Donald Trump

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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Well, it is getting to the season of ads full of lies, voter restriction kicking into high gear, purge voters from voting lists. This is the only way the pukes can win in a general election.

The Flint water crisis will be a club Democrats will use to hammer the GOP with besides other fuckups, this summer and early fall.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Why are you so against those who stayed in school and received a diploma. I do a lot of work with our teenage young men. I constantly preach the importance of staying in school and achieving something. Why do you think it is cool to drop out of high-school. Please don't tell the youth this.
You constantly set a bad example for children from what I have read on here. You are a defeatist for children and think that free shit is going to save them from the big bad CEO's and the unfair world as you see it. You should stay away from other peoples children with what you preach. Just so you know, TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
You constantly set a bad example for children from what I have read on here. You are a defeatist for children and think that free shit is going to save them from the big bad CEO's and the unfair world as you see it. You should stay away from other peoples children with what you preach. Just so you know, TRUMP!
please cite


Well-Known Member
you let me know puppet when you go back to your other account. What happened ? Does that account embarrass you now.
How many accounts do the unintelligent need to make a point ?
I only have one account....You are a strange lil birdy!


Well-Known Member
All ISIS may be Muslim...

But NOT ALL Muslim are ISIS.

Ya feel me?
But Islam as a whole follows many of the same principles that ISIS Islam, ISIS or not women are still dogs..they still believe in giving offending parts the steal you lose a butt fuck your lose a..well you get the idea. Sharia Law is nothing you want to fuck with..I know for a fact they carry out punishment like this in's just hidden..mostly against the female of their population..killing them for wanting to be Americanized in America.

They should stay in their countries where it's acceptable if they wish to continue their barbaric traditions.

Sharia law is not is a byproduct therefore is not to be protected under right to freely practice religion.


Well-Known Member
I would love too, but I don't think I could do it without using some inappropriate language, and I've already been warned about that, so I guess your gna get off easy today foggy...
in other words, you don't have shit.

stupid sock puppet.
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