Marijuana Withdrawals

Mj withdrawal is not real.. People smoke big weed everyday for decades then go to jail all the time.. They don't lose sleep can eat breakfast the next morning and aren't shitting on themselves every damn time they pass gas.. That is withdrawal.. As said in previous posts what ur doing is called breaking a habit.. While it can be difficult if u have problems with self control to call this crap withdrawal is a JOKE.
i could say some choice words to most of you, but wouldnt be very professional. the withdrawal is directly related to sites being hit.
opiate withdrawal can give you the runs as receptor activation causes constipation.

some meds like xanax can kill during withdrawal.. many wont. the percieved severity has nothing to do with whether or not you are having withdrawals. holding cb1 5ht gabba etc at elevated levels as with chronic cannabis use will cause a withdrawal. that point cant be argued.
wether or not you consider the symptoms to be weak, like an antidepressant withdrawal, doesnt matter.

as i stated above, this doesnt mean your "addicted"

the aggression and fowl language in this thread on the subject speaks volumes
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I quit for almost 22 years. Kids and priorities. Idle mind thing. I just realized money etc. I'm glad I smoke again though.
i could say some choice words to most of you, but wouldnt be very professional. the withdrawal is directly related to sites being hit.
opiate withdrawal can give you the runs as receptor activation causes constipation.

some meds like xanax can kill during withdrawal.. many wont. the percieved severity has nothing to do with whether or not you are having withdrawals. holding cb1 5ht gabba etc at elevated levels as with chronic cannabis use will cause a withdrawal. that point cant be argued.
wether or not you consider the symptoms to be weak, like an antidepressant withdrawal, doesnt matter.

as i stated above, this doesnt mean your "addicted"

the aggression and fowl language in this thread on the subject speaks volumes


Well aren't we lucky to have you around to tell us how it is..

Opates, benzos, alcohol, nicotine,mdma etc.. Physically addictive.. I've seen people crap themselves kicking all that shit..

Weed, food, shopping, gambling.. Mentally addictive

Next thing I know you're going to tell us u can overdose on bud right? I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong but what ur saying is only going to magnify whatever little discomfort he's feeling..

Like @burrheadd said rub one out, go for a run, work out, make love with your woman, work out again and u should be hungry by then.. Get out of your head!
yes yall are lucky ;)

if only it was mutual

Umm.. I know u r but what am I?? Lol

If op works out or does something besides sit on his ass thinking he's going through weed withdrawal and still hasn't ate ANYTHING after 3 days then he needs to go to the dr and not a weed site cuz I'd be afraid his cannabis intake had been treating some underling gi problem etc..

Good luck OP.. Sorry if I came off harsh but what you're feeling is a mental thing op.. U gotta b bigger than the drugs u do.. Like the old heads used to say "do the drugs don't let the drugs do u"
Umm.. I know u r but what am I?? Lol

If op works out or does something besides sit on his ass thinking he's going through weed withdrawal and still hasn't ate ANYTHING after 3 days then he needs to go to the dr and not a weed site cuz I'd be afraid his cannabis intake had been treating some underling gi problem etc..

Good luck OP.. Sorry if I came off harsh but what you're feeling is a mental thing op.. U gotta b bigger than the drugs u do.. Like the old heads used to say "do the drugs don't let the drugs do u"
LOL I didn't even see this. I sit on my ass? With marijuana and working out I've gained 20lbs and my body is awesome.
stop name calling,if someone bothers you click their avatar hit the words "ignore" their posts go away.

you came ot a marijuana forum, people are defensive about marijuana here
they think its the end all to be all cures of any alignment or anything wrong with the human body ever
they also like ot think it causes 0 harm to anyone ever.

even though its widely known research wise that marijuana while mostly safe can be terrible for people who have anxiety, schizophrenia, and other medical problems.

cravings are just that cravings, go do something that gets your mind off it
hanging out on a marijuana forum is not going to get your mind off it.
go play video games, work out, clean your house something.
keep yourself busy
you certainly are going through "physical" withdrawals like any other drug. read my original posts. your brain is tangibly altered, site densities lowered, your body has to now return to baseline. and is not producing nearly as many natural endocannabinoids, if you personally didnt priduce many to begin with as suspected this causes even more problems. its a very important system. just earlier was a thread of a drug blocking this system causing death and various side effects. obviously weed doesnt have these effects, that drug blocked where thc withdrawal simply lowers production.

for most people, you get irritated lose some sleep maybe arent as hungry... but not everybody

nobody in there right mind with any sort of education involving pharmacology or the body etc would disagree. its "common" sense.
Let me try asking one question from my OP in the hopes that people will actually answer it rather than give me general advice about marijuana. Is it possible that breaking the habit of smoking marijuana could manifest in only one symptom; lack of appetite?
LOL I didn't even see this. I sit on my ass? With marijuana and working out I've gained 20lbs and my body is awesome.
Dude your holier than thou everyone else but me is stupid attitude is causing negative reactions. Dont be surprised, your causing this. You havent responded positively to one persons post.

