Well-Known Member
High , I posted about these ladies ten days ago thinking I had probably over fertilized and just wanted to confirm, I stupidly made a supersoil and it worked great the first cycle but I still felt like the soil was a little weak and wanted to try to add a little boost with Humboldt's organic line and went a little crazy and over fed big time I know this and know it locked out my plants completely, some even said may be just a cal mag def so iv picked up humboldts equilibrium and gave one foliar feeding and one watering with it I've watered 4 times since my post ten days ago , once with the call mag and the rest pure water... And they just keep getting worse they're at 49 days all kush strains , 8ball kush ,lemon kush, and cookies kush the temps and humidity aren't a problem unless my hydrometer(?) is way off but I just put a second sensor in a month ago so I doubt it.. In stressing over this I've come across TMV tobacco mosaic virus and am worried this could be what's going on I do smoke my cabinet probably does suck in a good amount of smoke but the air recirculates in the cab atleast once a minute, I've probably handled my plants/soil after smoking without washing my hands, how likely is this virus? or is this just really bad over feeding/ lockout ? I know I've had some bad practices of not washing my hands and bad habit of smoking I will be more careful of that now that I'm aware so please no lectures but in do need help in started three new ones and don't want to be wasting time if my area is infected,
EDIT: I have also dumped the soil I was using and going with fox farms happy frog mixed with petite
EDIT: I have also dumped the soil I was using and going with fox farms happy frog mixed with petite
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