Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Remember I was the one that said I left over the cover up and other things then you said you "condemned" me about that, and all other Carholics that weren't happy with the abuse cover up? Yeah everyone does except you.

I didn't know Rubio was the Pope also, and spoke for all Catholics. You seem to have a really bad understanding of how the Church works.
Oh, you're Catholic!
Well of course....Now it all makes sense!


Well-Known Member
I know enough about Catholics to know I don't want to be one. Don't worry about being ex-communicated, if Rubio becomes president, I'm sure he will reinstate you with the congregation, as one of the sheeple.
This is hilarious. You could've looked up excommunication (it's one word btw) to know how to use it. Lol. Nah I stopped identifying as a Catholic a long time ago. Lol how dumb.


Well-Known Member
a campaign based on winning all the time and calling everyone losers will break down quickly now.

Second place by a few % points aint too bad for a non politician.

Let`s see, you been doing what you accuse the campaign of doing and you are still here. Can we expect you to break down quickly ?? I`d like to read all about it. Iowa picks potato`s and NH picks Presidents.

"Hillary`s way out in front with no hope for anyone to catch her". 50% and she claims victory inside the margin of error.
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