Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

But that's different, right? That's the hair straitener stuff... this is pressing hash? I don't fucking know.... I just like smoking flowers.

And I hate looking around... so many different stories and dick wagging. 'Oh, you do yours with 190 degrees.... what a joke... everyone knows 180 is the shit' I'd rather poke my eyes out and smoke my un pressed hash. lol

So i guess you ain't spain bound anytime soon then bud? Shame about the bad news.
Its the same process. Can be done with flowers and hash alike. Not at the moment on the Spain trip, but things are working behind the scenes so still shouldnt be too far off
But that's different, right? That's the hair straitener stuff... this is pressing hash? I don't fucking know.... I just like smoking flowers.

And I hate looking around... so many different stories and dick wagging. 'Oh, you do yours with 190 degrees.... what a joke... everyone knows 180 is the shit' I'd rather poke my eyes out and smoke my un pressed hash. lol

So i guess you ain't spain bound anytime soon then bud? Shame about the bad news.
Once you have got your dry hash from the bags. I ususally chop it as finely as I can, then let it sit to dry. I find by leaving it in a lump you get damp bits inside even after many days (doesn't dry the same as flowers as not as pourous). Then pour the hash crumbles into a plastic bag (the thicker the better). Then turn your iron on and set to the lowest setting. I put a dish towel over the plastic bag and then just ironed it and applied a bit of pressure. Start with a corner, lift the towel and see how it goes. Then continue.....Some hash requires more heat and more pressing, and various combinations of each.
Good luck.
I like to just run my bags once or twice then let it dry a couple of days after squishing the moisture out, then i just work itn my hands. I have to say dry ice i think is the better option but the kief always seems to come out a lot greener than I'd like
If it's to gooey (also with bottle method) then I just pop it in the freezer. Soon gets solid again and easy to pry away from the plastic without loosing anything.
Does freezing change the flavor?
I froze some buds once and the taste seemed all buy gone afterwards
Not in my experience bassman. But that is with dried and pressed hash. I have put hash in the freezer before and it wasn't completely dry and that made it stink bad when I brought it back out and it was back at room temperature. So I personally avoid putting anything not totally dry in the freezer. Fridge is a different matter as the rh is very low in most fridges.
Not in my experience bassman. But that is with dried and pressed hash. I have put hash in the freezer before and it wasn't completely dry and that made it stink bad when I brought it back out and it was back at room temperature. So I personally avoid putting anything not totally dry in the freezer. Fridge is a different matter as the rh is very low in most fridges.
As its still wet, that water absorbs freezer smells. If dry there is no water to absorb...
Not in my experience bassman. But that is with dried and pressed hash. I have put hash in the freezer before and it wasn't completely dry and that made it stink bad when I brought it back out and it was back at room temperature. So I personally avoid putting anything not totally dry in the freezer. Fridge is a different matter as the rh is very low in most fridges.
I was thinking the trichomes froze and broke off the buds. Already being dry or in hash form makes sense. The bud I froze wasnt completely dry.