I'm in soil and I like to monitor my PPMs. I start with 150ppm water and add about 300-400ppm nutrients. I try to feed enough volume for 10-20% runoff. I monitor the runoff ppms to see salt buildup. I either increase runoff or decrease strength. (I tend toward 20% runoff and stronger nutrients. But 10% and weaker could be better).
That's just for dialing things in. After I discovered the numbers that work, I never measure my nutrient ppms. I check my runoff ppms 2-3 times in transition through flower (just to make sure I'm where I should be).
Runoff ppms are very helpful to realize you have nute lockout in flower. I spent a long time trying to fix a ph problem which turned out to be salt buildup. If I had monitored my runoff ppms, I would have saw it as it hapened. Basically, I like to be around 1200-1800ppm in flower. 2500 is where lockout starts to show in the plant. If I hit 2000 I reduce nutes, feed more volume for runoff. 2200, I feed mild nutes and 100% runoff.
IMO, best thing you could do is understand the NPK ratio resulting from your boutique "trio." Play with mixing those bottles differently to get give your plant what it needs at various stages of growth. And, best of all, when you focus on NPK ratios you can *easily* get out of those proprietary "lineups" and use virtually any products to reach the same NPK ratios. (It helps you "read your plant" instead of a boutique "schedule").
This spreadsheet makes it easy to see the details of what you're feeding, how changing the mixed amounts affects the NPK ratio, or how other products can produce the same ratio.