As for the suggestions you asked for on how to increase eating. Start with breakfast. Make sure you consume some calories early. This should kick start your metabolism. If a shake is all you can stomach then add some protein powder to it, peanut or cashew butter, hemp seeds.
Smells, smells trigger dogs and humans to salivate and triggers hunger responses in the body. Pick up a hot pizza on the way home. Having it sit in the car covering you with smell should trigger the response. Or slow cooked meals. Slow cooking a roast in the oven or slowcooker and thinking about it all day and then returning to a house filled with the smell of pork shoulder or pot roast should trigger your appetite.
My last suggestion may not work at all but whatever. Maybe try eating really rich high calorie foods like cheese cake, bacon, chicken wings, or doughnuts. Theyll get your calorie count up.
Just thought of something that may even work as a hunger trigger, hot sauce. If you can handle hot sauce it always makes me eat more than i normally would. I eat something hot and then for some odd reason it makes me eat more than i normally would. Or a beer, beer increases appitite although may not be appropriate at work. Or msg, ever wonder why you cant eat just one chip? Check the ingredients, lots of chip companies use msg in the flavoring.
Im hungry.
Dude your holier than thou everyone else but me is stupid attitude is causing negative reactions. Dont be surprised, your causing this. You havent responded positively to one persons post.

I don't think directly answering a persons post and not going on tangents takes intelligence. I do not think I am the smarter person and actually have 0 issue saying every person in this room is smarter than I am. It seems pretty simple to me though. A person asks a list of questions, other people respond to those questions. If I did not give enough information and a question needs to be asked that's fine also. The problem is people are trying to help me by talking about what they think is the problem without answering specific questions I asked. I apologize for coming off as negative, but across any type of forum this seems to happen 100% of the time and I don't get it.

I definitely appreciate the information, including what you mentioned in your last post, but if people are just giving information and not directly responding to all my concerns in my OP I feel that is a waste of time. If I wanted that, I would just said what is everyone's thoughts on marijuana withdrawal? GO!

Also, while I did respond negatively to many comments there are comments I did not respond to (positively or negatively) and one that I responded positively to. The post that said it's only been one day I can't tell you anything keep going on the break and we will see later. I thought that was a genius response that did not go on some long tangent or tell me a story about herself. She decided to delete that post though for whatever reason
you certainly are going through "physical" withdrawals like any other drug. read my original posts. your brain is tangibly altered, site densities lowered, your body has to now return to baseline. and is not producing nearly as many natural endocannabinoids, if you personally didnt priduce many to begin with as suspected this causes even more problems. its a very important system. just earlier was a thread of a drug blocking this system causing death and various side effects. obviously weed doesnt have these effects, that drug blocked where thc withdrawal simply lowers production.

for most people, you get irritated lose some sleep maybe arent as hungry... but not everybody

nobody in there right mind with any sort of education involving pharmacology or the body etc would disagree. its "common" sense.

You can say all the same thing about someone with a food addiction right? Their brains react differently when a McDonald's commercial comes on then would someone without an addiction. Say this person always eat a big Mac before making love wit their lady then they stop eating McDonald's and all of a sudden are unable to perform with their woman.. Does this mean he is going through big Mac withdrawal??

It's been shown the brain chemistry is amazingly similar between mentally and physically addictive substances.. But it's also been shown that marijuana is not a physically dependant drug so you can't go through physical withdrawal..

Some people take baby aspirin for their heart.. If someone always took an aspirin before they ate then stop the aspirin and are unable to eat it's because they have become mentally conditioned not physically addicted.. Check out Pavlov's dog
@kesaber, I don't think it's addictive but it certainly can become habit forming. I've been on/off smoking it for 40 years and I can (and have) stop and do regular reality checks where I'll stop smoking or eating it for a week or two. I travel regularly and don't carry anything with no ill effects. That said, you can become dependant so it can become a habit, but that's a mental state, not a physical addiction., regular "vacations" for a week or two can keep that in check.
your stoner logic means nothing to me.
im telling you whats been proven

anyway im out lol.

Pavlov's dog is stoner logic?? Someone must have missed psych 101 on the way to their PhD? U r spewing crap they say in anti weed classes.. Once again just because qwizo says it doesn't make it fact.. I've actually taken classes on this stuff.. U may as well be citing wikipedia..

Your logic -stoner or not- is riddled with inaccuracies..
no not the dog, the rest of your post lol

ooh cool you've taken classes, do tell. where and what were they..lets compare credentials.

im "spewing" things ive seen personally and read thousands of studies on