Where did you go to school, it's LEADLed not lead
That was a joke.. He must have gone to a school with a sense of humor?
Leads pretty heavy.. Can plants even suck that up? Would they? Any botanist laying around?
It's uptaken at the same rate as other heavy metals , like iron, zinc, mg, etc..... read the article I linked maybe you can learn something.Lead is not very soluble into plants....even then it would need to discovered if it is chelated/broken down/ passed thru the organism whole, to see if it comes out in smokable form...
Lead dust accumulation on foliage is extremely toxic. Whether that is an issue here, [could be with evapotranspiration....
Lastly, another thing seldom talked about is lead background especially in Flint....lead theoretically accumulates around highways and the closer to downtowns of major urban areas than farther out....and how long was GM open? and now it is a problem? Flint didn't just get fucked yesterday.......
It's uptaken at the same rate as other heavy metals , like iron, zinc, mg, etc..... read the article I linked maybe you can learn something.
I don't follow what you are saying... yes GM dumped tons and tons of chemicals and toxic crap into flint's water supply I don't think anyone was arguing they didn't...think we were talking about if weed plants can uptake lead from their water supply which they can.Please.....what is the background levels from GM then, didn't anybody think of that?
I don't follow what you are saying... yes GM dumped tons and tons of chemicals and toxic crap into flint's water supply I don't think anyone was arguing they didn't...think we were talking about if weed plants can uptake lead from their water supply which they can.
I don't think you can really measure those rates, different plants feed at different rates and eat different levels of nutrients which include uptake levels of heavy metals.Please quote the line at what rates and in what materials, because I missed that in the article....It's funny because that same line for verbatim is in the old graduate Soil Studies book I am reading, but then it ELABORATES further, unlike your article![]()
I don't follow what you are saying... yes GM dumped tons and tons of chemicals and toxic crap into flint's water supply I don't think anyone was arguing they didn't...think we were talking about if weed plants can uptake lead from their water supply which they can.
I don't think you can really measure those rates, different plants feed at different rates and eat different levels of nutrients which include uptake levels of heavy metals.
Read the article I posted.....and again, what happens AFTER uptake, if you read my Fucking post, is it chelated, broken down into another compound, or passed thru as pure Lead?
Lead literally can make you retarded.Then your entire argument is broken if uptake cant be measured.........
Read the article I posted.....
it says this
2.2. Lead (Pb)
Lead (Pb), with atomic number 82, atomic weight 207.19, and a specific gravity of 11.34, is a bluish or silvery-grey metal with a melting point of 327.5°C and a boiling point at atmospheric pressure of 1740°C. It has four naturally occurring isotopes with atomic weights 208, 206, 207 and 204 (in decreasing order of abundance). Despite the fact that lead has four electrons on its valence shell, its typical oxidation state is +2 rather than +4, since only two of the four electrons ionize easily. Apart from nitrate, chlorate, and chloride, most of the inorganic salts of lead2+ have poor solubility in water [19]. Lead (Pb) exists in many forms in the natural sources throughout the world and is now one of the most widely and evenly distributed trace metals. Soil and plants can be contaminated by lead from car exhaust, dust, and gases from various industrial sources.
Pb2+ was found to be acute toxic to human beings when present in high amounts. Since Pb2+ is not biodegradable, once soil has become contaminated, it remains a long-term source of Pb2+ exposure. Metal pollution has a harmful effect on biological systems and does not undergo biodegradation [7].
Soil can be contaminated with Pb from several other sources such as industrial sites, from leaded fuels, old lead plumbing pipes, or even old orchard sites in production where lead arsenate is used. Lead accumulates in the upper 8 inches of the soil and is highly immobile. Contamination is long-term. Without remedial action, high soil lead levels will never return to normal [20].
In the environment, lead is known to be toxic to plants, animals, and microorganisms. Effects are generally limited to especially contaminated areas [21]. Pb contamination in the environment exists as an insoluble form, and the toxic metals pose serious human health problem, namely, brain damage and retardation [5].
Lead literally can make you retarded.
You must be smoking lead I detect brain damage.which again says nothing...other than its bad! .....dUH