Yo, You Wanna Talk About It?

Na.... I'm referring to dedicating my natural good looks and witty personality to making woman happy!! Outings, what not.. You know, dinner and a movie thing!

I possess the eyes and a smile located in the category you only find at the top of the list. At this moment only occupied by one!!
Na.... I'm referring to dedicating my natural good looks and witty personality to making woman happy!! Outings, what not.. You know, dinner and a movie thing!

I possess the eyes and a smile located in the category you only find at the top of the list. At this moment only occupied by one!!

Okay. You go guy.
(Serious Inquiry)
My girlfriend is so bad to me sometimes that I question why I stay with her. Without my dad and I, shed be pretty much homeless with no money detoxing off methadone without a car and has a warrant. How much more can I say?
She is so aggressive with me (not physical anymore) and I know I should leave but never do. Been together 7 years, its a big deal for me I know others have been together much longer.

Didnt want to post this but having a very upsetting morning. Very upsetting.