Donald Trump

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The funniest thing is that the President is suppose to represent our country abroad. So, him having a high approval rating outside the U.S. means he's doing a good job.
Great! Since the majority of Americans disapprove of Obama, maybe when he leaves offive, Obama can challenge Castro as the dictator of communist Cuba, since 80% of Cubans love him so much...


Well-Known Member
Every time I see a black person endorsing a right wing candidate I feel like I can almost hear the endorsed party in the backround saying "See? Some of my best friends are Blacks!"
I'm sorta right wing. I support Ben Carson. Do you feel you can almost hear the endorsed party in the background saying "See? Some of my best friends are plush toys!"[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Obamacare did not receive a single Republican vote. Yet you have the foolishness to blame the Republicans? You are either a fool or a liar.
So you're saying the Repubs had no hand in the bill that resulted? All those alterations made to the original, simple idea of single-payer UHC were completely on the hands of the Dems and that it had nothing to do with trying to appeal to Repubs?
:lol: The idea of the individual mandate originated with the red-team! Had Mr. Mormon gotten his golden-gonch in the president's seat, he would've supported it without question. I'm not denying their opposition, just their attempt to avoid culpability in the matter.
But it is politics...dirt and hypocrisy abounds in that world. To which, I will concede the Dems are about as hypocritical as the Repubs without argument. Ultimately, the real villains are the insurance Co's, just like in Bulworth, flexing their lobby muscle on reps.
In another year or so, assuming PRUMT! or Col Sanders gets in, it won't matter. I'm not sure about Cubio or Crudz, though. I suspect they are straight-up shills (like "the cackling cunt").
Actually...I know Crudz is a douchebag. He's proved that several times over the past few weeks. It's Cubio that has me wondering now.
That guy is giving me dark-horse vibes...


Well-Known Member
So you're saying the Repubs had no hand in the bill that resulted? All those alterations made to the original, simple idea of single-payer UHC were completely on the hands of the Dems and that it had nothing to do with trying to appeal to Repubs?
:lol: The idea of the individual mandate originated with the red-team! Had Mr. Mormon gotten his golden-gonch in the president's seat, he would've supported it without question. I'm not denying their opposition, just their attempt to avoid culpability in the matter.
But it is politics...dirt and hypocrisy abounds in that world. To which, I will concede the Dems are about as hypocritical as the Repubs without argument. Ultimately, the real villains are the insurance Co's, just like in Bulworth, flexing their lobby muscle on reps.
In another year or so, assuming PRUMT! or Col Sanders gets in, it won't matter. I'm not sure about Cubio or Crudz, though. I suspect they are straight-up shills (like "the cackling cunt").
Actually...I know Crudz is a douchebag. He's proved that several times over the past few weeks. It's Cubio that has me wondering now.
That guy is giving me dark-horse vibes...
Uh....yeah. Not a single "Repub" voted for it. This simple fact seems beyond your comprehension. How are those opposed to a bill somehow culpable for the bill's passage?


Well-Known Member
Uh....yeah. Not a single "Repub" voted for it. This simple fact seems beyond your comprehension. How are those opposed to a bill somehow culpable for the bill's passage?
If you arent aware of the impact rebs had on the final draft you shouldnt be belittling others comprehension of the fact I would say if you want others to take your opinion seriously in general its best to speak to them respectfully....if you dont want them to get your point of view why bother telling them anything at all? If there is nothing to be gained from the interaction...why have it?

Not trying to call you out, but you've used intellect belittling comments a few times now in response...and in this case its not hard to get the point heckler is making. If its unclear maybe ask him to break down his point so you can better rebuttle then bang contingent on a point running parallel to his own.


Well-Known Member
If you arent aware of the impact rebs had on the final draft you shouldnt be belittling others comprehension of the fact I would say if you want others to take your opinion seriously in general its best to speak to them respectfully....if you dont want them to get your point of view why bother telling them anything at all? If there is nothing to be gained from the interaction...why have it?

Not trying to call you out, but you've used intellect belittling comments a few times now in response...and in this case its not hard to get the point heckler is making. If its unclear maybe ask him to break down his point so you can better rebuttle then bang contingent on a point running parallel to his own.
your mistake is taking him as a serious debater or one who is aware of the issues. The only thing Red is good at is starting fires.


Well-Known Member
your mistake is taking him as a serious debater or one who is aware of the issues. The only thing Red is good at is starting fires.
I try to treat others as I would like to be.....ya never know. Maybe it will make sense....or maybe some folk have no other outlet in RL.......either way not something I need to worry about if im following my own advice


Well-Known Member
If you arent aware of the impact rebs had on the final draft you shouldnt be belittling others comprehension of the fact I would say if you want others to take your opinion seriously in general its best to speak to them respectfully....if you dont want them to get your point of view why bother telling them anything at all? If there is nothing to be gained from the interaction...why have it?

Not trying to call you out, but you've used intellect belittling comments a few times now in response...and in this case its not hard to get the point heckler is making. If its unclear maybe ask him to break down his point so you can better rebuttle then bang contingent on a point running parallel to his own.
Wait, aren't you the same guy that talked shit about my IQ the other day w out any prior provocation from me??
And now you're judging this guy & preaching to him?
I cant imagine having 160 IQ and still needing pubic validation for be that smart and still that emotionally immature sounds.....taxing.

My condolences
Yea! I thought that was you!!
What a hypocrite....


Well-Known Member
Wait, aren't you the same guy that talked shit about my IQ the other day w out any prior provocation from me??
And now you're judging this guy & preaching to him?

Yea! I thought that was you!!
What a hypocrite....
Not really. I stated my opinion about something YOU posted.....and i did so pretty politely.

Now if in response to some point you were trying to make I unsolicitedly said you were a "retard" or "too stupid for words" then that would be a valid argument.

For the record I personally still dont believe your iq is 160...and I think anyone WITH a 160 iq still needing validation for such would need to be emotionally stunted to do so.

So technically I wasnt even calling you emotionally stunted.:rolleyes:

But honestly...its not like im scolding folks for cussing here. Im just saying if your going to get into it at least be more interested in the conversation and hopefully getting something from it....other then simply being here to flame people....unless thats actually why a person is here....i guess
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Well-Known Member
If you arent aware of the impact rebs had on the final draft you shouldnt be belittling others comprehension of the fact I would say if you want others to take your opinion seriously in general its best to speak to them respectfully....if you dont want them to get your point of view why bother telling them anything at all? If there is nothing to be gained from the interaction...why have it?

Not trying to call you out, but you've used intellect belittling comments a few times now in response...and in this case its not hard to get the point heckler is making. If its unclear maybe ask him to break down his point so you can better rebuttle then bang contingent on a point running parallel to his own.
When someone tries to obfuscate by claiming "if you don't support my extremist plans, then you are responsible for any slightly less extremist and obviously deceptive plans", it is they who are being disrespectful, deceitful, even hostile. Get off your high horse. Your "holier-than-thou" attitude is fooling no one.


Well-Known Member
The Republican debate tonight will have more viewers than the Fox News debate, because Donald Trump will be there. People want to hear from the man with a plan


Well-Known Member
When someone tries to obfuscate by claiming "if you don't support my extremist plans, then you are responsible for any slightly less extremist and obviously deceptive plans", it is they who are being disrespectful, deceitful, even hostile. Get off your high horse. Your "holier-than-thou" attitude is fooling no one.
Haha...sounds like your mad bro. not looking for others approval...just trying to be generally friendly. Sorry if that notion is irreconcilable for you when it comes to my opinion on showboating or unnecessary flaming.

To me being polite doesn't mean biting your tongue so much as just being able to articulate a point to someone without feeling the need to attack that individual dirctly as opposed to their argument if the vain attempt were somehow adding weight to ones own argument. It does not.

For example...I did not come into this thread with the notion that all Trump supporters are f****** idiots. Im here cause Im curious as to folks point of view on the subject ...and while I don't expect it, it would certainly be nice for folks to give me the same benefit of the doubt.

Also i dont think the need to be polite is universal....not-gop and I have gotten into it before and I was certainly not polite then. Granted my problem with him was that I felt he had no point to make in the first place and was simply regurgitating headlines and then using fallacious circular arguments to present his opinion as if it were fact to back them up. Now keep in mind that's just MY opinion...(I'm not calling you out Not-Gop...just illustrating my own foibles on this subject for the record....none of us are perfect, me included)....and while this doesn't technically go against my own advice as there was no point to try to understand in the first place (again IMO and kind of a shit argument for me to try and make given tthe subjective nature of ones own P.O.V.) im not going to pretend I was being polite and friendly about it.

P.S. I was genuinely interested in your and hecklers conversation red, I simply didn't want it to flameout as I wanted to hear more. Sorry if I came off rude, it wasn't my intention.
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Well-Known Member
The whole point is to watch and find out. I think it's on ABC News.
(Sigh)....Personally I like to know what someone's about BEFORE I support them. Hell...I usually prefer they have some experience on top of a plan to verify they aren't full of shit.

Granted, which politician (or major CEO) isn't, right?
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