Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Who gives a shit what they call it. The flat tax gets slammed in the name of "civility" by those unwilling to hold others responsible for their own choices in life.

Our society has created this expectation that if people live beyond their means others will pick up the slack. If you can't support a family, mortgage or vehicle don't have them.

When your funds run out, and nobody is willing to support your sorry ass, (shouldn't be a problem finding a benefactor, by the count of bleeding hearts on this forum), think of your fellow man, be considerate and just leave.

The Danes are finally wising up:
So we should probably just round up all the mentally handicapped, the disabled, the mentally ill, and the ill and shoot them, right? And if our veterans get hurt, fuck 'em they decided to join the military it's clearly their fault, right?


Well-Known Member
So we should probably just round up all the mentally handicapped, the disabled, the mentally ill, and the ill and shoot them, right? And if our veterans get hurt, fuck 'em they decided to join the military it's clearly their fault, right?

How did you get there?

As many have argued before, the government benefits all it's citizens. As individuals we all equally benefit from national services such as the military, coast guard, fema, etc.. Given that, if you earn an income, a linear tax applied across the population proportionate to income is appropriate.

If you want more money, earn more. It's pretty damn simple.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
You need to listen to Trump when he said free trade has taken lot of the good jobs out of the country. Its not my fault and it is not Trumps fault and it is true. It is the fault of political kindness trying to help the rest of the world catch up to us. Trump will be a huge jobs creator. Right here in Hawaii they need all kinds of tradesman , house painters, carpenters, home appliance repair guys. Nobody can force anybody to work and be self employed, but its there for the taking, So Thinking about or getting all worked up over some CEO's paycheck is a defeatist attitude. When someone tells me I can't do something it piss's me off. And what you are pumping will only make people sit back and hope for free shit. Good luck with Bernie because Hillary just got flushed down the shitter. She wouldn't of helped anybody but her self anyway. TRUMP!
The GOP were the ones that always champion trade pacts sending jobs oversea. Look at the last trade pact, TPP the GOP never, ever agreed with Obama on anything but they sure as hell did on TPP (That's one of my peeves with Obama) which Guarantees more jobs being lost here in America.

Newsflash the Dumpster is keeping your money. I had no Idea those Rose colored glasses you wear came in adult sizes.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The GOP were the ones that always champion trade pacts sending jobs oversea. Look at the last trade pact, TPP the GOP never, ever agreed with Obama on anything but they sure as hell did on TPP (That's one of my peeves with Obama) which Guarantees more jobs being lost here in America.

Newsflash the Dumpster is keeping your money. I had no Idea those Rose colored glasses you wear came in adult sizes.


NEWS FLASH!.. Trump! doesn't need my money. I think I heard him say that 20 different charity groups were getting money from the fund raiser. You should go to a Trump Rally, I hear he lets the kids run through his plane and maybe you can get some Trump candy for your sweet tooth. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
How did you get there?

As many have argued before, the government benefits all it's citizens. As individuals we all equally benefit from national services such as the military, coast guard, fema, etc.. Given that, if you earn an income, a linear tax applied across the population proportionate to income is appropriate.

If you want more money, earn more. It's pretty damn simple.
Hey, if you're happy bending over and taking it without a fight, feel free, but some of us know when we're being taken advantage of financially. The transfer of wealth from the poor/middle class to the upper class has been taking place for 40 years, so forgive us for trying to correct that for millions of poor and middle class Americans. Unfortunately for people like you, the momentum is clearly in our favor and your pea brained economic policies are on their way out. So enjoy it while it lasts, cuz' it ain't lasting forever.



Well-Known Member
NEWS FLASH!.. Trump! doesn't need my money. I think I heard him say that 20 different charity groups were getting money from the fund raiser. You should go to a Trump Rally, I hear he lets the kids run through his plane and maybe you can get some Trump candy for your sweet tooth. TRUMP!
Slowly touch your toes
close your eyes as you lick your lips
It will be great


Well-Known Member
So we should probably just round up all the mentally handicapped, the disabled, the mentally ill, and the ill and shoot them, right? And if our veterans get hurt, fuck 'em they decided to join the military it's clearly their fault, right?
pretty much there a menace to society dragging everything down bringing costs up in the wild or as we should say it evolution only the strong survive
Same thing should apply with us ,, Lets face it or what many will say well were civilized ?Are we
we deplete and pollute the very thing that gave us life and were civilized ....
we kill in the name of god , we kill for our liberty , and freedom Were fucking animals in evolution seriously
How many people here can honestly say they remember when they were actually born ?? your first breath your first look at your mother ??? i bet not fucking one of you
So if a baby is born missing limbs or mentally ill it would not even know it lived if you put it down wth in the first week after determining it was retarded


Well-Known Member
The economic costs of mental illness have never been easy to pin down.1 The costs of mental health care can be estimated much the way we estimate other health care costs. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, cites a cost of $57.5B in 2006 for mental health care in the U.S., equivalent to the cost of cancer care.2 But unlike cancer, much of the economic burden of mental illness is not the cost of care, but the loss of income due to unemployment, expenses for social supports, and a range of indirect costs due to a chronic disability that begins early in life.

A report last week from the World Economic Forum (WEF) attempts to capture the costs of several classes of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and projects the economic burden through 2030. Recognizing there is no ideal method, the authors adopted three approaches to estimate global economic burden: (a) a standard cost of illness method, (b) macroeconomic simulation, and (c) the value of a statistical life. The results of all three methods project staggering costs over the next two decades, with cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes, and mental health representing a cumulative output loss of $47T, roughly 75% of the global GDP in 2010.3

The WHO has already reported that mental illnesses are the leading causes of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) worldwide, accounting for 37% of healthy years lost from NCDs.4 Depression alone accounts for one third of this disability.5 The new report estimates the global cost of mental illness at nearly $2.5T (two-thirds in indirect costs) in 2010, with a projected increase to over $6T by 2030. What does $2.5T or $6T mean? The entire global health spending in 2009 was $5.1T. The annual GDP for low-income countries is less than $1T. The entire overseas development aid over the past 20 years is less than $2T.3

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
NEWS FLASH!.. Trump! doesn't need my money. I think I heard him say that 20 different charity groups were getting money from the fund raiser. You should go to a Trump Rally, I hear he lets the kids run through his plane and maybe you can get some Trump candy for your sweet tooth. TRUMP!
You mean Mr. Dumpster will let me play make believe pilot on his plane? Yippee!

I'm not the one wearing rose colored glasses! Guess you're one of those low educated folks the Dumpster appeals to.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
well, at least that's one less medicare expense you are causing me, old shithead.

I am not on medicare poopy pants. Right now I am waiting for Oregon to open up an emergency enrollment period because their biggest provider just went down the shitter . The one good thing is maybe they will call the rose garden the rose garden again. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Is that what you learned in school to get your diploma? TRUMP!
Why are you so against those who stayed in school and received a diploma. I do a lot of work with our teenage young men. I constantly preach the importance of staying in school and achieving something. Why do you think it is cool to drop out of high-school. Please don't tell the youth this.
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