere, too. I need more reading material, especially now that I've got this new balcony/deck extension that Dave made for me last week. GOD I love it out there. 8) Look,, pix.



New Member
Oh, what, YOU burn? I actually found a single post on actual growing from you, cc. :D

I... I wish my ass had more stamina, then I could go back to where I dropped the ball on this thread more easily. It appears that a couple of people whose brain hemispheres seem to be connected have joined the thread, which always makes it more enjoyable.

Would you believe, Vi, that I have NOT read any Ayn Rand? Although I remember seeing her books on my parents' bookshelves. They've got the I Ching somewhere, too. I need more reading material, especially now that I've got this new balcony/deck extension that Dave made for me last week. GOD I love it out there. 8) Look,, pix.
Knowing you, Seamaiden, you would LOVE Ayn Rand. Once you've read (and absorbed) Atlas Shrugged, you'll never look at politics or politicians the same way again. Even though Atlas Shrugged was written over 50 years ago, its still very relevant today.



Well-Known Member
Knowing you, Seamaiden, you would LOVE Ayn Rand. Once you've read (and absorbed) Atlas Shrugged, you'll never look at politics or politicians the same way again. Even though Atlas Shrugged was written over 50 years ago, its still very relevant today.

Not surprising, if you've read Fahrenheit and Brave New World.

One of my favorite quotes:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

We only walk in circles, it seems.


Well-Known Member
I have read The Hitchhiker's Guide. :D

I'll call my folks and ask 'em about all their philosophy books. My son's also completing his first philosophy course, and according to my Ghetto Sistah his papers, arguments, and presentations are made very well.


New Member
Not surprising, if you've read Fahrenheit and Brave New World.

One of my favorite quotes:

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

We only walk in circles, it seems.
Exactly. And that's why O'bama can stand in front of 200,000 Germans in Berlin and spout old worn out slogans like "The individual must sacrifice for the good of society" and receive resounding cheers.



New Member
Here's something funny: I... I wish my ass had more stamina, then I could go back to where I dropped the ball on this thread more easily. There's more here to comment on, but I've had an exhausting weekend, and I ought to call it an evening.



New Member
Oh, what, YOU burn? I actually found a single post on actual growing from you, cc. :D

I... I wish my ass had more stamina, then I could go back to where I dropped the ball on this thread more easily. It appears that a couple of people whose brain hemispheres seem to be connected have joined the thread, which always makes it more enjoyable.

Would you believe, Vi, that I have NOT read any Ayn Rand? Although I remember seeing her books on my parents' bookshelves. They've got the I Ching somewhere, too. I need more reading material, especially now that I've got this new balcony/deck extension that Dave made for me last week. GOD I love it out there. 8) Look,, pix.
What, only 15? Child's play.:eyesmoke: