Why do girls get pissed when you watch porn?


Well-Known Member
So I was reading the match.com thread and I was seeing a lot of people say their girls got pissed when they watched porn. I had a ex like that, I'll never date a girl like that again.

I am not a cheater. Yes immoral thoughts at times. I'm pretty open at the beginning of the relationship. Im like "so how are we going to do this" I let them know it's cool if you want to fuck other guys but tell me now so I don't have to kill you later. I'm down with swinging but I need to know from the start.. Because there is obviously a different attachment.

But porn for fucks sake? If I walked into the room and caught my girl flicking the bean. Well I think that would be hot AF.. That's how every porn starts..

So this happened with a girl that I use to date that y'all know. Well one day she left a page open.. She had a strange fetish, lol.. Fat chicks belching and stuffing.. Seriously I was lmfao. I guess stuffing is when fat chicks eat to much??? Definitely not my genre of porn but whatever. She was so embarrassed it was pretty cute. So I told her about my weird fetishs that aren't to weird you know just the regular guy stuff like midget shemale amputees.

But seriously if my chic got mad at me for watching porn I would leave her so fast. Porn is a big part of my life.. It's like my oldest hobby and shit. I've seen like 7% of the worlds porn.

So to females users why do y'all care?
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Well-Known Member
Dude I have immortal thoughts all the time to.

And its because they get peanut butter and jealous. Its younger girls that get jelly Ive found that some of the older one will even give you BJ's while you watch porn cause you will likely get off quicker and they have to do less work.
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Well-Known Member
Cut and pasted from that other fap thread...

Most women don't seem to understand that men are evolved to want sexual variety, it doesn't matter how good our current women are. "There's not good pussy and bad pussy. Only old pussy and new pussy", as the saying goes. That's why we shoot millions of sperm with each nut, and they produce one egg per month. It helped to ensure the survival of our species, much like when female animals will couple up with a male and then fuck all his friends. This serves to confuse the males as to whose offspring she actually gives birth to, so all those males chip in and act as if the kids were theirs. Natures clever like that. We did not choose these desires. I would think that ladies should understand this and be glad that their dudes are jacking it to porn. This way, guy's can relieve these urges without fucking other women. That's just us respecting and valuing you ladies, and you are all welcome...


Well-Known Member
Cut and pasted from that other fap thread...

Most women don't seem to understand that men are evolved to want sexual variety, it doesn't matter how good our current women are. "There's not good pussy and bad pussy. Only old pussy and new pussy", as the saying goes. That's why we shoot millions of sperm with each nut, and they produce one egg per month. It helped to ensure the survival of our species, much like when female animals will couple up with a male and then fuck all his friends. This serves to confuse the males as to whose offspring she actually gives birth to, so all those males chip in and act as if the kids were theirs. Natures clever like that. We did not choose these desires. I would think that ladies should understand this and be glad that their dudes are jacking it to porn. This way, guy's can relieve these urges without fucking other women. That's just us respecting and valuing you ladies, and you are all welcome...
Women still pull this shit all the time lol


Well-Known Member
Cut and pasted from that other fap thread...

Most women don't seem to understand that men are evolved to want sexual variety, it doesn't matter how good our current women are. "There's not good pussy and bad pussy. Only old pussy and new pussy", as the saying goes. That's why we shoot millions of sperm with each nut, and they produce one egg per month. It helped to ensure the survival of our species, much like when female animals will couple up with a male and then fuck all his friends. This serves to confuse the males as to whose offspring she actually gives birth to, so all those males chip in and act as if the kids were theirs. Natures clever like that. We did not choose these desires. I would think that ladies should understand this and be glad that their dudes are jacking it to porn. This way, guy's can relieve these urges without fucking other women. That's just us respecting and valuing you ladies, and you are all welcome...
I feel like I just mentally watched a caveman gangbang. Thank you for that historical moment,Tyler, bravo.


Well-Known Member
Women think they have inferior vaginas and think you will watch porn and go heyyyyyy, bitch why your pussy all weird looking a
N shit. Then a few pornstars will magically appear and you will marry them and she will have to live on the streets with no food or love, just her weird looking pussy.

How would it make you feel?


Well-Known Member
Pornography is highly illegal in mainland China. My wife was 29 years old the first time she asked me to show her a "sex movie" as she called it. After about 2 minutes of watching mind blowing sexual freedom she asked to see the lesbian "sex movies". She then commandeered my computer and perused the lesbians for a good hour. That was the first and last time she's wanted to watch porn. I don't know I think xvideos. com broke her.


Well-Known Member
We had some high ups from a Chinese tractor factory come over for a while and they ransacked my buddies porn collection, even the women.
They love that shit