

Well-Known Member
Most non-muslims have the wrong idea about muslims.. I dont have much to say and i cant argue with anyone. But islam is a religion which makes a person understand why he should be a better person and respect everyone around them and treat people the way he wants to be treated.. Perhaps some muslims give the wrong idea of islam by their behaviour..
But dont judge a religion by a minority of people who dont care about ruining the reputation of their religion..
If only weed was legal, there wont be this much hate in the world, everyone would be happy, everyone would want peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Radical Islam and the media give Islam a bad name. Islam has a rich and important history. However most people that look for answers outside of the box (and I mean quiet literally outside of the television) would know this.


Well-Known Member
well the bad people in the middle east represent islamic faith so for the people who knew soldiers who were murdered by these people they well be mad at islamics jus cuz thats the group that killed there loved one jus like if a blood or crip killed your friend you would hate bloods and crips am i right??


Well-Known Member
Who are you to judge who the "bad people" are and how do you know what faith they represent?

I'm not being an ass, I'm serious.


Well-Known Member
bad people shoot at american soldiers who try to help them and there country bad people teach thier kids to hate and kill americans bad people kill mothers fathers sons daughters wifes husbans bothers and sisters for no reason i wouldnt consider them good people would you??? have you herd of 9/11???? those are bad people and thats how i kno!


Well-Known Member
Okay so if foreign soldiers invaded your neighborhood (Russians for example) after they bombed the shit out of your city's/nation's entire infrastructure. Those bombs probably killed your friends and family members.

Are you telling me you wouldn't fight the occupation? And get revenge for those that killed your people?

Well my friend I gotta say you are no patriot. You're just a coward.


Well-Known Member
im a coward your a fucking idiot dude 9/11 they started it all and were helping them not killing them were killing terrorist before they kill us not innocent children or women or men unless they try to kill first get it through your fuckin head and if my country started a war and the country we started with came here to help why would i fight them??? im a patriot your prollly a piece of trash


Well-Known Member
Let me fix it, even though you only say that becouse you have no argument left. So just stop and admit your wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'm not wrong. All you have to do is google the civilian casualties of the Iraq war and you will see that they outweigh number of American soldiers killed.

So how suppose all of those people got killed? They were alive before we invaded.

And I said that I had trouble reading run-on sentences because your entire post was one garbled incoherent thought. There was nothing to argue.


Well-Known Member
And li0n the muslim people i know are very nice and lovely people. There are crazy ass people in all religions even atheists. Crazy shits everywhere! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Insurgent attacks that would not have ever happened if the country had not be destabilized. But I know what you are saying. Regardless of how the civilians are killed the fact remains that they were innocent. The families of those killed have every right to be angry. It doesn't make sense to me that the United States has a right to invade a sovoreign nation with no real reason and no evidence.

But when the people fight back they are insurgents. I'm just saying. It shouldn't be so hard for Americans to at least try to imagine what it would be like to put on an Iraqi's shoes and walk around for a little while.


Well-Known Member
My main beef with Islam is that they make the subjection of women into a spiritual thing, when it is clearly a cultural attitude that fits in with that part of the world. Not to mention that Sha'ria law is not compatible with our modern understanding of liberty and justice.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
im a coward your a fucking idiot dude 9/11 they started it all and were helping them not killing them were killing terrorist before they kill us not innocent children or women or men unless they try to kill first get it through your fuckin head and if my country started a war and the country we started with came here to help why would i fight them??? im a patriot your prollly a piece of trash
Thats the hole problem! Iraqis didn't cause 9-11! That was some bullshit George W dreamed up so he could finnish what his dady didn't in the first gulf war!
In reality we went into Iraq for no good reason other than thy where conveint targets for Bush to point a finger at!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
i dotn like bush either and i also agree that our soldiers shouldnt be there.But peopel like bob harvey shoul support our army as long as there in the middle east.Instead he hates on them and says there wrong for defending there life .harvey you can read that perfectly without any periods so stfu.


Well-Known Member
But peopel like bob harvey shoul support our army as long as there in the middle east.Instead he hates on them and says there wrong for defending there life .harvey you can read that perfectly without any periods so stfu.
Where is the freedom in that? Tell me Hitler, what else should I do?!

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Just remember Islam is not just an Arab faith.

I have a book called "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris that deals with the issues of the three major western belief systems.(Judaism, Islam, Christianity), which are all the same when you look at them objectively. They all lack rational thinking. But it mainly focuses on how the muslim world is inaccurately portrayed in the age of terror.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
So should I support the actions of the military at abu ghraib as well?
I would say yes bob. They where only doing what the CIA handlers where telling them to do. You have to take into acount they are mostly very young and under extreme pressure from above (CIA) and below ( there freinds, brothers,sisters) getting killed by terrorests that maybe they could help stop with info they could get from the prisoners!
There are no clear cut right and wrong things in war, just a lot of gray areas.
Pluss there are good and bad muslems and good and bad christians ( pedofile preists) It will take the good people of both sides to to stop the extremists on both sides to continue the irational hate that is killing so many people on both sides!

:peace:peace man:peace: