EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Yes just like them.
The work force participation rate hasn't been this low since carter in office the 70s . It has been going down since obloma has been in office. As for the unemployment rate obloma has changed how and what statistics are used and are useless for comparing to anything.
If you hustle then your not supporting the fed., if your not supporting the fed. than you are draining it. Why do you feel you should have a say in what the fed.is or does?

* You're = you are

I've paid more in federal n state taxes in the last 15 years than you pay in 30. Don't give me that bullshit.
* You're = you are

I've paid more in federal n state taxes in the last 15 years than you pay in 30. Don't give me that bullshit.

I have been retired for 25 years so it could be true. I have assets of over 400,000. So I am sure you have no need to hustle, you have 1mil.+ right?
I wonder-

We are social creatures. Hell, we often commit suicide when we can't fit in, for example. It's MIGHTY important to MOST people, regardless of socio-economics. Outcasts hang themselves.

What's the #1 thing that says I'm broke? No vehicle standing on a corner waiting for a bus? Driving a shit vehicle with rust (like mine)? Take your pic. Both can shame an American fast. We've been taught this.

So what do people do to avoid their broke-ass appearance? They do what you've been watching them do- buy their social acceptance, at least in their mind. They get a loan they have no business getting from a bank that knows damn well this will end up badly for the consumer. But the banks don't care because consumers will allow themselves to be evicted before having a car repossessed.

When wealth and disparity are so perfectly shown to us in all media, how can a large group of the population hope to ignore it? How to avoid the feeling of inadequacy that is created by the media? When bank and credit card offers come in the mail daily? After a while everyone says "yes, gimme the fucking money and I'll buy some social acceptance."

There is enormous force to be a consumer, as we're told we'll fit in better, be more attractive. How is this escapable? It's not. So despite this being such an apparently obvious life lesson to so many here, it's not obvious to most out there and here we are...

And, not one bit of this has changed in human history, so using people's 'bad judgement' as justification for raping the economy is patent bullshit, dreamed up to justify the ongoing theft of value from the working class.
Million? I wish, I'd be on a beach right now sipping on a pina colada.

...while worrying about how you're gonna pay the bills on 5% interest. Even a million dollars isn't what it used to be. People are advised to have three times that much in savings before they retire.

Lol, as if the average American can pull that off with their 401k.
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The unemployment rate is like 5% what are you talking about..and half of that 5% is like me..they hustle for a living and receive absolutely nothing from the government.

Leeches? Like corporate and agricultural welfare recipients?

You can't possibly be so deluded that you don't understand that the unemployment rate is at least 12% and probably significantly higher than that. You do understand that for the first time in history, enough people have been unemployed long enough that they're not being included. That's the ONLY reason you're not seeing a ridiculously high unemployment percentage.

In before laughable baby boomers retiring explanation.
...while worrying about how you're gonna pay the bills on 5% interest. Even a million dollars isn't what it used to be. People are advised to have three times that much in savings before they retire.

Lol, as if the average American can pull that off with their 401k.

When I say million..I mean liquid.
You can't possibly be so deluded that you don't understand that the unemployment rate is at least 12% and probably significantly higher than that. You do understand that for the first time in history, enough people have been unemployed long enough that they're not being included. That's the ONLY reason you're not seeing a ridiculously high unemployment percentage.

In before laughable baby boomers retiring explanation.

There are help wanted signs everywhere,, I haven't seen that since the 90's... The problem is the jobs pay chump change.
Yes just like them.
The work force participation rate hasn't been this low since carter in office the 70s . It has been going down since obloma has been in office. As for the unemployment rate obloma has changed how and what statistics are used and are useless for comparing to anything.
If you hustle then your not supporting the fed., if your not supporting the fed. than you are draining it. Why do you feel you should have a say in what the fed.is or does?
Isn't baby boomer early retirement factoring in to that?
Isn't baby boomer early retirement factoring in to that?
Boomers I'm 1 and retired in 91 would be factored in BUT illegals of working age are more than two time the boomers when the coming of age kids age factored with them, If you remember boomers have been leaving the workforce for a wile and it wasn't that big of a difference and a hell of a lot of boomers have not left the workforce as they would have in the past. think about it.