Where are you all from?


Lol - I had to google timmies to see wtf it was.
What's prices for smoke out that way? like oz, lb? are the stores pretty taxed and high prices?

Cheap oz 100/ 120. Not sure about dispensary prices only been in 2 . Haven't been since before the tax. But before, grams where anywhere from 5 bones to 16.
Housing market is cheap because Michigan is a hell hole. It has like three most dangerous cites in America. Where muthafuckers burn houses down for fun on Halloween.

But I would love to grow there and sell my shit in New York.

that's your thoughts but far from it, every place is bad this place ain't no difference then anywhere else, I've lived here my entire life if you do things that get you into bad shit then that's your own fault
oh dude ill be way on the other side of michigan, i wont be close to the main hubs of it
also i cant smoke , im pregnant, but when im not pregnant i still cant my husband has a military career and ill have to wait until retirement is up
legal to others, not legal to our family sadly. and he can be reprimanded/loose rank if hes around such substance.

Congrats on your baby, I just had a daughter myself a month ago, enjoying it so much it's my 2nd girl, and sometimes the risks outweight it and yeah that's probably a good idea not to take any kind of risk like that and losing anything. You will love the snow!
that's your thoughts but far from it, every place is bad this place ain't no difference then anywhere else, I've lived here my entire life if you do things that get you into bad shit then that's your own fault

How do you know then?
Cheap oz 100/ 120. Not sure about dispensary prices only been in 2 . Haven't been since before the tax. But before, grams where anywhere from 5 bones to 16.
wow that's crazy, market sure is going to drop alot when it's legal everywhere, no more mexican cartels lol
Umm, internet, tv, family that lives there?? you know we aren't stuck in a bubble.. well I'm not at least.
Those are credible sources

Marylous is a local thing, also the reason I got into the coffee game.. It's a bunch of tan twenty something smoke shows (besides that token fat nasty who went in for a class action lawsuit and they had to hire her) everything is pink in the place, they wear all black and have to wear leggings.. Even have common items on top shelves for the customers enjoyment.. Really a marketing masterpiece mixing all those vices together